I love being showered with gifts and gratitude on Mother’s Day. My kids thanked me for being “an awesome mom” in more ways than one. I deserve that praise, oh how I do! So I soak it in, and lavish in my luxurious day off of the job, drenched in the spoils of my entitlement…
It’s a good thing.
But as I sit in my stillness and solitude, reflecting on my glorious motherhood journey, I realize that I have some thanking to do too…
Because of you, my darling children-
I have grown in the ability to swallow pride and live in humility.
I have learned to expect the unexpected and embrace what fine lines of predictability I can get.
I now understand the true art of self discipline and practicing what I preach.
I realize what it really means to be brave, digging deeper than ever before to find the courage to survive my fears.
I’ve been convicted and conflicted about choices that are hard and I have discovered that confidence within, is long fought and victorious when challenged.
I’ve discovered a strength that can pull open locked doors, and withstand weeks of terrifying sleepless nights.
I have developed new layers of selflessness, as my protective selfish shingles are ripped off piece by piece.
I’ve realized that breaking over and over again, doesn’t deem you broken, and crumbling in defeat doesn’t mean you have lost.
I have trudged to great heights in victorious moments, witnessing the landscape from hard climbed mountains.
I found that perseverance has no choice, and steadfastness comes from grasping for God in the folds of the darkness.
I lit a passionate fire to live out what I love and reflect that in my every step.
I now count my fleeting minutes as sacred and capture them as cherished moments instead.
I’ve soaked in your grace and been redeemed into a deeper understanding of what forgiveness truly means.
And I have finally recognized that patience and perspective walk hand in hand together, and if one lets go- the other falls.
Because of you, kids…
My perspective is richer.
My voice has clarity.
My faith found fortitude.
I’m one hell of a warrior.
I’m layered with depth.
I’m aged like a fine wine.
I’m strong as a victor.
I’m one smart cookie.
I’m utterly grateful.
I’m fiercely passionate.
I am completely capable.
And I am hilariously humble.
And consequently, you have given me the greatest gift of all.
The assurance, that when I reach the end of who I am…
There is actually even more of me to give.
So, although you thank me for all I have given you…
All I can say is…
No, really…
Thank you.
I wanted to write something for mother’s day but then I read this and I’m good. This is everything a mother’s heart wants to say!
Aw! I love that you came by to read this, Jhanis!! I’m so glad it was a good read for you too!! <3 I do hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
Beautiful and pretty much summed up how I feel about being a mom to my kids, too. Happy Mother’s Day, Chris 😉
Thanks so much sweetie!! I think all moms can truly understand this message… <3 We learn SO much from our kiddos!
Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!
Thanks WPB!!! I love you for coming by to read this!! <3
Beautiful thoughts on motherhood that about says it all. Happy Mother’s Day!
I think it does… and I hope one day my kids will read this and truly understand how much they have raised ME. <3
Aw. Another side of the Mother’s Day celebration. Your kids are so blessed, and so are you evidently. 🙂
I’m sure you enjoy it again this year.
I truly am, Lux!! I truly am… <3
You sure are one smart cookie and I’m proud to call you a friend. Also, I was just telling Cassidy that I may be heading to Oak Island someday soon with a bunch of beautiful friends I’ve never met. (although I met Ilene)
I love to think of Mother’s Day this way.
And I am proud to call YOU friend, T!! I dream of that retreat… I dream of it often.. We simply need to DO. IT. Perhaps this summer? Lets get on this!! <3
Hi Chris! I think this is a keeper. Especially for those days when you do reach the end of your rope and hide out in the bathroom! What a great reminder of all your children are to you, and what they are doing for you too.
I think that gets a little lost in the spirit of the day. Thank you for reminding me that I owe my own children a debt too.
Ain’t it the truth, Ceil? Oh, how I’ve grown soooo much from the trials and tests and triumphs of motherhood!! It’s a beautiful reciprocity indeed!
Wow – you really summed up motherhood in a nutshell! So beautiful!
Thanks so much Clare!
“I’ve realized that breaking over and over again, doesn’t deem you broken, and crumbling in defeat doesn’t mean you have lost.”
You have NO idea how much those words mean to me tonight! I’ve had a “bad mom day” and ultimately, have felt like a failure. Thank you for reminding me of grace and second chances on this journey through motherhood. Tomorrow is a new day! I’m stopping by from Christian Women Blogs Unite and am now a new follower. What a blessing to meet you! Oh and I’m sharing this greatness tomorrow!
Sarah, it was just SUCH a blessing to me to read your comment!! I’m SO glad it encouraged you on your ‘bad day’… Oh, girl have I had those… many many of them!! I do pray your ‘tomorrow’ was better… 🙂 I’m SO glad you are a new follower!!! YAY!!
****I’ve realized that breaking over and over again, doesn’t deem you broken, and crumbling in defeat doesn’t mean you have lost.***
OOOO, yes, what a superb sentence, my dear. xxxxx
I like it too… because, of course you know why. <3 We must remember that every single day, right? <3 I love you MORE than your MORE... btw. 🙂
Beautifully said! Our children are truly our teacher too! xo
Sometimes I think they knock us to our knees so we can rebuild those muscles over and over again, to make them stronger!!
Awesome Chris! Yes our kids help us grow and become a better and better version of wo we are. You are a wonderful mum Chris and you all are blessed to have each other.
Oh Marie! You are so sweet to say that, my friend!! Thank you for your encouragement!! *Work in progress* *Always* 😉
Happy Mother’s Day! Well said.
Thanks my friend!! I absolutely LOVED your post!!! Seriously, one of my favorites!!!!
Yes. Because of our children. Perfectly said, Chris. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Thanks Dana! I hope YOU had a wonderful day too!! 🙂
So very well said. So much of our strength we find through just the everyday life of being a mom.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Thanks so much Karen, for coming by!!! I tell ya- there have been some serious mountains to climb in this journey… but I am stronger for it! I’m betting you are too. 🙂
You’ve captured it perfectly. I often think of how much better I am as a person after becoming a mom. It’s amazing how selfless and strong motherhood makes us. Loving the new look of the blog, btw 🙂
It’s an incredibly powerful journey… I am definitely a better person too!! (Also sometimes a lot more exhausted though!!) Thanks about the new look, Tarana!! I LOVE it too!
“patience and perspective walk hand in hand” YES YES to this. that’s it! I think you’ve found the secret!!
this was just beautiful. My mother’s day started out rather “meh” because hubby was working so really… just ALL ME ALL DAY to do all the things. the one day I am supposed to get a break. And then only things that did see my through: an extra dose of patience and changing my perspective: which literally meant just seeing the world through my kids eyes and getting back to a sense of awe and wonder again. A truly fine gift. And just like that, it’s amazing how the doors of gratitude open.
Your site!! wow! <3
This is so beautiful and SO true! We couldn’t become amazing mothers without their help! It’s a joint effort, and I know it’s why God places us all in families. It’s the way we learn, grow, and are shaped into being better people for His purpose! 🙂 PS- Your site looks awesome!
I love your truth and your heart and your perspective. So so much.
They teach us so much. I thank mine for putting up with ME too! 😉
This is a wonderful list…
Aw, I love this. So much wisdom, as always. Thanks for the reminder to pause and remember all the amazing gifts my kids have given me.