Lately I have been thinking about this quote again… I wrote about it a while back and it still touches me so deeply. Oh Erma, you got it right girl!
I really think that should be everyone’s goal. 100% of all of us. Can you imagine?
I often try to put things in perspective about my life, my world, my days and my moments. I tend to rehash and reflect more than most. It’s just how I’m made.
When I am attempting to re-align my life or pull myself back in- I consider Heaven. Yep I do. It’s the most convicting and powerful way to really knock some sense into yourself, if you wanna try.
I imagine myself with God looking back on my life…
And as I watch all the images and scenes and paths taken and turns made and things said and done…
And I let it soak in…deep.
How much time I wasted on trivial things. On anxiety. On worry. On pain. On myself. And I see too many moments where I didn’t use the gifts that were given to me, because I was too busy wasting my precious time on earth, doing things that didn’t really matter.
There are days when I feel so fulfilled and so deep in gratitude for all that God has given me. I am confident that I am exhausting all my gifts and all my resources sent from above. I feel my soul shine in a light that is profoundly satisfying. I wish I could say I have that experience every day…
But I don’t…
We all have gifts. They are special, unique, and extraordinary. Do we know what they are? Do we put them to good use as often as possible? What are your gifts? Do you feel abundantly satisfied with how well you use them?
I wonder…
At the end of every day, I wish I could lie in bed and feel completely content with how I used every minute of it. Did I give all I have? Did I make my creator proud? Did all those amazing parts He made in me shine today? Or did I simply get by…
Oh too many times I just got by.
Life is too precious. We all have so many gifts. Oh, how I want to stand before God and say…
“I Used Everything You Gave Me.”
How about you?
This is amazing!!! How many times do we worry about thing that just don’t matter? Erma is absolutely right…we should be focusing on the extraordinary, the things that make our lives unique and special! Thank you for writing this…it makes me feel like I should make some changes in my life. There is always room for improvement and sometimes it takes an experience or reading something to bring it to the forefront of your mind! I’m so glad I “met” you…so many things that you write actually make a difference in my life!
Wow. I can’t tell you how much your words mean to me, Michelle!! I want to put these in a frame STAT: “I’m so glad I “met” you…so many things that you write actually make a difference in my life!”
You just made my ‘dream come true’ reading that, sweet friend. Oh how I appreciate you!!! XOXO…
I truly meant it! 🙂 Your posts are very inspirational! Have a great day!!!
I think we are made from the same cloth. I do the exact same thing and it’s why I feel the constant push to do more. There are some ways I know I make good on the gifts he has given me but I fall short on others. I agree that it is the best way to pull yourself out of a downward spiral…seeing your life at the end and spending it sad or mad. I don’t want to look back and see someone that wasn’t happy. I will ask God why he didn’t give me certain gifts that I soooo want…like the organizational gene. 😉
We are totally made from the same cloth! I actually thought of you a few times when I was writing this post AnnMarie!! Isn’t that interesting??!! When we look at the big picture and really think about what is most important in our lives…our perspective changes drastically doesn’t it?
I’m gonna ask Him why He didn’t give me the “peaceful, confident, secure,” gift. LOL 😉
I LOVE that quote. I have been thinking a lot lately about how I want to feel completely used up at the end of this gig. I think for me, the challenge is often that there is so much stuff that’s important to me – where to go first? The mother, the friend, the writer, the yogi. I want to give it all to everything, and it’s all important to me. But often, one or more of those important things, gets swept under for another thing that’s equally as important. The kids suffer, I don’t return calls to my friends, I don’t give enough to my writing, which is “the dream” for me. But…as I heard recently, instead of trying to muti task to get more done, just give everything to whatever is in front of me at the moment. Yes, for now, that’s my goal,
YES YES YES!!!! It is soooooooooo frustrating to not be able to do all of our plans/passions at the same time with 100% of ourselves!!! Oh Ilene, it’s a constant struggle for me too, girl. You know it!! I think the best we can do is simply the best we can do. But oh, how I wish I just didn’t need to sleep. I think that would really help the balance. 🙂 (Just think how much writing we could get done? Oh and catch ups on the phone too?!!)
Oh how I need that Erma Bombeck saying tattooed on my forehead! I feel that I fail far too frequently, certainly too much to count! The dreaded busyness, coupled with its friends, fear & doubt get in the way. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement.
I love that Marcia… “The dreaded busyness, coupled with its friends, fear & doubt get in the way.” Oh yes oh yes oh yes! Perfectly said my dear. I need to take some quiet time and really think through my goals and desires and dreams. That way I may be more able to focus on those things that are more worthy of my time…
WOW. This one left me speechless and in a totally good way. 🙂 I adored Erma Bombeck and that quote is the perfect example of why. I am definitely going to be thinking about this for a while. Well done Chris.-Ashley
Thanks Ashley! I know I know… That Erma will always be a treasure to so many of us!! My pastor actually shared that quote a few years ago in his sermon and it has stuck with me every since. Pretty powerful words…and message.
