I Wonder…
I wonder how all the fascinating intricate systems in our bodies flow seamlessly in some and break apart in others…
I wonder why there are parts of this world that resemble Heaven and parts that reflect Hell…
I wonder how every single person is completely and utterly different than the next…
I wonder about the stars and the endlessness above…
I wonder how a God of the universe can allow evil to litter this land for so long, before putting an end to it once and for all…
I wonder how minds can have the power to produce thoughts that control us…
I wonder about those who have lost their own mind to someone else’s thoughts…
I wonder how one person can dominate an entire population…
I wonder why torturing and murdering innocent victims can continue in this world…
I wonder about the power of prayer…
I wonder why I am in a comfortable home with plenty to eat, while millions starve out in the cold…
I wonder why I was given an abundant life, while others die of suffering every day…
I wonder why some people live through nightmares while others live in dreams…
I wonder about the spirit world that lives among us…
I wonder about Hell…
I wonder about Heaven…
I wonder how miraculously a human being is created and birthed into existence…
I wonder how fragile life is…
I wonder at the marvelous complexities of our minds…
I wonder what happens inside the walls of each home I pass by…
I wonder about the endless secrets that no one tells…
I wonder how every single person has a story to be told, and a voice to be heard…
I wonder why love can twist into hatred…
I wonder why God doesn’t perform miracles more often…
I wonder if I will live out the dream my Creator has for me…
I wonder when I will understand fully, what my purpose is…
I wonder how long I will live on this earth…
I wonder about the gifts we are given that we don’t see…
I wonder how people’s hearts can intertwine so deeply from hundreds of miles away…
I wonder where others find their hope…
I wonder how this earth’s motion gives birth to new cycles and seasons…
I wonder about the beauty of all creation…
I wonder when I’ll learn of things I don’t understand…
I wonder why we don’t value what matters…
I wonder how one statement can change the trajectory of my day…
I wonder about the power of human strength…
I wonder what this world will be like when my children are grown…
I wonder if all of the people I love really know how much I love them…
I wonder if I am spending my time with things that are worthy of my time…
I wonder about the balance that life presents…
I wonder how much time we have…
I wonder how much time this world has…
I wonder when evil will exist no more…
I wonder when humanity will kill itself…
I wonder when humanity will be saved…
I wonder.
And I wonder what you wonder
Yeah, me too friend
SO much to wonder, isn’t there WPB? SO much… <3
I love this Chris and definitely some deep thinking for this Thursday afternoon here. I wonder so many of the above myself, too, especially just even wondering in general!
I wonder (and marvel) at how busy your brain is, Kitty 🙂
You know I cut this down tremendously before I published it? Yeah… my brain is very busy! 🙂
I wonder so many things. I wonder when my son will decide that there really is a point to life and want to make the most of his life?!
I love the way you write and express things!!
Oh Kim, I hope you find an answer to that wonder. It sounds like that could be put into prayer… <3 I will hope and pray that in time, your boy will find his purpose, and a passion for it! I know at that age, it's so difficult!
Wow, That’s a lot of wondering 🙂
Yeah, I know Susan… I’m an over-thinker I believe! The list could go on and on… There is much to wonder about in this world.
I wonder about these things, too, my darling Chris…
And you wrote them so beautifully, insightfully, and heartbreakingly.
PS. I wonder how a heart can still beat after her soul-mate has died?
Oh gosh, thank you so much love!
*Each day that you wake and breathe…in and out…in an out… even gasping at times for air…you manage to answer your wondering. I pray that your heart continues to beat, for Kay. She would want that. I’m sure of it. You are now breathing and beating for two. <3
Okay, what a “comeback,” for FTSF. Brilliantly executed, my friend. And I wonder too – about all of it.
AW! Thanks sweetie!!! Lots of wondering goes on around here… all. the. time.
Wow….my friend….I wonder how you put into to words what must of us wonder how good exists along side evil….
Yes, Kerri… I wonder that most of all. Sigh…
Wow! that was a thought provoking post by you making us wonder on all the possible arenas 🙂
Thank you for the enlightenment, my friend
LOTS of thought provoking wonders… we all have I think! Thank you for diving into mine, Ruchira! <3
I wonder if we were sisters in another life. I wonder if you are inside my brain. I wonder if I will ever stop wondering. I wonder if others wonder as much as I do…but now I know at least one person does…you.
Oh Jackie!! Your comment just makes me wish we could sit together in the corner of a coffeehouse and wonder all these things together… like sisters do. <3
Maybe…someday…one never knows what the future holds. I wonder…Big hugs!!!
Big hugs right back atcha sweetie!!! 🙂
Well this is a wonder of a post indeed. Splendid effort.
