Hey new friend! It’s so wonderful you came by to read about me and this blog. It’s my turn here to share, but feel free to reach out and tell me about YOU, too. You can comment below, email me (Chris@TheMomCafe.com), or use any of my social media outlets to connect with me.
I am a 55-year-old mother to one teen boy and one twenty-year-old girl. Before getting married and having kids, I worked as a music therapist for several years in Chicago’s inpatient psychiatric hospitals. Later in my career, I worked as a creative arts program manager on a campus of residential group homes, designing and implementing therapeutic creative arts and recreation activities. During these years, I grew to understand the pain and suffering of many people. It was incredibly fulfilling to be a part of their healing journey.
Then I moved to Columbus, Ohio, to live near my sister and her family. I started my own business teaching music in various private schools and homeschool co-ops, meeting wonderful children and parents! Several years later, I stopped teaching due to the ever-growing need to focus on caring for my children. The burden of their medical ailments was consuming, and I felt compelled to give my full attention to them. They have since grown into healthy big kids, and I thank God every single day for this blessing!
I spend my days still parenting my big kids, spending time with friends, and caring for my aging mom. I also enjoy leading my weekly Women’s Ministry and Youth Group Ministry out of my home. I pray God can use me in these areas to guide others through grace and growth. I have a passion for helping people find gratitude and gifts in their every day. I want to inspire true faith and belief in God’s love for us all.
I am blessed to have this platform to reach countless women and connect with many beautiful hearts while developing deep and lasting bonds. The written word is a powerful thing.
How did I start this blog? I have always had a love for writing. I’ve written in journals all my life and started writing songs when I was a teenager too. I decided to venture into a new direction with my words, as my husband encouraged me to start this blog. I always hope to inform or inspire anyone who reads my work. Although I haven’t been active on this blog for several years, I have had the pleasure and privilege of publishing my work on several sites. If you are interested in my online contributions apart from this blog, please check out my listings here. In addition to my ongoing freelance work, I am immensely blessed to be the current editor at Moms of Tweens and Teens.
My words have also been published in some wonderful paperback anthologies, along with other talented writers. And my greatest joy has been publishing my own books:
I have sent countless copies to women worldwide, and many have reached out to me to share their stories and thank me for my words. If you or someone you know is suffering from an illness, injury, or recovering from surgery, I believe my book is a valuable resource. You can find my book on Amazon HERE.
My second book, “Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World.” is also on Amazon, and you can check it out HERE.
This has been a true labor of love and faith as I see the growing need for our Christian teens to have a resource that helps them understand their Christian principles and learn how to apply them to their choices in the digital world. It is my hope and prayer that Christian ministries and schools can use this much-needed resource for the kids they serve.
If you’d like to read more of my work on additional online and book publications, you can go HERE.
I would love to connect with YOU!
You can email me at Chris@themomcafe.com or connect with me on the following social media platforms:
It’s so lovely to meet you!!
I’ve adopted your website for quite a lengthy time and truly can inform that your subject material content typically show to become of a substantial value and top quality for readers.
Thank you!
I am hungry to read more…to laugh, to see those funny images…keep the sunshine flowing. What else do you have to do? LOL Love you 🙂
OH how sweet and inspiring!!! Love you too!!! (And miss you!)
Gettin on it SOOOOOON! I miss writing! Been crazy crazy busy, and sick! Ugh….
Just stumbled upon your site searching for a recipe(of all things). Love it, your style so I will be following you! Thanks for sharing the real stuff of life!
Mom of 4,
Oh how fantastic!! Mom of FOUR!! Maybe you can be a guest blogger and share some of your “mom-wisdom” with us all!! Thanks so much for your comment…so glad you will be following me! 🙂
Love it
Good. Because you married it! Hee hee….
I made it!!!!!
Well look at you!!! 😉
Nice to be here,
I am here via Michell
i read your post there
and back here to read
more. Hey, How to follow?
i added my id for intimation
Would like to be back to read more
Have a wonderful time ahead
Keep inform
Best Regards
Thank you for coming back to read more, Philip!! I am so very glad to have you and looking forward to your company here at my site. I hope you saw the email subscription sidebar, if you still have trouble I can always sign you up! All I need is your email address. So glad you will be joining me. 🙂
Great about me! 🙂 You do shine your light!
