A week or so ago, I took a quick walk in the fall foliage… just what I needed to clear my mind. It became a reflection of a much higher view, once again. This perspective awakened the deepest parts of my faith, and magnified a vision that far exceeded the scenery along the path.
I’ve been living there for some time. But it is good. And bad. And worth writing about.
So if you have the time to take it in with me, I would be honored. Grateful. It’s amazing what comes of silence, when you open your heart to more…
You can read it here.
I miss connecting. But I know I will be up and moving soon. Not soon enough, for my liking. But soon enough in the big picture of things. This is but a bump in the road, of many. And for that I am grateful.
But I hurt.
A lot.
So I will try to rest more, heal more, and pray for more restoration to come.
Until then, please know how grateful I am for all of your precious prayers and love.
Oh, so grateful.
So grateful.
Now, if you would…
Come join me on my walk.
I just visited your page and posted a comment there
Thanks for the wonderful and inspiring words here
and there,
Keep up the good work
Let us walk in the way which He showed us.
Best regards
Philip And Ann
Thank you so much for visiting my page and sharing your precious encouragement Philip! I am so grateful for you. Truly!
Always thinking and praying for you.
Thanks so much Hope… I am so grateful for you. XO
Please let yourself take the time to heal.
I know it is not easy to rest, to wait… but we will all be here!
I need this plastered on my forehead Christina! It’s SO hard to sit back and NOT do so much that I need/want to do. My body has definitely taken over my desire though. I am trying to pace myself as best I can.
Thank you for your perfect words of encouragement, my friend. XO
Beautiful walk and just hoping that you are indeed starting to feel better. And totally thinking of you Chris now!! 🙂 <3
You are such a love Janine! I can’t wait to take the time to read and catch up over at your place… bless your heart for your UNconditional support my friend. SO grateful. XOXO
So honored and grateful to be walking with you my dear, sweet, beautiful sistah!!
Me too dear sistah… me TOO. 🙂 XO Miss you. I pray I can see you Friday- I don’t care how much pain I’m in! COME.
I have gotten out of the habit of taking walks, but it is something I need to do more- especially this time of year because fall is so beautiful and it is renewing, refreshing. Prayers for your continued healing!
I agree Lisa! This time of year is so beautiful and so nostalgic! The colors are amazing, the air is fresh, and the time alone for me is so peaceful… it always renews my perspective when I walk. 🙂
Keep healing, dear one x
Thanks love. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you…. <3
I’m amazed that you are posting right now, Chris. But it’s nice to read your words. The post about your walk was beautiful. I hope your pain subsides soon! Still praying for you.
I was crazy last week trying to get three articles done for this week at the three sites I write for now- it was good timing, because Lord knows I couldn’t really craft any good sentences this week! I have one more coming out tomorrow I think- on a new site. 🙂
Thanks so much for your constant support Jen. It just means so so much to me. I am anxious to catch up on your blog… I am trying to pace myself. Unfortunately, this damn pain has been consuming me. Ugh. Just trying to at least get going on my comments. That’s a start, right? 😉
You are an inspiration friend. To reach out, even in pain, is so touching. We are thinking of you constantly and hoping that everything gets better. Healing thoughts headed your way. :)-The Dose Girls
You are too kind… I actually feel so horrible even posting when I can’t give back at all. But I am torn because posts were already scheduled on these sites. I am SO grateful you are in this with me, UNconditionally. SO grateful!! XOXOXO
SSSF- I absolutely am sending prayers & “quick get better fast” thoughts your way! xoxo, Lovey! ~A~
You are SUCH a love!!! You. Oh you… I am so grateful for YOU. XOXOXOXO (big fat smooches!)