Okay all you blog-reading friends!! This is the blog where I try to sell my new Ebook that’s out!!! It is on sale now! And for a low, low, low price of only 2.99!! Can you believe it? I have compiled and “tweaked” my stories for a great book that reads like warm, cozy flannel pajamas! I picked my favorite blog posts and added a few new thoughts.
Click here to buy my eBook for Kindle. You can download Kindle to your PC to read it on your computer go here to download Kindle to your PC.
I believe it’s the perfect gift for all your mom friends that need some inspiration and some laughter, don’t you? You are down to the wire aren’t you? And who has the money to buy manicures or spa treatments that we really need? With this ebook, you and your many, many mom pals can soak up some fun loving words and share the goodness with all those awesome and wonderful women you know.
I assume many people will be getting the kindle for Christmas if they don’t have it already. You can go to amazon.com and find my ebook to download on your kindle there. You can also buy it from this blog, by Wednesday, December 21st. I know it’s late, so if you already have all your Christmas shopping done, then beat those winter blahs with my encouraging and relatable ebook! Don’t you think it would be a fun book to buy for all your “super-hero-like” mom friends, just because you know they could use some chuckles?
How am I doing on the sales pitch? Should I go into sales for a career? Maybe I’ll just stick to my day job…
Maddening and Marvelous Motherhood!
Yes. THAT is the name of the book.
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