Come on over to Mothering From Scratch and visit me there as I share a post about Advent and Motherhood. And may this Season be a blessing to you and your family…
Grrr…To Gratitude
27 hours. That’s how long my daughter had been whining and moaning about the incessant tube that was taped around her face and neck and channeled through her nose down into her stomach. Still groggy and cranky from the anesthesia, as it always makes her someone she is not. I don’t like what the drug […]
I Let Go…Of God
I had a night that spiraled into the dark abyss of doubt and anger and anguish and despair. I hate when I go there… It may have been the exhaustion from a season of non-stop giving and doing. Although this spring brought so many wonderful and inspiring activities and moments full of gratitude and blessings…it […]