Today I am going to brag and boast about my adoring, helpful, strong and caring husband. I want to shout out in praise of having the best spouse I could have ever wished or prayed for.
My husband is my miracle. Truly.
I am not going to ramble on about things he falls a bit short on, such as asking specific questions regarding what I JUST talked to him about, as this happens every. single. day. There will be no ranting about how he took over the homework on a night I was in excruciating pain, and failed to do all of it with the kids…leaving me scurrying with it the next morning before school. (Always a productive homework time, right?)
I won’t go “there” in complaining about just once I want to let go of the mom role and take care of myself, and not find the heaping mess of consequences the next morning. I won’t go on and on expressing my one and only desire for him to listen to me when I speak and not go into some “manly” coping defense mechanism of “tuning one out” while I talk about the kids or my day. I don’t want to be that negative kind of wife.
I want to share how amazing and wonderful he can be, even when he can’t for the life of him remember more than two grocery items at the store, and yet he handles multi-million dollar projects on a daily basis. Baffles me to no end. Absolutely baffles me…
Instead I am going to raise my husband up so high, even the angels will look down on him. I am going to sing a chorus of “How Great Thou Art” to my amazing husband, even though it was written for God. THAT’S how great he is! Okay, here it goes!!!
This man would do anything at anytime for me. Period. No strings attached or questions asked. (Wait, take the questions part away)
This man cares so much about me that when I hurt, I see the hurt in him. (Sometimes his pain seems more than mine)
This man wakes up every day facing the tedious and laborious workforce, so that he can provide for our family. And he relentlessly continues to succeed in this pursuit…when he really doesn’t want to do this at all.
This man has seen me through countless surgeries and illnesses that would make any man cringe, gag, and run. Yet, he loved me even more.
This man is steady, stable, strong, and secure. The great and majestic four S’s that make him every bit of the man for me. He is my rock and my anchor.
This man has seen the ugly parts of me, and yet he loves me despite them. He is my home and my comfort and my peace. I can be all I am with him and know I am loved.
This man thinks I am the sexiest and most beautiful woman that ever walked this green earth. Seriously. No kidding.
This man sees my love and my passion. He sees it! He supports it. He fell in love with it. He respects it. He sacrifices for it. Yes. That is why I married the man.
He gets me.
Please take a moment to share something wonderful about your man!! Lets shout out our gratitude, shall we??
Oh what a beautifully written, amazing tribute! A real heartfelt tribute to your man! I can really feel the love that the 2 of you share and thank you for the reminder of what marriage is supposed to be. Why God created marriage for us. Love this post, love you!
Oh thank you dear friend! You know… and I love your support and encouragement!!!
I love my man because he is so much fun to be around. When we get alone, we get so giddy and silly sometimes that I feel as if I’m back in high school again… but in a good way 🙂
Oh I LOVE THAT!!! SO amazing to have your husband bring JOY to you and you to him… acting silly, giggling…I soooo agree that is an AWESOME part of marriage!!!!! 🙂
How does my man get up day after day, work endless hours to provide, and then have quality time with his children,help me around the house,take kids to activities, take care of his body,love me unconditionally, take time to call his friends, AND NEVER EVER EVER complain, whine, feel sorry for himself, bitch, moan, pout, or sulk? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? He just simply eventually fatigues, eyes get red and heavy, and he knows its time for rest that night. I have not learned that Christ like magic myself, that is for sure. But my man, has that core character in him, and my family is so blessed with him in our lives, words could never articulate. He is our hero. Hands down.
Well said, dear sister. SO WELL said!!! He is a hero in every way… you are SO BLESSED!!!
I love this. Our husbands sound alike in the questions department. It was fun how you did this. I love my man because he makes me laugh harder than anyone else, he gives up every single moment of his free time to coach our boys in every sport. He never complains and he is HOT. 🙂
Oh I think our husbands would get along just FINE!! Mine coaches also!! And maybe he’s as HOT as yours!!!! LOL 🙂
Love this! I like the way you started it, especially, because I could totally relate to everything you were saying! 🙂
In the end, though, I agree with you completely…I would never trade my hubby for anyone else!
