It was my son’s 6th birthday the other day, and as most mothers do…I happily trotted down memory lane. First, I visualized the delightful delivery, as posted prior to this entry. Then, I started to think about all the disgusting and glorious challenges of my pregnancy. I searched through some of my letters I wrote to my son, hoping to find the one I was looking for. (I have been writing letters to both of my kids as soon as I knew they were cooking inside of me.)
I found that one letter I remember writing so vividly (funny, can’t remember any others…but I remember this one!). After reading through it, I wondered if my son would ever heed my direction on this subject. In my eighth month of pregnancy (or so, actually I lost track around then…second child syndrome), I decided I needed to educate my fetus about the fulfilling, yet ‘turn your world upside down and shake the hell out of it’ journey of growing a human being within one’s body. I assume at some point in his adult years, he will be married with a pregnant lovely wife (that I hand picked). I visualize him frantically flying through my letters, desperately looking for my expert advice and perfect wisdom on the matter at hand. The urgency will be intense, as his adoring perfect wife will suddenly…out of nowhere… turn into a raging hormonal mess of a woman.
With that said, the letter went something like this:
Dear precious crazy kicking kid,
It is my great desire to share with you all the wisdom of the most miraculous and maddening journey you and your wife will ever endure, experience, and embrace.
Creating a child.
Please read these tips very carefully, and very slowly. Then memorize them. Then stick them in your wallet as a reference when you find yourself in an urgent situation. I may not cover all of the issues that your adoring wife experiences, because every woman is different and has their own battle of the baby to fight. I will, however highlight those issues that I believe are of great significance to your perfect princess….no more.
I will make this clear and to the point, as I am well aware of a man’s mind. Stay with me, dear son. Stay with me.
1. You have lost your wife, and you will never find the woman you married again. Pregnancy changes women. PERIOD. You must find it deep in your heart to accept this and support her. You must also find a way to change with her. Do NOT fight it. She will transform on a daily basis, and within hours or even minutes you will not know the woman you married. These tweaks of marriage are the grooming of a fundamental shift in your wedded bliss. Two very powerful things will control her actions, thoughts and feelings: Her hormonal fluctuations and her desperate need for survival. You will NEVER understand this, so please don’t tell her you understand! Oh don’t you dare.
2. Now that we have established that your wife is no longer who you thought she was… lets look at who she will be. You must be her rock. You must allow the waves of the trauma tide to flow in and out, and hold her through it all.
- She will loose sight of everything that is rational.
- She will need odd food choices and will demand them immediately.
- She will be angry and sad and happy at the same time.
- She will often find herself in a state of future planning terror.
- She will be selfish and believe there is nothing more important than her and her growing baby within.
- She will cry at every Hallmark and Folgers commercial.
- She will get irritated at the smallest things.
- She will hate you and love you and freak out quite often.
- She will put you second to her baby for the rest of your life.
3. I’m sorry to share that her body will be changing as well. Please, please, PLEASE do not acknowledge this unless she does!
- Her oh so tender voluptuous breasts are off limits unless she says so. (May be a good few years, if she nurses)
- Her weight will go up, as you would expect, however the weight will not be just where the baby is. DO NOT acknowledge this! Only compliment her, even if she bites back.
- She will have the following physical issues (but not limited to): Headaches, backaches, breast tenderness, severe nausea, cramping and growing pains, constipation, utter fatigue, leg cramps, skin issues, varicose veins, swelling (anywhere), tender gums, constant hunger, and complete insomnia.
- Hemorrhoids. They will stay with her. Sorry.
4. As the pregnancy continues, she will get worse. I never really experienced that “comfort mid-trimester zone” so don’t count on it. She will need the highest of maintenance through out the entire pregnancy. Please, see to it that she is your priority! You have to step up and be the rational, healthy, stable one. It’s all up to you… during this nine month gestational time period, in no way shape or form are you allowed to complain of anything.
- When he talked me down from my emotional ledge, as I was convinced he was having an affair with a lady at work that can wear heals. He held me while I sobbed.
- When he came home with daisies and donuts.
- When he held my hair while I violently vomited.
- When he stayed up with me all through the night, only to have the pain go away by morning. (Just in time for work)
- When he JUMPED every time I said FOOD
- When he didn’t tell me how horrible “down there” looked, and loved me just the same. (Please see: THINGS I WISH YOUR DAD DID)
- When he exemplified great patience, endurance, and tolerance every step of the way…. when he was there. (Lets face it, you get breaks, she doesn’t. Remember that!)
- Carry the pregnancy.
- Tell me when my shaved bikini line was off. You see, your wife won’t be able to see herself “down there” by her later months. That is when “guesswork happens in the shower”. After I delivered your sister, much to my surprise… I found a forest and a desert all in one spot. (Please see TIMES YOUR DAD SHINED) (I know this is embarrassing to you, for that I am sorry.)
- Worked a job for both of us, because packing 5 grocery bags a day full of food to go to work, was quite laborious. Not to mention, some mornings I couldn’t get off the kitchen floor.
- Held my hair back EVERY time I puked. Not really fair to him, but damn I wanted him to “go there” with me every time.
- Came home with more donuts…and daisies.
And son, if you could remember anything out of this letter… know her favorite food and her favorite flowers. (Both can change in an instant)
And bring them home regularly.
***I believe you probably only skimmed through this letter quickly with the attention of a child on red food dye, so I did what any wise mother would do and put the urgent instructions in bold. Praying they popped out and you caught one or two. Good luck dear son! Godspeed…
Loved the letter! I can just picture him all grown up reading this, lol. You make me want to write letters to my kiddos! :). I had to laugh at the donuts because remember how I would eat back of powdered donuts like daily when pregnant with my baby girl? Lol. Love your blogs!! 🙂
Oh yes! The memories, right? Thanks so much for posting!!!! Hope you are feeling better…??
Fantastic article! Loved it!!
Thank you so much!!!! 🙂
Chris – I loved your mixture of heartfelt warmth and zany humor! It touches me and inspires me (and makes me laugh!) PLEASE keep writing! Can’t get enough!
OH, I can’t tell you how much that means to me! Your encouragement touches me and inspires ME!!!! Love you, dear friend!
All boys should get a letter like this…..however…..bikini line shaving……REALLY!!!!! Poor Cade……LOL. Just kidding!!!:) By the time he’s old enough to read this he’ll be well aware of how his mom is the QUEEN of T.M.I!!!! You know I couldn’t let that go without giving you some grief. LOVE YOU.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You are SOOOOO RIGHT!!! Poor Cade….he will have that blushed face through his entire life with TMI from me!!!
Too true!! Every ‘Dad-to-be’ in the world should read this! Ha!
I agree! If you want to pass it on to your precious sons…feel free! 😉
I love this, now I got a much needed push to start writing to my son. Planned to start writing during pregnancy but i didnt, wanted to start during the first months after delivery, but it never happend now he is 8 months. Think It’s about time!
Its my first time here, im absolutely your new follower, please follow me on,
Oh that is WONDERFUL!! It’s so great to have you reading my blog! I will definately check yours out asap! Thanks for the invite! And yes, as hard as it is to find the time and the energy to write the kids, I do believe it is worth it! Just hope they actually read all the letters someday!! 😉
What a wonderful letter! It is so wonderful that you have put all this down for him to read.
I have been writing them both since I was pregnant with them… all the letters are saved in a scrapbook with pictures and memorabilia from that season that I was writing about. I pray that someday they will cherish them all… Thanks for reading it! So grateful. 🙂