I’ve written several times about my daughter’s medical struggles through her first ten years of life. I’ve shared stories of despair and messages of hope and encouragement through her incredible rise of health and strength from years of fighting hard for it. Those ten years were difficult, overwhelming, and exhausting. There were times I was so afraid I could barely breath, and other times I felt hopeless and defeated in the fight to get my baby well. The anxiety was unbearable, as every parent who has a sick child knows. It’s palpalpable in the thick of the night especially, isn’t it?
Oh I remember it all so vividly…
There was one fateful evening, when she had been sick for weeks right after my son was born. My greatest fear was having her be terribly ill, as I was tending to my newborn baby. It happened. One evening as I held her, she seemed to grow more fatigued and lifeless while struggling to breathe. ย I checked her temperature- 105.9, so we flew to the hospital afraid of such a high fever. While sitting in the front seat of the car as my husband drove, I began to sob and tell him how frightened I was about her being so sick. I was a hormonal, exhausted, terrified mama.
What happened next, was and still is the most profound moment in my parenting years to date. My precious and very sick baby girl whispered something from the back seat that continues to echo in my heart to this day. I couldn’t believe her then, but as I look back through all the hard memories- I realize she was right. And she still is.
I was astounded in her ability to tune into me at such a young age and when she was so ill, to offer her mama such incredible encouragement. I see it now, everyday. Her gift of encouragement and hope from her relentless positive perspective. What a journey we have taken to get here.
For all you mothers who are feeling hopeless, scared, alone and unsure if everything is really going to be okay with your child.
Let my daughter’s prophetic words fill you with confidence too.
Today, I am over at HerStories to share this powerful story and message. Would you read it HERE? May it inspire strength in you.
Whoa. You’ve got me flying over there to read it.
Kelly, your support and encouragement mean the world to me! Thank you, my friend.
Wow. I’ll be going there, of course. Sometimes Scarlet does the same thing and then I know, she’s right.
Our kids… They’re really good at calling it, aren’t they? ๐ Thanks for reading it, love!
Such a beautiful essay! So proud of you and honored to have it featured at the HSP!
The honor is ALL mine, Allie! I’m so grateful you published on HSP. THANK YOU for all your support, my friend! ๐
Aw, read it and your girl sounds wise beyond her years, but then again I already knew that about, Cass ๐
Thanks so much for reading it and your sweet words about Cass, Janine! ๐
What a beautiful and inspiring story you shared Chris. These wise words of your daughter will be there with me and help me in tough moments of life. Thanks to you. Thanks to het.
I’m so grateful to have her words in my memory to always remind me of this truth, Marie. In our darkest hour, we can find hope in that simple phrase. Thanks for coming by to read it, my friend!
So inspiring. Simple yet words full of encouragement. It’s going to be okay. ๐
They pack a mighty fine punch, Lux. I will never forget them. They continued to speak to me long after she whispered them from the back seat of the car… ๐
Wow, I didn’t know your daughter had struggled so much! So glad the struggle was redeemed by He who can use it for good in our lives! xoxo
Those were very difficult years, but I am incredibly grateful God brought us through and gave us strength to endure it all. We have been blessed with the hard journey in many ways- Faith grows in hard places, yes? ๐
Hi, a very inspiring story. I admire the courage and strength to face it all. Thanks for sharing. Great read!
Hi Sherill! Thanks so much for reading it, and your encouraging words. That means so very much to me. ๐