My daughter recently shared quite an extraordinary experience …
“Mommy! Guess what happened last night? I saw three ANGELS!!! I woke up last night and there they were…watching me! One was tall and skinny and she was up on the curtains, another was on the other side of the curtains and she was smiling like the skinny angel. Then there was a little one that was kind of chubby sitting with her legs criss-cross applesauce on my stuffed animal bin! She was so cute, mom! She had a little look like she was going to giggle. They were all white but you could see through them. They were all looking at me and kept smiling, and I smiled back. Then, when I woke up this morning, the angels were gone.”
Angels. My baby saw angels.
What we can’t see, what we can’t feel, and what we can’t quite understand…we live to embrace. Most of us walk in faith, believing in all we can’t see, feel, or understand. We search for purpose and protection, while we find peace in knowing we are cared for and loved by an Almighty Powerful God. And yet there are others whose withered souls fear those deep waters, so they build blind barriers of protection that keep them safe and buoyant while floating atop the unknown. They too, must yearn for understanding and search in secret…
Is there really a Heavenly Father? Do Angels watch over me? Am I loved and cared for by an Omnipotent Creator?
We hear of stories… divine encounters that exalt all Heavenly Realms in some way, connecting far beyond our own existence. We listen or read about these experiences with the awe and curiosity of a child, and perhaps we doubt the reality as an adult. Our world is rich in questions, only to find emptiness and echoes of silent answers. We pursue evidence, and oftentimes get lost in the dark swirling reasoning of why and how. Is it real? Is it true? Do I believe?
Is there A Living God?
Don’t we long for something tangible? Do we sometimes wonder in the corner of our thoughts, if all the glory and divine power and majesty of the Heavens is open to all? Or even open at all…
If only we could put our hands in His Side. (John 20:27)
My daughter has been told countless times, how her Father in Heaven loves and cherishes His beloved children. Much of her life has been immersed in learning of His Grace and His Glory. I have shared precious details of His Hand guiding every step of her glorious and miraculous journey. She has grown to believe.
And now she has seen His Angels…
I told her to write down exactly what she saw. She resisted with a whiny “Aw mom, why do I have to do that?” As if it was a torturous homework assignment. She doesn’t get it. She doesn’t realize that in that wondrous night, she experienced what most would never live to see in a lifetime. She was witness to the miracle of knowing, not just believing. She was blessed with an astounding truth to behold.
And as time passes, and the world sucks her in and swirls her around into questioning and wondering…
As she grows older and perhaps her faith withers with circumstances beyond her control…
When she narrows her vision to only what she sees and feels and understands…
There will come a time, when she will remember the moment she saw three angels smiling at her.
And she will know.
Tremendous story! Her story gives me chills. It really can change your perspective on life – giving a visual to the fact that God is always with us. Often wonder if babies see angels as they are smiling in theiir sleep…
She has a wonderful example in her mommy – leading her on her journey of life with the Lord. She is really blessed to have you! Keep up the good work :)!
Oh you are such an ecouraging dear friend! Coming from someone as Faithful and beautiful as you, it means the world to me. And yes, this will always be a reminder of His Power and His Grace. So grateful my baby was blessed with this experience!!
Your little “angel” saw 3 angels!?! How awesome! Great story! Great reminder that sometimes we need to just believe, even if it seems quite unbelievable!
Exactly. It really is just sooooo cool! Mama is so happy! Just love it when there is proof of our faith…and how blessed that my baby will always “know”.
I think for a moment I would have freaked out if the kids said that to me!! How adorable!! I love Cass!!
I DID freak out! It still blows my mind… But it truly is so cool. I am in awe of her story. And how could she make that up? She is a lucky and blessed little girl!! And what a comfort to me to know she is being watched over…. 🙂
Incredible story!!!! Sweet Cass is a very blessed girl.
Yes. And Yes. 🙂 🙂 🙂
WOW. I definitely 100% believe that children are far more connected to the spirit/heaven world than adults are, so I can’t say that I am surprised to read this story, but I am certainly moved by it. I hope you were able to convince her to write it down. You should send it in to Guideposts.
I agree! It was interesting too- because I was pressed for time to get out a post and just didn’t have that “writer mojo”. Things were hectic getting out of town for spring break (I’m sure you can relate!) and I don’t like to write just anything- (which I’m sure you can relate!). The night before we were leaving for Florida, I prayed, “God, help me out here….I need some material for my blog and I want it to be something special and powerful.”
The next morning, Cassidy came down with her story. WOW. “Um, thanks God!”
What an amazing story..that you obviously forgot to tell me! LOL! Look at me post…love ya!
I LOVE YOU POSTING!!! Thank you sooo much!!! It happened the night before we left for Florida!! I wrote the post in Florida and by the time we got back yadda yadda yadda….. Isn’t that amazing though??? Man I can’t believe I forgot to tell you about it. (sigh)
Oh how I yearn for something tangible. I do. I SO do. This is beautiful, and i’m so glad you shared it with me.
Oh I am so so glad you read it Adrienne! We all yearn for those things… my daughter is a lucky girl. She still sees them, and says there is now four angels she sees…(one more). Interestingly enough, a dear friend had recently passed away. Hmm…
Wow!! I love that! And I do so hope that my daughter will remember what she is seeing, hearing, and feeling right now too. She saw. Amen! 🙂
AMEN Lisa!!! AMEN. 🙂
I am so glad you liked this- I just knew you would!! We are blessed to have daughters that have seen, unlike so many. They do have the faith of a child, and such beautiful open hearts. Oh, could us mamas want more? I think not!!!