I had 30 minutes between here and there…
Time to fit “me time” in.
I grab my cd player to listen while I tread the trail.
But within minutes I turn it off.
I need silence.
As I follow the path through the gap in the woods
I listen.
The animals scurrying under the brush
Jolting my frazzled nerves
The sun beckons to glare through the trees swaying in the wind,
hitting my face just right.
I feel its warmth.
I stretch my neck tilting my head high enough to soak it in.
His Presence.
As I travel through the ins and outs of my thoughts,
I gaze up at the beauty of the colors in the branches.
I trace the tree’s outline down through the winding foliage of fall.
Ending in the dark damp chaos of the ground,
Where sticks and stumps lie withered and worn.
Colorless. Rotting. Empty.
Miles of brokenness lie bare on the earth.
Where the sun can’t reach.
They appear wretched and worn.
A battleground of scattered debris…
Wasted in ruin.
My eyes were fixed on the layers of wreckage.
It drenched my anxiety with pangs of fear.
I didn’t trust it.
So I looked up…
Where there was life and color and goodness.
Where the breeze turned the sky into a light show for my eyes.
I realized then and there-
That this was the painting of God.
A rich vibrant illumination of faith.
As those trees resembled humanity.
Either thriving to live,
Or falling to their grave.
I reflect on the lost souls that are left dying in the darkness.
Not taking in the Light of the Son.
I pray for them.
I fear they will never know the bounty that stretches beyond their existence. I am tormented by what they can’t see. Saddened by what they don’t know. The vastness of futility is appalling.
At that very moment, a snake slithers by my feet.
Crossing my path, causing me to jump back in total terror.
It continues on its way into the other side of the darkness.
I froze in fear.
I watched it with brutal disgust.
How closely it slid near me.
I was in his territory.
This is where he lives,
And feeds off the wounded, the weak, the fallen.
His deception lurks in every shadow.
This world.
This walk.
This is where we all live.
There will come a day…
~It won’t be this way~
I’m ready.
This post was originally published over at She Shares Ministry a year ago. I have been thinking about it again, and wanted to share it with you…
Aww, love that you got to go not his walk to reflect and feel a bit closer to God. Sometimes, we just get so busy and don’t make time for stuff like this, but so very important. Thanks for sharing and reminding me that today. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend now 🙂
I do love those walks more than anything Janine!! I have missed them so much with my ankle injury… fall is my favorite time for them. So glad there will be another fall and another… and another. I’ll get the chance again next year!
Hello Chris,
You have taken a right decision to share it again on your blog. I really love it even I have shared it on my social profiles.
Dr. Diana Hardy
Thank you so much for sharing it Diana! I really do appreciate that. 🙂 I’m so glad you stopped by..
HI Chris! I love walks outside, especially the forest. It really calms me, and my shoulders start to relax. I’m sure there are snakes, but mercifully, I have not seen any. (I did see a deer once.)
Yes, we are never far away from snakes, are we? It’s good to keep looking up, but also on the road. I just created an image that says just that.
We have to have a heart for heaven, and watch for snakes meanwhile on earth!
Sunday blessings,
And dare I offer for us to love those snakes? That is the challenge… to testify His Love and Mercy WITH the snakes… 🙂
I’m so glad you re-shared this, Chris! My favorite line: “this was the painting of God.” Yes! Being out in nature always gives me that feeling as well. The snake is scary. I’m afraid I would have freaked out over that but the rest of the walk sounds heavenly. It’s amazing how much more we see when we are in silence. I hope you had a wonderful weekend, my friend!
It was so profound as I was enlightened through my walk, and then the SNAKE!! But it captured the very essence of spiritual warfare… and the battle in this world. I completed the picture really.
Encouraged by your testimony today and reminded to pray more. Running out of doors always pulls my heart up and my eyes heavnward with unhindered thanks and gratitude. You are right, there are places where we cross which we see the trail of something that doesn’t reflect His goodness, but equally so, you are that light.. His presence… to shine in the darkness. Because you are ready, you can lead others to Him. Great reminders!
Thanks for visiting me today at Journeys in Grace. I appreciate your encouragement there,too.
I love that insight Dawn… we ARE that light. This is how God works, through His believers, his children. His light can shine in any darkness, through us. I pray every Christian out there complies with His Calling. I fear many don’t- and that saddens me.
Thanks so much for taking this ‘walk’ with me Dawn!
I encounter God the most in nature. I completely identify with your need to turn the music off and connect with all of Him.
What a beautiful analogy and contrast Chris.
Thank you for sharing.
I hear God much more clearly in solitude and silence… don’t you? And I still vividly remember this walk. It was profound really.. Thanks for coming over and taking it with me Jennifer!
Beautiful picture, words, and thoughts that you shared. Thank you for blessing my day.
Thank you for coming by to share in this ‘walk’ with me, Judith!
Glad you shared. And I loved it all, even the snake. Ick! I saw snakes today at the pet store when I was getting cat food and I jumped out of my skin. Then I did again when I walked by the parrot who said, “Hello!” And then he meowed!
Not sure where I’m going with this, and even though I don’t believe pets belong in stores.. it was all somewhat beautiful just the same.
Yeah- that snake FREAKED me OUT!! It was so surreal as I was in this deep meditation when I was walking!! Such a profound moment, much like your parrot saying “hello” and meowing… LOL
There will come a day…
~It won’t be this way~
I’m ready.****
I’m Ready, too.
LOVE, Lot of it flowing from MN.
PS. Chris, I’ve been doing my walk listening to “WILD.” It has been a thrill! The small things in life are NOT SMALL!
What is WILD??!! Tell me!!! And I love that it has been a THRILL!! <3
Hi, it’s a book!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I often feel calm and at peace after reading one of your posts, and today is one of those days. I didn’t read it the first time, so I’m so glad you reposted!
OH Dana, that means SO much to me!! Thank you friend, for encouraging me with your words. <3
Thanks for sharing. I need to set aside some me time to mediate and spend more time with God. Nice post.
I do too, Andrea!! It’s been a weird season for me- but God is drawing me near now… so I am going to try to listen, and find the solitude to do so. I pray you can too, my friend!
So beautiful, both in your descriptions as well as your meaning. I know what you mean about needing the silence sometimes. I’m finding that the older I get, the more I need the quiet.
ME TOO!!! I need silence and less stimulation now more than ever… There is something so soothing about it. I hear God best then too. 🙂
Beautiful words! I always enjoy spending time alone with God while hiking. I love your heart for the lost souls. We must keep praying and reaching out to the lost/the hopeless in this world with the Gospel. There’s still so much to be done.
Lovely post. Glad I came across you on the blog hop!
love this.
but had a thought too…. all that withered, discarded and fallen and rotten decay on the ground; it gets absorbed and changed and renewed back into the woods. to be part of the glorious circle of life and beauty again!! All things made new by His brilliant plan! 🙂
This is so beautiful! I know I’m guilty of being busy and not listening far too often. But carving out time for moments like this is essential. Thanks for sharing on Equipping Godly Women Fellowship Fridays!
It truly IS essential, and I too am guilty of not taking enough time for Him and Solitude- where He speaks into my heart without the hurry and scurry of every day life. That is what FILLS me. 🙂