Just When…
Just when I am feeling discouraged that my kids don’t understand gratitude and fall short in so many values I constantly try to teach them…
My friend shares how beautifully they behaved during an evening out and how impressed she was with their manners and respect.
Just when I feel defeated with all that I am giving and all I am doing…
A friend emails me words of appreciation and encouragement about something close to my heart.
Just when I am so exhausted and so desperately needing sleep…
I am given a window of time to rest.
Just when I am feeling unattractive and unappealing…
My husband tells me I am beautiful.
Just when I am up all night spiraling with anxiety and dreading the consequences of the next day…
I wake in a rested peaceful state.
Just when I can no longer stand the cold harsh winter winds and dark long days…
I am given a bright spring day and budding flowers of hope.
Just when I want to disengage and isolate from it all…
A friend makes me laugh and I reconnect once again.
Just when I feel disheartened about my writing and my dreams…
I receive beautiful words from an admirer.
Just when I think I am going into another night of sickness and sleeplessness with my daughter…
I am blessed with the silence and the sleep.
When I find myself…
He always gives…
In every dark place there is always…
A bit of His Light.
You just have to look for it.
Marcia says
AMEN!! He delivers what we need EVERYTIME! What a wonderful message to begin the day with! Thank you for sharing your God-given talent with us!
momcafe says
He DOES doesn’t He???!! And yet- sometimes we just don’t see it… oh that is how I have been lately! There is nothing more beautiful than seeing those bits of light and embracing them fully!!! You my friend, do that all the time. I love seeing His Light shine on YOU!!! 🙂
AnnMarie says
I love this. I need to start looking. I love that your husband tells you that you are beautiful because you are. I love that you received words from an admirer because I wish it was me telling you how much I love your blog and your words and that you are making a difference in people’s lives. Especially mine.
momcafe says
Oh AnnMarie!!! Do you know how much your words mean to me?!? Thank you thank you thank you thank you….. your words are precious and cherished.
Jennifer says
Thank you for reminding us that we all have dark days.
momcafe says
Oh how everyone has dark days… and I am so blessed to have someone like you to lighten them up. 🙂 I love you so much dear sweet friend of mine!! Thank you so so much for taking the TIME to comment. That means the world to me. XOXO…
Stephanie says
Thanks for this reminder. Beautiful.
momcafe says
Oh thanks so much Stephanie!! I am SO glad to see you here again my friend!!! 🙂
Kristen says
I absolutely LOVE this! And I needed this right now, too. Whenever I start to feel stressed, overwhelmed, and underachieving I’m going to come back and read this.
momcafe says
Oh Kristen- thank you so so much for your sweet words!!! I love that they inspired you and please come back anytime!!!! We ALL need those bits of Light!!! 🙂
Ilene says
I truly, truly, truly believe that awareness is the key to us embracing the next great thing in our lives – and if we can hold awareness long enough, through the dark moments, we will be aware enough to see that little crack of light offering us that sleep or those kind words or that encouragement. What a lovely message of hope! xo
momcafe says
Yes!!!! Exactly Ilene!!! You are so so right. When we can truly open our eyes to all that is good- all the light that is given to us in any darkness we dwell in… we can appreciate those bits and they will sustain us. It’s all in the eye of the beholder. We just need to open our eyes! Some days, it can be so hard to focus on those pieces of hope. But they are there… and the warmth and beauty of those bits are given to us in love.
Candice says
What an uplifting message to give all of us hope….He is with us every step of the way but it is so easy to negate or dismiss that in our minds when we are in a dark place. Thank you for that reminder….we all need to hear it!
momcafe says
That is JUST what happened to me, sis! I was in a bad place and the week was just dark. When I was reflecting and praying for a “turn around”… God gave me this clarity. I looked back on the days I struggled, and saw each piece of light given at just the time I needed Him. If only we can be aware of His sweet Mercy every day… there is ALWAYS a bit of light in any darkness. Sometimes we just don’t want to see it, or we see it and don’t acknowledge it.