Oh you are so kind Adrienne! Thanks so much for that encouragement and for reading my “about me”!!! 🙂
Hi! I’m visiting via Faith Blogger Network on fb. I am a mom of 5 kids, 2 biological and 3 adopted. One of our adopted daughters went to a residential treatment facility for sexually abused kids so I know the importance of helping others. I commend you on your profession, both previously and now with your family. Ours has been both a joyous and heartbreaking story. I hope you’ll visiting Marty’s Musings and we have a chance to connect.
Oh I am just so glad you shared your story and I can only imagine all you have been through in your journey with those precious children. I will most definitely love to connect and learn more about your experience and your faith! Surely, this will be a blessing to get to know each other Marty!
Hi Chris – I nominated you for a Liebster Award. 😉 You probably have way more followers than this little award requires but I thought you deserved it anyway. http://wp.me/p1qcrl-1yK
AW!!!!! I am SO HONORED!!!! I probably have a lot less than you think and certainly my numbers will probably fit the bill for this award if I remember correctly… I have seen it around! Thank you SO MUCH Stephanie!! What do I do now? (Not a clue)
You’re welcome 🙂 You don’t have to do anything. Just know that you are appreciated. Or you could pass it on. Check out my post for the image if you would like to spread the love.
Found my way here through a blog party of all things! I really love this ‘about me’ and congratulations on your book! Following you, now! Hope you’ll stop by my page, too, when you get a chance! http://www.parentwin.com/2013/04/ultimate-blog-party-2013.html
Thank you SO much for stopping by!! I will surely come visit you. I kinda messed up on the linky party- didn’t follow the rules, and was honestly too lazy to change it. LOL
nice to meet you! thanks for stopping by earlier. then i saw your comment over at ateachable mom and thought, it’s meant to be! i need to visit! 🙂
It IS meant to be!!! I’ve seen you “around”‘ so much…and love your blog!!! SO glad you stopped by!!! 🙂
I’m late! I’m late! I’m stopping by from the UBP13. I hope you stop by our party for a slice of warm banana bread and cold milk.
You live near my grandparents! They live up in Galena and are often in Westerville.
WOW Cassi!!! Such a small world! I probably drive right by them… 🙂
Hey! I’ve never seen a subscription page with everybody gabbing about subscribing! Fun! So happy to be here.
AW!! COLLEEN! I am SO happy you ARE here!!! Thank you, my new friend!! Can’t wait to get to know each other better! SO grateful you came by… 🙂
Wow Christine!! You’re such a compassionate soul. Your work must have been challenging but so rewarding. Glad I found you:)
Those years were incredibly amazing, fulfilling and rewarding to say the least. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I grew so much as a therapist, a manager, and a woman with a heart for people. XOXO
I love that you came and read more about me, Manal! SO honored you took the time to do that!!!
I stumbled on your site, looking to research f2f ankle,heel, torn ligaments and chipped fibula. All from falling off a step ladder changing a light bulb. I have gotten your book on my kindle. You have hit the nail right on the head. This occurred 9/13/21, I had surgery, splint, just had the 2nd cast off now in a full leg boot. No weight bearing for maybe another 3 to 6 weeks.
Surgeon said it could be 6months to 2 yrs for full recovery and then I still might not be able to walk right, my foot might be slightly swollen permanently. He said I’ll have arthritis and it probably will always hurt to walk. But I’m ok with all of that at this point. I know this may seem weird, but I don’t want to go back to work. Not sure I will be able to anyway. 12hr shifts being on your feet, at this point doesn’t seem practicle. But God has a plan. HE knew how stressed I was at work and He gave me a way out, which I’m grateful for, for however long it can be.
Oh my goodness, Sharon, that sounds like such a painful injury and agonizing recovery! I’m so sorry this happened, and yet, I’m grateful that in the end, this will actually give you relief and release from a stressful job. I love how God cares for us in the most unexpected ways! I’m so glad you found my blog and got my book! I’m honored to hear they helped encourage you and I’m so thankful you took the time to contact me. I’ll be praying for your healing and for God’s plan to prevail.