SO glad you can relate to all I said in the beginning!!! LOVE that! And yes, in the end…our guys really come through don’t they? Thanks so much for reading and commenting Ashley!! 🙂
I think we may share the same husband!? Everything you said already, I would have said when describing my husband. The only thing I think I would add is his handiness…there is nothing he isn’t able to fix, nor is afraid to tackle on his own (and he has absolutely no training). It boggles my mind, really. Definitely my knight in shining armour!
OMGOSH!! Mine can also fix anything and has no training!!! He is amazing that way- I could never EVER do the things he does. It’s just simply awesome how they figure stuff out on their own isn’t it? LOVE that. So we just may have the same hubby after all! (um, awkward moment pondering… where do you live?? LOL )
Yepper!! Your hubby is amazing! I do love that in every moment around him, he is so true blue to you and you can see his love for you with every breath!
Let’s see…my turn…This could take days!!! He is amazing and never complains, he worships the ground I walk on, tells me more than a hundred times each day “I love you”, not in that conversation ending way, but really feels it. He rises before anyone to get everything ready for me, he is raising three children, two of which are not his, but have become his. He smiles and kisses me all the time, tells me how sexy I am, through 9 months of pregnancy and still 5 months after…and I believe him! Again, NEVER complains! While I swear I fuss about everything! Tomorrow is his birthday and all our money is going to orthodontia for K & K. I have to work and can’t even cook him dinner. Yet, he smiles and says “All I need is you”
I am so blessed!!
I was just WAITING for you to comment!!! Why? Because I know how AMAZING your precious man is… 🙂 He is all that and MORE and I thank GOD every day for bringing him into your life!!!!!! Btw- you are a pretty AWESOME catch my sweat pea!!!
This is great. Sometimes I feel guilty for not appreciating my husband as much as he deserves. I don’t know what I’d do without him!
Oh I know exactly how you feel!! I often think, “he gets my leftovers” at the end of the day… I don’t realize often enough how true of a man and husband and father he is in my life. I remind myself daily of this! Thanks so much for reading and commenting Jennifer!! 🙂
You are an amazing couple…both very good people. Your marriage is a blessing to those around you and we should boast in the good gifts God gives us. Great blog!
Thank you sooo much dear friend!! YOU are a blessing to those around YOU. I cannot WAIT to see who God places in your arms, to fulfill His plan! Just know it’s gonna be GOOD…oh. so. GOOD! 😉
I llloooovvveeee this!!! This is really nice (I was cracking up at the beginning – especially about the homework. HILARIOUS!) But I have to say that I share all of the same sentiments that you expressed. One of the things I love about my hubby is that he’s always willing to try. His efforts may not always be what I think they should be – but if he’s willing to stick it out – then so am I. Love this – gotta share 🙂
EXACTLY!!!!! We gotta “count” the efforts right? That’s what it’s all about my friend! Cause, well… sometimes that’s all we have!!! 😉 Thanks so much for reading and sharing!!!!!!!
hi from the SITS Girls sharefeast! 🙂
HI!! Thanks sooo much for visiting!!!! 🙂
I have mentioned recently how much I admire the relationship between you and Derek. Was so nice to read your deep expression of love. And believe me, I see it with you guys… such a beautiful thing, sis!!
AW! Thanks soo much sis!! So glad it shows… The best part actually happens behind “closed doors”, which is really what makes him the best husband I could ask for. 🙂
Hello from St. Louie! Stopping in from SITS. Love love love this post! I’ve written a few posts about my hubby, too. Though sometimes I just want to put him in a headlock…most times I just want to give him a hug. 😉
Oh how funny! Yes, oh yes…headlock. I. Get. That. 😉 Will definately stop by to read more of your posts!! Thanks so much for visiting!!!!
Love your blog! Thanks so much for sharing Chris, such an awesome tribute to your husband…he definitely has a great wife!;-)) We do have some great husbands, don’t we! 🙂 Because they’re so good to us, we can get familiar with them(knowing they will always be there) and sometimes take them and our marriage for granted. Thanks so much for the reminder to ALWAYS be grateful!! ;-))
I do believe we are on the same page my new friend!!! So glad we have found eachother!!! 🙂 Looking forward to more sharing! 🙂