The marriage to my dear, amazing, loving, wonderful, patient, and oh, so incredible husband has been a love that seems to grow with more trust, and passion and depth every passing day. I am most definitely blessed by loving this man and thank God for him. I didn’t realize love could go this deep and thrive on the passion of every day moments. I didn’t learn of this unconditional and forgiving love until I met him. I was naïve of what an unfaltering immovable anchor love could be, when it is rooted in the very core of who you are. My husband has given me this gift of love. It is a different kind of love that I have never before experienced until I met him. He is my rock, my touchstone, my safety net, and my home. I am completely inspired by his love and seem to find myself more deeply in love with him, as each year passes.
With that said…. these ten years have been the best and most fulfilling years of my life.
On our first anniversary, I thought I would be oh so creative and do the “traditional anniversary gift” of paper. On it I would write 365 REASONS WHY I LOVE YOU. Yes. I wrote 365 reasons why I loved the man I married just one year ago that day…. It was an exciting task and quite a challenge, by the time I got to, say number 234! But it was a project that filled many hours thinking about all the things I truly loved (and still do!) about the man I married. I squeezed it all in one sheet of paper and framed it for his gift. BRILLIANT!! Right??? I was quite proud….
Second year….gonna be so creative and so original AGAIN!!! The traditional second anniversary gift is cotton. So I bought him some undershirts and fabric painted them with the most loving and adoring words ever! “YOU ARE #1”…”2001 ROCKS!” “ HEY HOT HUBBY!” I thought it was hilarious and extra special. He could wear these shirts underneath his work clothes and no one would know but his creative and unique wife!!!! Well, I am sad to report that I never saw those shirts on him or near him for the next 8 years….to this day I have no idea where he keeps them. He did keep them, right?
The third year anniversary traditional gift was of all things….. LEATHER. Yikes! What the heck was I gonna do with that? I shopped everywhere….tried to think of anything creative….but gave up looking and trying to be original…. Not to mention that at this point, I was consumed with my daughter’s issues.
Done. I honestly don’t remember attempting another creative gift again. How sad is that???? I hate to say it, but the kids sucked it out of me. Every ounce of energy was given to them….and whatever drippings were leftover, that is what my dear, patient, loving husband got. I don’t think I remember an anniversary when the kids weren’t sick or something interfered with our celebration. Such is life, right?
And so it goes with our tenth anniversary… I think to myself, “This is it! I am going to be creative and original this year!” I look up the ten year anniversary traditional gift. Mmmmm….Tin? Alluminum? Really? Geez. After brainstorming for hours and looking around stores for something really cool- I realized that there was nothing I found that he would use nor like, (Modified silver picture frame? Money clip? Etc) I gave up. My teeth have consumed me this tenth anniversary year. Unfortunately it wasn’t the kids, but I, that drained myself, attempting to jump the hurdle of a newly installed mouth. So I bought the guy a huge Hershey bar, and ate it.
Now that is LOVE…..
Oh man, I know what you mean…we put so much into these relationships when they’re all we really have to focus on, but bring kids into the picture and it becomes such a challenge! I’d say the first year definitely gives you a 25 year pass…because that’s approximately how much time it would take for me to develop a list like that! Go you!
Yeah, I think I am still beaming from that first year anniversary gift. (And I tell ya- it was killer!) Maybe when our kids are all grown and we have our marriages back, we can plan something really extraordinary huh? I vote for a trip to somewhere tropical, and invite the hubbies for the second week. 😉 I’ll try to remind you when yours is if you give me the date! LOL