I am currently in between any and all crises at this very moment in time. It is both valiant and honorable news to share, because it is quite a rare experience for us all. The last crisis we had was in late May, when my stepfather passed away. (Refer to “Goodbye ET”) I have been privileged to have the following months free of major drama:
These were four beautiful months full of peace and sleep and joy. Four amazing months without angst, fear, sleeplessness, tears, stress or major physical pain.
There have been no deaths, no major illness, no hospital jaunts, no injuries, no job loss, no dreaded surgeries, no moving nightmares, no trauma….
Life without a crisis….is truly incredible.
Taking it in…..
Breathing deep….
Drenched in gratitude….
Every day.
Now don’t get me wrong. Life always has things that can wear us down, pull us under, spin our heads, and slap us around a bit, right? It can be exhausting, overwhelming, sad, and down right difficult at times. But that is life for every family!
I’m talking about the stuff that literally turns your world upside down, and it looks like it will remain that way as you hang upside down using every fiber of your being to hold on without falling into the deep bubbling abyss…
So if you’re currently between crises like me, celebrate your joy and gratitude!!!! Bask in the light of the calm! And soak in the peace that abounds you!
And if you are currently gasping for air in a crisis, trying to survive and holding on with every last thread of strength….
I pray for you.
And I believe with all my heart that there will come a time when you can breathe again.
Take it in….
Deep breaths…
You can do this…
It is in you…
Looking back at all the crises I have endured with my children, and with myself, I am struck by my own strength!
How in the world did I survive that?
It’s quite profound really…
We are all made of this relentless strength.
Within each of us, dwells this extraordinary courage.
We all possess deep within our being, an illuminating light.
I have been witness to many tragedies in people’s lives, filled with guttural moans and horrifying loss. There is no escaping painful and sometimes torturing turns in our lives.
Yet…we somehow survive.
Quite miraculously, I might add.
Wow. Thank you so much for your wonderful and inspiring feedback! Means the world to me. Keeps me wanting to write more… Thank you, Thank YOU! Hope you keep reading me!!