Oh friends, there are so many women out there struggling with body image issues and constantly battling the “bulge” in one way or another. And as much as I get looking and feeling better about ourselves, I have a heavy heart that many are missing the mark. Our society consumes us with messages that in order to be loved, be happy, and be fulfilled- one must have a perfect size and beautifully sculpted figure…
I recently read an articleby my dear precious friend that portrays the epitome of this depleting angst that seeps in our lives… and damages the very heart of our purpose. It got to me. I hate to think of the pain and suffering so many gorgeous people endure to reach that perfect size, as they struggle with self-loathing and depreciation for who they are in the process.
How many women measure their worth in weight?
How many of us miss our calling because we are too focused on our physical storage space and not all the unique potential of what is IN it?
If you struggle with this issue, or know of someone who does…
I urge you to go over to Lizzi’s place and open your eyes to a new perspective. Oh, how I pray it helps you change your priorities and encourages you to believe that there is a much more fulfilling journey for you to pursuit.
Go to Considerings to read about what’s most important, okay? Please. Go. And take in my message and allow it to transform your way of thinking about your body.
I love Lizzi’s sweet drawings that depict this message…
Go from this:
Picture me standing on a chair, holding a lighter, cheering as loud as I can!!!
WOOHOO!!!! Oh how I love that you get this!!! I will join you on that chair with a lighter!!! 🙂
I feel so lucky to have read this yesterday. It was a treasure. As are you!
Thanks SO much Tamara!! I am SO glad you were affected by the post- it means so very much to me!! Love you!!
You’re such a star, Chris – thank you SO much for writing this and letting me share it chez moi
I am SO honored to share that piece with YOU, sweet friend. May it be a constant reminder of your worth.
HUGGLES right back atcha!!! XOXOXO
Can but hope, right? 🙂
RIGHT. Just face-slap yourself when you go “there”… 😀 I would do it, but ya know.
So sweet and loving and gentle, you are, and then…
Yow! *astonished face*
Totally do this- but also totally loved Lizzi’s post too. 🙂
Thanks SO much Kate!! 🙂
You did SUCH an amazing job talking about a painful, horrible subject for so many of us.
Thank you SO much Kristi! I hate that so many people suffer through this hardship ALL their life….
It truly breaks my heart. Oh how I pray this helps change their course.
What you wrote is so, so true! It reminded me of this project and this poem. There are nude photos with the Beautiful Body Project, however, they are so so powerful. This site has helped me as my body has grown, aged and changed into something I have not known before. Anyway, thought you would enjoy. <3
I have seen that and it is SO SO amazing!!! I love you for sharing it here, I hope more get a chance to be blessed by it!!
Yes- our bodies are changing, aren’t they? And although I am in the WORST shape I have every been in, I am more at peace and fulfilled than I ever have been in my life. Hmm. I have a feeling you could say the same, sweet pea! XOXOXO
Here’s to HAPPINESS!! Oh, and all that other jazz… 😉
You did such a great job with this post! HUGS!
Thanks SO much Jen!!!! XOXO
Beautifully said! It’s so tough to teach our children (and each other) where our value truly comes from when so much of the world teaches the opposite, false sources of worth. Thanks for speaking up and sharing your beautiful heart.
Oh I LOVE seeing you again Robin!!! (Well, I guess it’s really your words I am seeing! But they are YOU to me.) I am so so glad you came by to read this post… did you get over to Lizzi’s and see that one? I love how you put that- false sources of worth. That is just perfect.
I miss you! I will be by to check in SOON. 🙂 Praying you are doing well….?
I’m struggling a tad to stay ahead but I did read your post over there, please know, SSSF, I’m trying & I LOVE you very VERY much! XO
Oh precious SSSF!!!! Don’t you EVER feel that awful burden to keep up… at least with ME!!! Only come here when you can and when you feel compelled to read me… you just hang on and hold on and I am praying for you!!!!
I spent a good 20 years worrying more about the number on the scale (or the pants) than about who I was as a person. It’s sad, isn’t it? I’m like so many others in trying to get healthy…but now it’s more about making sure that I’m around to see my grandkids…and to be strong enough at the time to get down and play with them. Thanks for sharing these posts!
It IS sad… and yet, so many women are in the same twisted turmoil that you were in. I am SO glad you are focusing now on your beauty in LIVING and staying healthy for the right reasons Leslie!! It breaks my heart how much time can be wasted chasing after that perfect body… and how self defeating it can be. I have many friends who still are in the battle, and I want so badly to change their perspective before the years go by and they have lost so much time striving for something that isn’t significant at all, in the end.
Thank you so much for coming by and sharing your story. I am grateful!
I just came back from reading Chris! Excellent post! As much as I promote fitness and health, I desire for my life to reflect the popular line of the song “May the work I’ve done speak for me”, not my size 6 laying in the casket 🙂 I have never struggled with body image issues but the concept can be applied to anything; the perfect job, perfect husband (don’t have one of those yet:)), etc. At least that’s how I applied it to me personally. I appreciate your wisdom!
Oh Joi- I am so grateful you took the time to come back and share a comment with me!!! Good for YOU for having such a beautiful perspective, my friend!
I wonder how many women you encounter who struggle with weight issues and body image issues….
I bet there are many. Women everywhere are solely focused on their need to be thin. I pray you direct them to that post- if you think it may help open their hearts to a new perspective on WHO they are.