I pray to God constantly…throughout my day… all the time… He knows everything…
That’s just what I do.
And as I give my thoughts to Him… my mind wanders endlessly.
Through so many people’s lives and loved one’s hardships.
Through the scattered blessings and all the joy that sprinkles onto the days…
Through the frustrations and barriers that hold me back.
Through the News headlines and stories told.
Through my dreams and passions and deep desires.
Through my worries and fears and questions asked.
And through all my fleeting moments of this and that, impulsive and quick and trivial at best. (Can you believe every time I look for a parking space I ask Jesus to bless me with one? Oh, yes I do.)
I beg. I plead. I praise. I whine. I yell. I fight. I cry. I surrender. I ask. I share. I love. I worry. I vent. I laugh. I dream.
And yet often… I just listen.
I shut up… and stay still.
Oh that can be so hard to do! My mind is on a constant motorized chain clanking pace… zingers here and there of “What ifs” and “Who knows” and “How to’s” and “To do’s” and on and on and on…
But when I can quiet my clanking down…
Ahhh…. Those are the best prayers of all.
My greatest plans, purpose, and broken pieces have been put together through these moments of silent solitude. When I remain still in Him, He breathes healing and insight and sometimes gentle conviction into my soul.
My most powerful prayers with God were when I listened. Not talked. Listened.
How do you pray?
Do you ever just still yourself enough to listen?
Oh, God has so much to say…
To you.
If you let Him…
Stay still.
Do you hear anything?
Deep in the corners of your heart…
Oh sweet friend
Open it.
His Voice is Mighty.
His Presence is Powerful.
His Love and Guidance and Grace await…
For you.
Psalm 46:10: He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
As you know, I am big on mediation. It’s like crack to me (am I allowed to say that something is “like crack” on Devotional Diary Day???) It’s when I’m silent that I actually can hear “that voice.” I think you know the one I’m talking about. xo
OHMYGOSH that is HILARIOUS!!! CRACK CRACK CRACK….!!!! Lord knows there is nothing you can’t say on Devotional Dairy Days!!! The ALMIGHTY knows exactly who I am- so I am SURE He knows that ‘anything can happen’ WHEREVER I am. LOL I do think there are many times the poor Creator is shaking His Head watching, in that parental oh so embarrassing way. lol
I think you are such an amazingly insightful, wise and peaceful person because of all the time you spend “silent and listening” my friend. You are a perfect example of this message!!! (I SWEAR I am calling you by the end of this week. PROMISE!!! Think about you every. single. day.)
Such powerful, impactful words! Thank you for such a thoughtful message. I think it’s so hard to be quiet when I pray. I want to be eloquent, want to remember every person, every situation that needs His attention (as if He really needs us to tell him-LOL!) and my favorite part of your post was praying for the parking place (SHH, I do that too;-) I love your devotion entries as much as your funny mom-stories!
Oh how I love this comment Marcia!!! Thank you so much sweet friend. SO funny you pray for parking spaces TOO!! Who knew??!!! 😉 Sometimes- especially lately, it’s easy to just be still. Sometimes, believe it or not (lol)- I am so worn- I got nothin’ to say. I just pray for Him to minister to my heart.
We aren’t very active in church (we haven’t really found one that really feels like home yet), but we say grace before we eat as a family and have conversations about faith and God from time to time. I find myself saying little prayers here and there. Sometimes that’s what gets me through those crazy days. I need to work on the stillness part. I know I find clarity when I do. I just need to open myself up more. (I wish I could meditate like Ilene. It’s hard for me!) Thanks for the reminder, Chris. Your Sunday posts always make me feel peaceful.
I went YEARS without a church- because of that same reason. I do hope you can find a nice fit, because when you do- it is something really wonderful to have in your family’s life. It can truly be a resource of amazing friends and fulfillment, if you find a place you can be yourselves and truly delight in learning about God and growing relationships too! I will be praying that you come across the perfect church home for you, Jen!
People like us that tend to GO all the time and keep busy, have such a hard time making moments for ourselves to just be still. I am one that needs it or I can’t function at all. It helps to schedule it in my day- I know late at night- is my time to do this. Perhaps you can find a time to find a window of quiet in your day too. Praying so, my friend! XOXO… I think you will be so glad you did!! 🙂
Thank you, Chris. 🙂
I love these, and I’ve missed them. It’s astonishing what can be heard in the silence, and I remember the feeling of both discovery and of shame that I hadn’t bothered to listen earlier. During my father’s sickness, I didn’t know what to pray, so I listened.