Alexa (katbiggie) says
It’s easy to get overwhelmed in everything that is going wrong and forget about all those wonderful things that are going right. Thank you for these words that I needed today!
momcafe says
You of all people know how difficult it can be. I think about you so often and pray for you Alexa!! Keep looking for His bit of Light!!!
another jennifer says
Yes! I wasn’t able to read this post yesterday. I’m so happy I’m starting my week by reading it now. It’s so true how if you are just patient and aware, you’ll see how armed you are to handle whatever is going on in your life. Lovely!
momcafe says
Oh Jennifer, you are such an encouraging friend! Thank you for being a “bit of light” to me always… 🙂
Tammy says
So very true and He often uses YOU to be that beam of light in my life, and I daresay many, many others’ too!
momcafe says
AW …sweet wallypoop!! Oh yeah- I said it out loud and for everyone to see!!! I am so grateful for our friendship and our laughter!!! We are soooo adorable! 😉
Hope says
What a blessed Assurance we have in HIM. This is my fourth time attempting to read this post because of constant interruptions. Thank you for sharing such wonderful encouragement. A great way to start the week. Blessings to you Chris!
momcafe says
Oh how I understand the interruptions Hope!! Ha! Thank you for persevering through it to read the post!!! You’re the best. 🙂 Are you aching today? Oh how I would be… just don’t know how you do it my friend! YOU ROCK!
Hope says
LOL! No I’m not aching. The pain pretty much stopped each time I went down hill. You would do great!
Angie Ryg says
This was beautiful and so needed today!
I love your challenge and reminder:
” A bit of His Light.”
a. bit. I think He gives just enough to allow us to hope and when we do look for it and find it, we are often blessed with even more!
I am SO thrilled to connect with you. I feel like I have found a kindred spirit.
momcafe says
Oh how excited I am that you stopped by Angie, and we have connected!!! Thank you thank you... for your kind words, my new friend! May we all never stop looking for “A bit of His Light”… I love how you put it, definitely worth repeating:
“a. bit. I think He gives just enough to allow us to hope and when we do look for it and find it, we are often blessed with even more!”
Linda Tang says
Such beautiful words…love this!! He is our true provider and is faithful to give us what we need…He is merciful and shines His light even when we are in darkness. A meaningful and uplifting post! For every pang there really is joy and gratefulness we can experience because of His faithfulness–thank you for the encouraging reminder and perspective!
momcafe says
Oh thank you so so much Linda!!! I absolutely love how you so eloquently said it… I would be so honored if you would ever like to guest post a devotional here at TheMomCafe!!?? Your wisdom and longstanding faith would be an inspiration to many. Let me know!! 🙂
Mothering From Scratch says
{Melinda} LOVE This! It is so true … God knows how to bring just that little burst of encouragement we need when we feel ready to throw in the towel. He does it for me over and over again.
You, my friend, shine His light in my life often!
momcafe says
Oh thank you SO much Melinda!! And YOU my friend, shine His light in my life so often as well. It’s a beautiful thing. I am just so glad He pushed me to pursue you. I’m not a pushy person, not aggressive… and yet I felt compelled to contact you AGAIN even after not hearing back from you. Isn’t that amazing? I would never do that if it weren’t for His nudge. SO blessed.
Linda Tang says
The honor would be all MINE! Your site is so uplifting and writing beautiful! Is there a particular topic you might be wanting or sensing your readers are wanting to read about?
momcafe says
Oh that would be so WONDERFUL!!! You are such a gifted writer, Linda! Any faith inspiring and encouraging message to mothers/women that God places on your heart would be beautiful. No limits. No rules. Just God’s love… 🙂 Email me if you want to chat more about it. I am just THRILLED to have you contribute to this series!
Angie V. says
Very uplifting.
momcafe says
I love you Ang. Thank you SO much for your encouraging comment. THAT- my friend, means the world to me!!! 🙂
Sharon says
I like how Hope put it, “what a blessed assurance.” Indeed.
momcafe says
Yes. I love that too, Sharon! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to read and share. So grateful.