Encouragement for the weary woman- God is with you.
Dear friend,
I see your fear. I feel your pain.
I have lived in that place.
How will I make it through?
You are tired. So tired.
Weary from it all.
Nothing left to give.
You are faced with things you cannot do, carrying a weight too heavy for you.
You are left with the aches of your soul and the cracks in your heart.
Always another fight to conquer. Another hill to climb.
And you ask, How?
How can I do this? How can I survive this? How can I endure such hard things?
Do you know you are equipped?
God will give you strength in every turn.
He opens hearts. He heals wounds. He ministers hope.
And brings help to the helpless.
Oh, my friend, please believe
God equips your every need.
He knows the plan
He prepares the way
He walks you through
Each trying day.
You may not trust
You may not see
You may not know
What is to be…
He’s there beside
Your faltering gait
Please know dear friend…
He holds your fate.
He knew this day
The others, too
He knows your pain
He weeps with you
Oh, my friend
He’ll see you through
And know His Love
Can carry, too.
Breathe in fresh hope
Be still and know
The Great I Am
Loves you so.
I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. Psalm 16:8 NLT
Love, love, love! What strong words to hold onto in “those times”! You are such a wordsmith! Love to read those encouraging, faith-filled words!
That is exactly what I intended in these words! Thank you for your confirmation, affirmation and total support… I know there are many who suffer more during this season for various reasons. I know that some wake to feel these feelings every day. My heart breaks for them. I pray this encourages them.
We have all that we need within, don’t we? It’s remembering that sometimes that’s the hard part.
Oh yes, remembering and trusting. Even when we don’t feel it or believe it. Trusting that He will provide all we need to survive, whatever dark path we have entered.
Hi Good to be here after a bit gap.
A timely piece to ponder over.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful thoughts
Keep posting
Keep inform
Best Regards
Thanks for stopping by to read Philip! I appreciate your time and your words. 🙂
Ahhh…such comfort to read these words. I have felt your prayers, I have read your words and they bring peace and strength. So much relief to know that I am not alone and that He is right beside me helping me through. It was a rough week but I have come out stronger than I went in. Thanks to friends like you. Thanks to posts like this.
Oh AnnMarie, I was so hoping you would get a minute to read this post! Of course I had you in mind while writing it… I am so glad you feel my prayers and you can take in these words and both give you some peace. You are equipped my dear friend! So glad you came out “stronger”. You always will…
What wonderful encouragement to cling to for those who are in pain this holiday season….it doesn’t get any more reassuring than that!!!
Isn’t it always good to be reminded of this? Even in our strongest days… For those in their weakest moments, I pray they see this message and it truly ministers to their hearts.
Hi Chris! Such beautiful words my friend! Thanks for sharing and the reminder. Have a blessed day! 😉
Thanks so much Michell! I know many suffer around this time. If you know of any that do, please pass this on if you think it would help!
So beautiful. Inspiring words on this day. Thank you! :)-Ashley
Thank you Ashley. I know some people need to know these truths. Suffering is an awful “reality” for some…
Beautiful. As per usual, Chris!
Aw…thanks so much Jennifer. 🙂 A great compliment coming from you!
What amazing words of encouragement! I totally agree with them.
Thanks so much… I had a feeling you would agree! I am hoping they are encouraging for those that need it most. Thanks for reading my friend!! 🙂
Oh Chrissy! So beautifully written. . .such heartfelt faith!!! You are amazing. . .finding words to express your faith, passing it on to others. Very lovely!!!!
Oh thank you SO much!!! I know you might know people who are struggling…please share if you feel it would encourage them! You know I got this gift from you… 🙂
Beautiful words of encouragement!
Thank you so much. 🙂 If you know anyone who might need this encouragement, please share! I am hoping to reach out to those who are struggling.
I like it!
Thanks so much for stopping by Jill!! 🙂
I really needed this. Interestingly, you posted this on my birthday. It was a rough birthday for me because it was the eve of my twin girls first birthdays. But two days later, one of them died. And that one year anniversary was yesterday. And I appreciate you stopping by my blog and encouraging me, and I’m so glad I came back and read these words. I do believe in the power of prayer, and I can feel myself being lifted up. Thank you for reminding me WHO is always taking care of me.
OH I am so sorry you had such a rough birthday. I can’t believe how close it is to your twins’ birthday and your tragic loss as well. Interestingly, I felt compelled to write and post this as I had such a burden to express this message. I am so glad it encouraged you Alexa. May it give you some peace to know WHO is taking care of you and your angel…
{Melinda} So beautiful, Chris. I need this today. Thank you, friend. 🙂
Thank you Melinda! I am SO glad you were encouraged by my words… well His words actually. You ARE equipped!! Praying you feel His presence.
Very beautiful. We have to put our faith and trust in Him during these trials.
Thank you so much. Yes… trusting that He will provide our every need is the only thing that gets me through difficult days. My prayer is that those suffering such a loss today are reminded of this Truth as well.
Beautiful. Remembering to lean on Him is tough for me, but it makes all the difference. Thanks for the reminder so beautifully said.
Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Thank you Robin! Yes, remembering to trust Him and depend on Him when we can’t depend on the situation…is so very hard at times. Praying this reminder encourages you! We all need to be reminded…
What a beautiful and true description of the provision and love we have in our Father, especially when we are emotionally and spiritually “fatigued”. It’s the hope that God fills us with, as we trust Him, that brings any joy and peace to our souls. This comes from Romans 15:13 and has been one of many “life lines” I cling to during times of pain and suffering. Thanks for your wise and inspirational words!
I’m so glad you shared Romans 15:13 Janet. May His word continue to fill your heart, mind and soul with love and strength and encouragement. And may His spirit continue to illuminate your path and guide your days. I love you so much, dear friend. Your faith is a true inspiration.
Such beautiful, inspiring and well-timed words. Thank you for sharing this with us all! You have truly been a blessing to me today.
Visiting from SITS and so glad I did.
Have a fantastic week!
Oh thank you so much Michelle! Your words are an encouragement to ME! 🙂 I appreciate you stopping by and reading. So grateful.
Such a sad week. Encouragement is always appreciated.
Yes Holly, I agree. With heavy hearts we cling to our children, and imagine the worst… just terrifying and horrifying to even try to understand what they are going through. Thanks so much for stopping by and reading. So grateful.
This gives us that quiet confidence in the face of adversity, doesn’t it? Faith. We so think alike. I love this stuff.
Oh Eli, thanks so much! I’m so glad we think alike!! Yes…Faith. Sometimes that’s all we have to cling to. And I thank GOD for that. 🙂