They’ve missed you too, BC. 🙂 I can only imagine how those moments of silence were both difficult and heart-opening during that time. I pray that God tended to your heart with loving care, and continues to so sweet friend. xoxo
I’ll try.
I know it’s hard, hun. I know… just allow Him to minister and tend to your precious heart. Be open to His sweet whispers of love and gentle guidance in your journey. He truly does have a plan, for that I am certain. Praying for you! xo
Such an excellent reminder, Chris. My prayers are always such a mess jumble of words. And the thing is, God knows all my thoughts anyway before I even speak them. Listening…beautiful reminder, beautifully put, and thanks so much, friend. xo.
Oh how often I am spitting out my jumbled words and thoughts too, Meredith! Actually- most of the time this happens!! But those times when I am needing solace from the world- I shut down all cylinders and let Him minister to my heart. I desperately need this… and perhaps you may be blessed in the stillness too, my sweet friend! xoxo (miss you!)
I am definitely one of those people who goes toward the silence. And I tend to have my thoughts feel very scattered, but yet I know they are being heard. My time when I most feel that is late at night when I am the only one still awake, and I just let my mind wander.-Ashley
You and I are one and the same girl!! It’s always late at night, when the house is quiet and I am finally able to “let down” and allow for those quiet moments of stillness. It’s amazing what comes up during those precious late nights alone, isn’t it? My best moments of the day, really.
I’m always afraid to quiet my mind. I’m afraid of the thoughts that surface. Maybe I should really give it a go and trust that I am thinking about or asking what God wants me to.
Oh honey, I know how difficult it is for you to allow stillness in your mind and heart- for surely the pain and fear and all those emotions will come rushing up to haunt you. HE will tend to those. HE will nurture and restore your heart in a new way. Oh, please let Him in! I know how scary this would be to truly sit in silence with your heart cracked open. He is waiting to embrace those dark corners and shine His Light of mercy and healing into those broken pieces my friend. I believe you would start an incredibly powerful journey of restoration if you did…
Praying for you sweet sweet soul that you are! XOXOXO….
My favorite scripture goes something like this: ” Be still and of good courage and know that I am God!”
Do you know that this very verse you mention was piercing my heart when I wrote this post? Oh, I am going back to add it NOW!! Why didn’t I think of that? Thank you so much for this timely comment and you are a blessing to me by sharing it. The verse is Psalm 46:10. http://biblehub.com/psalms/46-10.htm
GURL! You know I need this right? I pray throughout the day constantly, but the still quietness is an elusive event that I yearn daily. The only time it seems i can get that quiet stillness to listen to God is early in the morning…and I already wake up at 4;30…I’d have to get up a 4am to get it…and still it’s hard to sometimes quiet the internal noises to LISTEN to the voice of God.
OH GOOD LORD Hope!!! How do you even get up THAT early??? Oh my oh my oh my… perhaps when you are running you can have that time? I don’t know if you need music or pals to run. When I ‘USED’ to run/walk- those were my favorite times for quiet listening in prayer. I desperately miss those!
For a busy lady like yourself- I could totally see you just taking quarterly retreats for yourself somewhere for a day or two. I keep thinking how much I would SO LOVE this idea for myself too! If I had that kind of time with God for that long, I can only imagine all He would tell me. Dreaming…
I absolutely LOVE that quarterly retreat idea! I’d take even one day! Every busy mom should do it.
I run with pals so we’re usually conversing right before I start gasping for breath…due to the run pace. When I used to run by myself, I enjoyed that quiet meditative time…but not so much anymore. It’a always great to dream though…
Sometimes I do need the stillness and quiet – I should try to take more time for that. I know I need it. This really was a powerful post, Chris…makes you think!
Thanks Michelle! That silence and stillness can make a huge impact on your life. I promise you, it will!!! I love that you are really taking this message to heart. SO glad. 🙂
I have to say that I find myself just staying silent and listening to the noise around me. I focus on the sounds and then on one particular thing going on and just talk to myself (in my head – no need for people to think I am crazy now) and listen to what I am saying and reflect. And then I sit in complete silence and try to turn off my mind and just breathe and reflect on my thoughts and then somehow, I am cleared and whatever is troubling me somehow answers itself or I find a peace or clarity. Does this make sense?