Wonderful thoughts Chris! I struggle with guilt that I am wasting my life away and not using all of my gifts. Especially on super lazy days when we do nothing productive at all. But I guess we all need breaks too, right?
Funny you said that Alexa, because I kept thinking about putting something in my post about the need to “rest” too… YES!!! I so desperately need those moments of quiet and calm and rest and doesn’t everyone? We can’t give our all on “empty”. And my friend, I really don’t think I know anyone who DOESN’T give as much as you do. I believe all your amazing and unique gifts are used every. single. day. You always inspire me.
Thank you Chris! You just totally made my day! I’ve been taking a lot of verbal abuse lately, so it’s nice to feel appreciated! xoxo
OH NO! Not YOU??? Oh my friend… you shouldn’t be receiving that kind of treatment! U are such an amazing and beautiful and passionate soul. Hold on to your gifts… your light shines through them. Truly.
This is such a great quote and it gives me so much to think about. I’ve been thinking a lot about what my purpose is and whether or not I’m focusing on the right things. Sometimes it’s just a matter of being present and offering what it necessary at the moment. Thank you for this!
I know Jen- sometimes being in the moment and giving it everything we got is truly enough. Sometimes- just getting by the moment happens- and I am trying to embrace them more fully and give all I can… ya know? Oh some days it’s truly hard to do!
Thanks for sharing this…it is indeed the most important thing that we could all ever do…to use up every bit of our talents before meeting God. Thanks for sharing!
Exactly Michelle!! I agree… what else in this world is more important than that? So glad you stopped by here today! 🙂
“Oh too many times I just got by”. So love that line Chris, because it’s so true in many of our lives from time to time(often more times than not). 😉 That’s why I will be eternally grateful for His grace and mercy(only by those am I able to NOT live in condemnation because I know I have NOT done everything He asked me to do that day)!! I couldn’t exist without it. Thank you my friend for helping us to reflect on the fact that we should be using our talents for His glory AT ALL TIMES, not just when it’s convenient for us! May you have an absolutely wonderful week my friend!!xoxoxo
YES Michell!!! I think my greatest motivation is pleasing God. I heard another saying (that I may continue this theme in posts to follow) when I was younger and it still resonates so deeply for me in such a convicting way: “What God gave you is His gift to you. What you MAKE of yourself, is your gift to God.” Can I hear and AMEN???!!!! Love you, my friend!!! xoxo…
God works in mysterious ways. With my health issues forcing me to stay at home for three months at least, I’m taking this as a sign from God that I must relax and work on my writing. We all have our gifts that are blessed to us; however, we must realize them through our perils and triumphs.
Oh Keith! Your wise words are such an inspiration!! Yes my new friend, you are just SO right. Sometimes the greatest gifts come from those seasons of struggle and suffering… when God directs our paths to unexpected blessings that arise from our “perils and triumphs”. I love that you are embracing your gifts while withstanding your season of being “down”. SO much good can come from this!!
Thank you so much! Perils may blind us in darkness and negativity; however, it is up to us, as humans, to see not with our eyes but with our mind and hearts as one to triumph through.
Your words on this blog post are definitely an inspiration 🙂
This was the post I read on Sunday, got my fill and forgot to come back re-read and comment. Seriously though, this is such a great reminder, encouragement and motivation to try to use ALL of our gifts and talents to please God and help each other. It reminds me of a quote by one of my favorite motivational speakers, Les Brown, that says “live full, die empty”. When we die, we should not take our talents, wisdom, knowledge to the grave. Folks should be able to say that we really gave of ourselves to make a difference…and in all of our contributions, all the glory should go to God. Such a great post Chris. I got my fill twice this week 🙂
Oh Hope… you are SO sweet. I decided to share this one because it represents “Doing You Well” better than my Monday Momtor post… and I ain’t got TIME to write ANOTHER one by Wednesday!! LOL Thanks so much for stopping by AGAIN… You are simply the BEST. 🙂
I know I spend way too much time on the trivial. It’s something I’m attempting to change.
It’s so hard Shell…because life is built around them, isn’t it? It takes a lot more effort to dive deep and really truly live in a way that is meaningful. GOOD LUCK!! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by, I am so grateful. 🙂
{Melinda} Beautiful, Chris. Honestly, I sometimes wonder if all the social media craziness we do to build our blogs and “keep up” with all the things we’re “supposed” to be doing is the best use of our gifts and talents. Been thinking about this alot lately. Trying to find the right boundaries and be sure my time and talents are well spent. Do you struggle with this? Would love to hear your thoughts. 🙂
Oh, Melinda- I am SO with you on this!! I struggle more and more each day with balancing this all with meaningful “living” and trying to push through all the blogging stuff. I am especially growing more aware of the toll it is taking on my family life and quality of time with my kiddos, now that they are out of school. Just starting to pray more for guidance and discernment on it all… ugh. You and I are made from the same cloth, my friend! Lets figure this thing out together!! 🙂 Message me or I’ll message you if I come up with any enlightenment!
I L.O.V.E. me some Erma!!!!!!!!!!
I KNOW!!! RIGHT??? 😉