Each stage of our motherhood takes on new meaning and new purpose. Some seasons become more sacrificial than others, depending on the needs of our children. I had a long season of constant sacrifice, due to my children’s medical issues. Those years stripped away my purpose and yet…gave me a new calling: To minister to my kids. To care for them and find the strength within me to do just that. Come read my MOMtor post over at Mothering From Scratch. I would love you to share what you have sacrificed on your motherhood path.
Good Morning my friend! Headed over there now!
Good morning sweet friend!! Thanks so much for your support!! 🙂 Bless you…
Enjoyed. Thanks. Stopping by from SITS. Have a blessed day!
Thanks for stopping by Vicki! So grateful. 🙂
Girl, we are just so on the same page this morning. Seriously, would you just move to Boston already so we could have weekly morning get-togethers?!
HA! ON MY WAY NOW!!!!! (Oh wouldn’t that be sooooo nice??!!) Would absolutely love that. 🙂
Oh, man. Are you going to make me shed a tear again? Heading on over.
HA! You’re so cute Jennifer!! I love that you think I am going to make you cry!! Well, in a good way right? 😉
My friend you just simply amaze me! The ability to be the loving, devoted, Christian woman you are today is a true testament to the strength of your faith. Love you and love your post (as always!)
Oh Marcia… you have blessed me in more ways than you know by those words. I needed that today my dear friend. You know I did!!
Yes! It is all about the sacrifices we make for those kids…can’t wait to read this, Chris.
Oh yes it is Meredith!! You especially are in “it” with your kiddos and their ages… oh how I remember. By now you have read what my years were about. Sacrificial season for SURE. So grateful you stopped by!! 🙂
And I would do it all over again (in my dreams)
Aw!! Wait. In your dreams???? Is there a hint of sarcasm or is it reflecting the dream of yester-year all over again…?
Going over to check out the post! Thanks for stopping by my blog, returning the favor 🙂
AW! So kind of you to stop by! Hope you enjoy the post!! 🙂