I always think of the “fall” season (now mid summer- geesh) as a new beginning to a new year. It is perhaps more of a “New Year” holiday than the one we celebrate in January. It is a brand new start to school and around this time I always celebrate, reflect, ponder and plan…
As summer slowly melts away and fall settles in, I want to raise my glass (coffee mug) to all the moms out there that are starting the “New Year” with me!!!
CHEERS to all you moms who have wiped butts, toilets, tables, faces, counters, tubs, furniture, dishes, and toys… over and over and over and over again!
CHEERS to all you moms who have sacrificed work days to spend quality summer time with your kids… and then had to go BACK to work!
CHEERS to all you moms who have spent your long summer days making meals and snacks back to back over and over again… only to have breaks to clean up from each one.
CHEERS to all you moms who navigated the pools, parks, camps, events, cookouts, fairs, trips, backyards, play dates, sleepovers, activities, excursions, shopping, camping, family reunions, car trips, boredom, restlessness, and late nights with both dignity and courage!
CHEERS to all you moms who didn’t hurt their children when the urge to do so was frighteningly real.
CHEERS to all you moms who attempted to continue their kids’ academics through the summer with workbooks, flashcards, and review sheets. Oh how I commend you! (Mine are both on the same page from the first day of summer…)
CHEERS to all you moms who endured endless 15 hour days with your children from the moment they woke through the evening slumber. And for not losing your mind before your day was over! (On most days anyway… some days?)
CHEERS to all you home schooling moms who are now planning to add a curriculum to the madness of the day. GOD speed, dear mothers… God speed.
CHEERS to all you moms who have the capacity to do the hardest and most fulfilling job in this world! Your laborious, redundant, exhausting, exciting, boring, emotional, richly abundant role as a mother is worth a CELEBRATION!!!
And on we march, through the gates of a new year and a new season of motherhood!
Great blog! You are so right, it IS like New Year’s! Break out the champagne and the confetti! I toast YOU!
Oh how I love to CELEBRATE anything with you!!!! CHEERS to a good summer and a great friendship!!!!! 🙂
I will admit it, I need Godspeed prayers the next few weeks! Holy moly! It’s about to get real wild up in here! 24/7 baby + curriculum, woohoo! Happy New Year! Summer was a breeze in comparison to what’s about to unfold next week…Grace, Patience, Perseverance, Vision, Faith…things to pray for during year 1… for me, my children, and those in our circle of life….Cheers! I am pumped for this precious opportunity and privilege! Thank you God.
My first born son told me today that he wants to be Baptized, that he is ready to declare his love for Jesus to the world. He saw a Mudd bracelet later that said ‘set free’ and he knew that’s the one he wanted out of at least 20 other word options. I snuck the purchase of that bracelet to give him on his special Baptism day. I believe despite his young age of 7, he gets what it means to be saved by his Lord. Now THAT sounds like the best New Years party ever !:)
Oh my dear… what a beautiful and passionate son you have!!! You must have just wanted confetti to drop when he shard his desire to be baptized!!! Happy New Year to you and your precious children who will not only be blessed by your presence and love, but will be unified and blessed by God through this new way of life for your family!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! 🙂
Oh- and a special “GOD-speed” to you sweet dear sister!!!! 🙂
Thank you so much for your encouragement 🙂 Love you
Cheers to you too!
Thanks!!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!!! 🙂
Visiting from SITS! I have 2 back In school and 1 more to go. My are all teens though. My main role these days is taxi driver and provider of food! LOL! Have a great weekend! Stacie xo
Oh my…THREE teenagers!!!! I cannot even imagine the taxi service!!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!!! 🙂
I’m with you – I’ve always felt like the beginning of the new school year is really when a new year starts. My girls go back to school a week from Monday. And I can say they’ve hardly done anything educational all summer 🙂 My oldest told me this morning she’s glad they normally review at the beginning of the year so she won’t seem dumb 🙂
Visiting from SITS.
Oh that is so funny! I am hoping they will review more here in fourth grade! So far we are off and running all the way into hard homework!!! Ugh. Happy New Year! 😉
What a great post! Stopping in to visit you from the SITS forum!
Thanks sooo much for reading and commenting! 🙂
Our New Year starts today. My first grader just recently learned about home school…..he’s been reminding me all morning that if he was home school’d I wouldn’t have to be home alone all day!!!! Not one of his stronger selling points!!!!:)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is HILARIOUS! I’m sure he will remind you of this selling point every single day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 😉
I remember when. . . . . .
Aw… 🙂