It’s HERE! My book for women recovering from injury, surgery, or illness. And I couldn’t have done it without the support and assistance of my beloved friend, editor, and publisher- Bonnie Lyn Smith at Ground Truth Press. My beautiful cover design was created by Michelle Fairbanks at Fresh Design.
“Help and Hope While You’re Healing: A woman’s guide toward wellness while recovering from injury, surgery or illness.” (Click HERE to purchase the book!)
I have a strong passion for helping people, and I learned early in my writing career, that I wanted to use my words to encourage and inspire others in a very personal way. This has always been my mission and what I believe to be my purpose both in my writing and in my daily life, and I couldn’t think of a more meaningful and fulfilling pursuit.
Over the past six years, I have written countless articles with that focus, and although each and every piece was inspired by this belief, I slowly discovered a great need for helping women who have experienced an injury, surgery, or illness in their lives. I know all too well, the process of healing and recovering from any painful limitation can be incredibly difficult. What I learned through readers of my blog and researching books on this topic, is that there are very few resources out there that offer the help and encouragement I know these women desperately need.
I spent the past few years wondering if there was a purposeful writing pursuit I could explore, and through lots of prayer and pondering- God began revealing to me what I can do with all the experience I have and all the compassion I feel for others. After battling through a combined total of 9 surgeries in the last decade and my continued struggles with chronic illness, I consider myself fairly qualified to speak to the issues that arise from such circumstances and with my passion to walk alongside people as they navigate adversity in their lives, this seemed to me to be the perfect combination of criteria for a book.
I reflect on the past two years, mulling this over and over in my head and scratching at the surface and then diving in with ideas about how I can best serve the women who would be reading it- I kept my perspective on what I would want to read, when I was in that place. This book was solely written for those wounded warriors who face a undeniably challenging season of recovery and healing-
And I truly want to offer them the help and hope they deserve.
This guide is NOT a literary masterpiece. It is quite the contrary, for I know how difficult it can be to focus when you are are suffering. It is a simple, yet intimate book that will speak personally to the reader and lead them through the common tests and trials I believe every woman faces when being down for the count. It includes the following topics:
*Identifying specific plans and preparations for the areas of responsibility that need to be addressed while in recovery.
*How to manage the grueling and often relentless pain
*The significance of reaching out for help and how to do it
*Discovering your passion and purpose during this season of stillness
*Honoring your unique healing process
*Keeping a healthy perspective in this stuck place
*How to cope with limitations and embrace your gifts
*The importance of prayer and spirituality in providing peace and restoration
*Discovering and embracing the hope for healing and a life anew
I truly believe that “Help and Hope While You’re Healing” can offer the help and hope it claims to those women who need an encouraging friend to walk alongside them while they’re down.
And it gives me great joy to think of this book as being the perfect gift to buy for a friend or loved one who must face a season of recovery and healing.
Every single woman will experience an injury, a surgery, or an illness-and perhaps all three at some point in their lives!
I’m honored to think I can walk alongside them all, with the wisdom and encouragement I can offer in my book.
Can I humbly suggest you buy this book for someone you know going through a similar plight right now?
May I persuade you to buy the book to have in your possession for when the need arises?
If anything, share the book any way you can-
So the women out there who need it, can discover the help and hope they deserve to have.
If you would be interested in joining my promotional campaign, please share my book on any and all social media outlets!
If you would like to support my book through a review on Amazon, I would be so grateful! If you can post a recommendation on your site, that would be WONDERFUL!
If you know of any hospitals, surgery facilities, or doctor’s offices that would benefit from offering this book to their patients, please leave a comment or contact me at
With all my heart, it is my mission through this book, to offer help and hope while you’re healing.
I pray it gets in the hands of the many women who need just that.
It is available on Amazon in paperback right now. Ebook coming soon!
Christine!!! Congratulations friend! It is a stunning read. Thank you for the opportunity to preview it and learn more about your story. Just ordered a copy as well, because I want to hold it in my hands and no doubt will be ordering additional copies for family and friends down the road. I have to tell you, that poignant, but HILARIOUS scene you describe with your boobs on the tray sent me into hysterics! Oh my gosh, on behalf of women everywhere, thank you for that gem of humanity. But seriously, your perspective on surrendering yourself to the healing process and ideas for adjusting your lens in the midst are going to be a gift to every single reader.
JULIE!!! You have me in TEARS with your precious feedback about the book and as always, your beautiful encouragement. <3 Can you BELIEVE I did that? Yeah, my friends and I still LOL about that one. Classic Chrissy. 😀 Oy. I am so human it IS hilarious. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for ALL your support. I'm just so incredibly grateful for you, dear friend.
Congratulations Christine! I’ve shared it out among my social media accounts. I haven’t checked but hope it is also available on You’re a testimony of how God can take our struggles, pains and trials, and turn them to do good in our world!
Thank you SO much for all your support and your beautiful friendship. I’m so grateful! I pray it reaches the many women who need a book like this! <3
I can’t wait to read it! Congratulations!
Thank you SO MUCH Jennie! E-book coming SOON! 🙂
HUGE MEGA BIG ‘well done you’ for this, Kitty. You’re amazing <3
Thank you SO MUCH Tigger. I’m so grateful for your love and support!! (I hope you are doing okay! I’ve been thinking about you a ton lately… message soon?)