Oh Krystal- it DOES make perfect sense!!! I think that is just so wonderful you take that time to focus in and reflect and breathe and find your quiet space to do it in after the loud spaces filled with sound! I bet you have a sound mind by doing this… so here’s my question for you: Do you invite God into those thoughts when you’re there? Oh, how I hope you do my friend! 🙂 He would absolutely adore your company…
Chris – I’m not going to lie, I’m not the most religious of people. I do believe in God and He is a part of my life but in my own way. The way I look at it is I think God will intervene in my thought process when He thinks I need it. If not, He allows me to work through it and find the right answer that I am seeking. My mind and heart are always open for as much guidance and direction as possible. I know – sounds weird 😉
I’ve found the more overwhelmed I am, the simpler my prayer becomes. “Please help me, Lord.”
Oh yes, Shell! Many many times I have said that prayer… 🙂
I used to pray much more regularly. Now we pray before meals, and I pray with the kids before bed, but I just realized as I read this post that I have stopped praying in the last several years. I hadn’t even noticed it until I read this. And it just dawned on me that maybe I am more angry at God than I realized, and I just shut that emotion down. I am angry because I DID pray. I prayed and he didn’t fix my baby. I don’t blame him for that, I don’t feel like I’m angry any more, I feel happy, but I have stopped praying to God on my own. Thank you for making me have this realization because it wasn’t intentional. I’m ready to listen again.
Oh Alexa! I understand your heart, my friend. Sometimes I think we go through seasons of detachment as you have- grief can do that. Oh but God is patiently waiting for you…
He has been with you all along, through your heartache and your pain. He has wept with you and for you, my friend. He has held your precious child in His Beloved Arms and provided for your needs as you have endured this great loss. He is waiting for you to turn your broken heart toward Him and surrender all… His arms are ready to embrace you. Go to Him.
Hey Chris!! I’ve so missed reading your post lady! And what a wonderful post to come back to my friend! It is an absolute MUST for me to communicate with God constantly, about EVERYTHING! If I don’t, I lose my footing. Yes, there’s nothing sweeter than just sitting and being still…waiting on Him to speak. Thanks so much for reminding us my friend of the importance of praying and thanks for linking up! Have a wonderful rest of your week Chris! Btw…did you read my comment on “Oh, Momma needs some rest”?
I know you get this Michell!! We are one and the same, my friend!! The sweetness of stillness- ah yes. It’s those moments that provide everything for this life.
I am SO glad you mentioned your comment on my earlier post! Gah! I am so sorry I somehow lost track of that one! It means the WORLD to me what you said, sweet friend! God BLESS you!!! XOXO…
Everyone is so busy these days; we pack our schedules with more and more activities and things on our to-do list that there is just not enough room to spend quiet time with our own best thoughts, let alone quiet moments with God. The oh-so urgent concerns of our daily lives can wait for a little bit so that we can enjoy some time to think, reflect, pray, listen, and let our minds allow God to refresh and renew our spirit, soul, and body for the coming day!
Visiting you back from “Doing You Well”…blessings and hugs!
Oh I just love how you put that Denise!!! It is just so true how fast paced our lives have become. People truly don’t have the “time” to be still- to ” think, reflect, pray, listen, and let our minds allow God to refresh and renew our spirit, soul, and body for the coming day!”
Beautifully put.
I have to have this be a priority in my life, if I want my life to be fruitful in Him. Amen? 🙂
{Melinda} This is so powerful, Chris! Like you I am always talking to God throughout the day about the little and big stuff. But being quiet? That’s my challenge and I know that in the silence He speaks.
Oh Melinda, it’s everyone’s challenge, I think!! It is so so hard to find that time and then to be STILL and QUIET in order to really listen. I have to be intentional about it or I will start to lose footing in my walk.
When I don’t have that prayer life, I stumble- and I lose sight of what is truly important in this life. I have been there too many times!
Talk, talk, talk, speak, speak, speak, speak—all important to do with Our Almighty as He cares about all things we are going through and wants us to take it all to His feet but there’s the listening that needs to happen as well. Thank you Chris for this wonderful reminder through your beautiful writing of being still and quiet and having that silent solitude throughout the noisiness of our day and minds.
Ah yes Linda!!! I love how you said that… 🙂
I think there are so many times when God wants me to just shut UP and listen to Him and let Him minister to my heart with His Wisdom, Love and Guidance. I am trying to do more of that. It can be so profound, really. How can we learn from our Teacher if we don’t listen?
Thank you, sweet friend- for you encouraging and beautiful comment. XOXO…
Hi Chris! Oh my goodness, we really are on the same wave-length here, aren’t we? I liked the phrase ‘clanking down’ in dropping the noise. It made me smile, because I have a lot of ‘clank’ to lay down!
So glad we are connected! As I said on my blog, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better!
I love that I wrote this a year ago, almost to the DAY of when you posted yours… isn’t that something special, my spiritual sister!!! SO cool. 🙂 XOXO