Thanks Kelly!! It’s those late night thoughts that rise in my head and heart…
Wow – this one – “I wonder about those who have lost their own mind to someone else’s thoughts…” gave me goosebumps.
Each one of those really is a writing prompt in itself, if you’re brave enough to wonder it out loud 😉
I know… that one just came out of me without much thought, but it hit me hard too, as I thought of so many who have truly been dominated by others, ya know? Both in relationships and on a larger ‘cult like’ scale, or regime… Hitler comes to mind too.
Thanks SO much for sharing this Kenya!!
Have you been peeking in my head? All these exact questions, and more, rattle around in my head on a daily basis and plauge me. I wish we were closer so we could have coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.
Stephanie!! I LOVE that you and I are thinking and wondering the same things! *Deep* Wouldn’t it be just so lovely to dive into these issues together? And drink LOTS of coffee!!? *Dreaming*
Wow, so thoughtful. I read parts of it several times to take it all in. I wonder this all the time: “I wonder what happens inside the walls of each home I pass by…” I often pray as I drive by a home that I feel prompted to wonder about…for no particular reason.
Very powerful and so true: “I wonder how one statement can change the trajectory of my day…
I wonder about the power of human strength…
I wonder what this world will be like when my children are grown…”
Oh Bonnie, that is just such an awesome thing to do- pray for those people in the home! I am going to start doing that, as I am prompted to wonder too. I love that you truly ‘read’ these wonderings… Thank you sweet friend, for diving into them with me!
You and me both—very similar thoughts on a daily basis!
Right Marcia? My list is actually a mile longer, and I’m sure yours is too.
I wonder a lot of these things too, someday we won’t have to wonder anymore 🙂
Yes KC… thanking God for that someday! I honestly hope it comes soon. <3
I wonder why i have a warm home… these are such good questions to have us think through. It led me to be grateful. Thanks for this
It’s a convicting list, isn’t it Jann? It leads me to gratitude too…
Beautiful, Chris! I wonder many of these same things. I often wonder “why me and not someone else?” or “why someone else and not me?” I wonder about the future – mine, my girls’, our world’s. I wonder about the past and how some of it can linger.
Oh Lisa- I love that “Someone else and not me?” Yes… yes to all of your wonders. <3
I wonder these too. I wonder at how small we are in the Universe. The one thing I wonder that I sometimes can’t get out of my head is why some children are safe while others are tortured. Innocent victims—why must we have them?
I wonder that one most of all Lisa, and my heart breaks into millions of tiny pieces when I think about it.
That’s a lot of wondering. I wonder about a lot of these things too. Maybe too much sometimes….
Yeah… I wonder a bit too much as well. It’s in our nature I suppose…
Beautiful wonderings. I wonder so many of the same things.
Thanks Charity! It’s good to know I am not alone in my wonderings… <3
Me too, Chris. You said a mouthful! I wonder so much about this world – how there can be SO much good and SO much horror. I wish I wondered less about the existence of a higher power, and just wondered more what you wonder – how long this will go on. Because then that would mean I firmly believed, and this world makes it hard.
The goodness and the light, though… they are just that good.
I love your honesty so much Tamara… I wish for you that peace too. But know that I still struggle to find it at times, no matter what I believe.
But I fight it with my hope in Heaven and God’s plan for his children. That’s the best hope I have.
you just literally spent 5 minutes in my brain. It’s a noisy noisy place in there. That’s why I need 10 minutes at least per day to just Be Still. Quiet. And ….nothing. Not even prayer. Just. Still.
And I think if more people did that, we might get some of those answers we are seeking.
Yes Leslie!!! Oh do I need that stillness too… breathing space I call it. I wish more people had those moments too. I love that we have the same ‘world’ in our heads!!! *Not surprised* 🙂
Hi Chris! How can we ever understand the love of a Creator who’s thoughts are not our thoughts? Who’s ways are not our ways?
I think you ‘wondering’ is a lot like awe. A holy reflection on the overwhelming complexity of being yourself, and trying to see God in all His creation. I think we’ll be wondering all the way until we see Him again.
God bless your wondering! May it begin and end in Him,
OH Ceil, I just love that!!! I think we will be wondering all the way home… <3
I wonder so many of those things, too. I love how freely you wonder about so many things, Chris – you are constantly striving to understand, yet are content to not know everything. That inspires me!
Dana, I love how you always get me!! And I am so grateful you appreciate who I am for who I am… It’s just so encouraging. <3
Hello, dear friend! Oh, how I have missed you! As I join the land of the living, I had to come see what you have been up to!
We wonder about a lot of the same things. Love that you think these things, too. xo
I wonder how YOU ARE DOING? I haven’t seen any recent posts come in my inbox from you… but my emails subscriptions get wonky with so many blogs! I need to go and check on you, my friend. Praying you are doing well and you have healed?!