I am SO SO SO excited for you! And for me because I get to read this treasure, and give it to loved ones and all around love it.
Aw thanks so much T!! I really REALLY hope it gets out there for those that need it most. <3 Thank you SO much for your support. I'm truly grateful.
I’m so very proud of you. This is amazing.
OH friend, your support means the WORLD to me! I’m so very grateful for you! <3
Christine, I am so utterly excited for you for the launch of your book. I think this is a well-needed book, and you are just the person to write it and offer support. You did a wonderful job with the book, offering not just support, but practical advice. I can’t wait to share it!
Thank you so so much for all your support and encouragement, Bev! I am truly grateful for you. <3
I’ll read it, share it Chris. God knew by choosing you that you’ll do something GREAT!
Your experience, love and kindness will benefit many. CONGRATULATIONS!
I am so grateful to have met you on this space. Stay blessed!!
Thank you SO MUCH Marie!! I am SO grateful I have met YOU on this space, my beloved friend. Your support and love and encouragement mean the WORLD to me. <3
Hi Chris! Well, my sister in healing, you did it! I’m so proud of you, and really admire the fact that you could accomplish this task in the midst of moderating the FB group, and keeping up with your busy family.
May God bless many, many people with this book and it’s supportive and encouraging theme. We all need a hand to hold in hard times.
Holding yours would be an honor,
Thank you so so much Ceil! I know you ‘get it’, my friend. I do hope and pray this book helps many who go through such difficult seasons of recovery!
Oh, how I’ve missed coming here to read your posts. It’s been a busy start to the school year.
I am so excited for you! I know this book is going to help so many.
And I miss visiting YOU Christina! It’s been nuts here too. I hope to get over there SOON and say hello! Thank you so so much for all your support, my friend. I’m so very grateful. <3
Congratulations!!! So proud of you — I think you have lived up to your calling on this one.
Aw Leslie, your assurance means the WORLD to me. I really believe God called me to write this… Keep praying He continues to guide me in where to distribute it and with whom! (Thanks, dear friend.)
Congratulations! I am so inspired! I work in the health care industry with some of the most ill people, a book like this will definitely touch those in need!
Thank you so much Beth! I truly believe this book is SO needed for SO many. Would love your prayers for wide distribution! <3
HUGE congratulations. So many, so much. I adore you and am so pleased you wrote this. Getting my Amazon Affiliate hat on and sharing. <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I’m so grateful for all your love and support, Kristi! 🙂
Love, love, love this! Where was this book during my four C-sections?! It would have SAVED ME. I will share it with all my friends and family when they go through times of healing. Just posted a review! Thank you for this labor of love! -xoxo
OH Elizabeth, thank YOU for taking the time to read it and support me and my book! I am SO glad you appreciated it. Please do pass it on with anyone who needs it. 🙂
Christine I’m so proud of you and look forward to focused time to read and share! I absolutely love the cover and know just how much so many need this important resource! Will be teafing and sharing asap!!!!!
Oh friend, I am so grateful for your support! I would LOVE your prayers for distribution of the book. I have submitted it to one particular company I absolutely believe is the route to go. We’ll see if God agrees! LOL 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS! I can’t wait to read it. It’s next on my to-read pile (currently reading So Glad They Told Me). Can’t wait to feature wonderful YOU on my blog!
Thanks SO MUCH my friend! I can’t wait to BE featured on your blog! 🙂
Congratulations on your book.
I pray many women will find help through reading it.
May you be filled with joy as you see others benefit from your experience.
I will be sharing the news of your book on Facebook today.
Thank you so much for your encouragement and support, Lynn! I so very grateful. <3
I’ll read this, and sharing one with my half-sister, who has been suffering from Crohns since she was 9 and just had a major surgery related to it – one she told no one but her co-workers about (not even her mom.) She won’t talk about it, so I’ll have to figure out how to send it with no info….so she doesn’t know its from me, because I’m not supposed to know about it.
She’s probably just the person who needs a book like this.
OH Jenn, I do hope you can get it to her somehow! Maybe ask one of her co-workers to give it to her? I sounds like she could really use the encouragement and help. <3 Thank you so much for your support and for thinking of your sister's needs too.
This is so awesome, my friend! I’m hoping to read this in the next couple of months, Chris. I will definitely post about it and help you shout from the rooftops ;). I know a lot of people try to schedule surgery around the holidays when they will be off. (This was my strategy a couple of times so I’m assuming by how booked my doctor was, others do the same.) I’ll try to correlate with that season. Much love to you. Praying your words will reach all of the eyes that need them.
Oh yes that sounds FANTASTIC Candace! I have scheduled almost ALL of my surgeries in December for that very reason! Thank you so so much for your support, my friend. I’m incredibly grateful for you! <3
Just finished reading this book – Christine you have been through so much it would have been easy to be bitter and mad at God. Instead you retained a sense of humor and the ability to see the big picture. This book will be a blessing to women everywhere. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Ami! What a wonderful surprise to learn you read my book! Oh friend, thank you SO much for your encouraging words and support. <3