The word hallelujah is one of the most powerful words I know. I don’t believe there is another word like it. The famous song has a power all its own, and the whisper of the melody still lingers in my heart from the most beautiful memorial I have ever had the honor of attending. The church was packed, and each person rose to sing and share stories and the forever lingering love and life of one of the greatest. Each profound moment left me breathless and soaked in tears.
My dear friend’s husband was a mighty man, diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s. His relentless fight against the progressive debilitating affects of this horrific disease was a testimony to his strength and courage- but above all, his unwavering integrity and faith.
When talking with the music ministry leaders at our church about his favorite song, the song he so desperately wanted to sing… It was decided that they would sing the song for him. We felt the words didn’t honor the true man he was, so I edited the lyrics to create a tribute and an anthem that testifies to the life and love a of a cherished friend, a dedicated father, a strong leader, a brilliant mind, a faithful follower, a noble lad, a creative spirit, a passionate husband, a compassionate soul, a radiant light, a rare wit, and above all…
A victorious, triumphant warrior that taught us all how to truly live.
John’s “Broken Hallelujah” was never broken.
But rather, full of glorious power and light.
I heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
You always let the music soak right through ya.
Well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well your faith was strong you were the proof
You grew in strength from your youth
A noble man and nothing overthrew ya.
But wrapped and tied and bound and chained
You took your steps unrestrained
And from your lips you drew the Hallelujah.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well Glory beams through the door,
You never quit, you wanted more.
But heaven just can’t wait so Glory took ya.
You stood so tall, strong to find
You left the chains far behind
It’s a new, a shining glorious Hallelujah!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well there was a time your head hung low.
The weight, the world, forced it so.
And yet His Light shined brighter, right through ya.
We remember each day with you.
His Holy Spirit moving too
And every breath we drew was Hallelujah.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You’ve shown us there’s a God above
We learned of faith and saw your love
We taste the tears and try to live without ya.
Our cries you’ll here through the night
But know you’re wrapped in His Light
Brings forth a gasping Glory Hallelujah.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I agree. The word is amazing and thar song is one of my favorites. Oh, and I got the books. Thank you! I do love you so!
Good!! I’m so glad you got the books! I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and I can’t wait to catch up on your blog soon. I am so behind!! Love you Alexa. <3
Absolutely beautiful tribute and version of this classic song for your dear friend’s husband. Thank you so much, Chris for sharing it here with us today!
AW Janine! Thank you so much for being ‘in this’ with me as you always show up to take it in. It means SO much. I am so very grateful for you, my dear friend. XO
Beautiful! Thank you!
It’s the very least I could do. I think the ladies pulled it off nicely. I love you. YOU and Caitie… oh, how I love you.
I love, love, love that Leonard Cohen song. What a tribute to modify the lyrics for a friend!
Thanks so much for coming by Sarah… and taking it in. It was very special indeed. Miss you babe!!! Anxious to get over and catch up on your posts!!!
Thank you Christine! I wanted to see the words you wrote but I felt funny asking. Loved this song before and now I will always have you and John in my life that connect me to it and it will mean more now!
Oh I’m so glad you wanted to see the words too, Sandy! I cried while re-wording the song and the ladies sang it so beautifully at the service. I too, will hold this song with much deeper meaning now. <3
It WAS beautiful. And the lyrics to our Hallelujah tribute, so perfect. Thank you, Chris, for taking on the blessed task of ee-wording the song to make it “John’s Hallelujah”.
Thanks babe. YOU sang it so beautifully… I love that we pulled it off. I think John would be touched by it. <3
I love Hallelujah… it always brings tears to my eyes. The video that you shared here was stunning. I got goosebumps.
How lovely that you modified the lyrics for your dear friend. Beautiful Chris. What an amazing woman you are – God works through you so delicately.
Thanks for sharing.
You should have seen my friend stand up before the crowd and so eloquently deliver the most powerful speech and tribute to her husband. Oh I was beyond myself with the strength and grace God must have infused in her to do it. Just amazing.
One of my favorite songs of all time.
My uncle has Parkinson’s and it’s really a wicked and horrible illness.
Mine too… there’s something so emotionally heavy about that song and yet inspiring. Much like the service. I’m so sorry your uncle has to suffer too. Ugh. It’s horrific.
What an amazing experience that must have been, to join voices with your congregation to pay tribute to a lost friend.
It was just incredible, Dana. He was a mighty man indeed. We are all left with holes in our hearts- and my precious friend and her daughter are navigating a new empty road ahead. Thank you for coming by to take part in it and share your sweet encouragement, dear friend.
Oh so beautiful Chris. I’m very sorry though that you lost a dear friend. What a powerful tribute to his greatness. So much love to you.
Thanks so much dear friend… The service was the most powerful and emotional thing I have ever witnessed. So hard… so very hard.
Oh gosh, Chris, this is so beautiful, I’m crying. What a gorgeous tribute to your friend. So sorry for your loss. And such a wonderful song…
Thanks babe. I cried while re-writing the words… cried during the song and the entire funeral. It was amazing.
Beautiful, Chris. What a wonderful tribute. I bet it sounded amazing.
It was gorgeous. The entire service was incredible. SO many love this man- he was truly an amazing light and love to many. There is a hole in countless hearts now… but oh the memories are precious!
most amazing song. so powerful, so emotional. and a beautiful tribute you did for a special man. I am sure the family will remember and carry that in their hearts forever. to know that your loved one — was so loved by others too. such a gift.
Oh the funeral service was the most powerful thing I have ever witnessed. This man was LOVED. Oh he will be missed by so many…
Oh, Chris, I’m sorry for the loss of your’s and your husband’s friend. What beautiful, truthful words in tribute to him.
Thank you so much for coming by to read this Katy. You’re a love. I hope you had a beautiful and blessed Christmas my friend!
That song gets to me every. single. time.
And so does the word Hallelujah.
Surely this word is repeated over and over again in heaven!
—-So sorry about your loss. It is ALWAYS difficult….even w/ the Lord. right?
xxxxxx How r U?
Yes, it is just so hard. You know this all too well. Thank GOD this is not our home. Thank GOD for His light that shines through in the dark.
Attakitty 🙂 You done good 🙂 <3
Thanks babe.. You are such a light to me. Xo
I <3 you big. Well done you getting replies done.
So beautiful, this is the best Christmas post I’ve read so far, the true meaning of Christmas!
I am inviting you to join my giveaway for a beautiful, silver heart locket!
Perfect for your loved ones 😉
Details in my blog
Happy Holidays!
Thank you so very much for coming by to read this post!! I’m so sorry I missed your giveaway! That would have been perfect for so many of my loved ones, especially my dear friend.