“WAKE UP MOM!!! We’re gonna be late!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Here’s your food, clear your plate!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“When do we go? Lets go NOW!!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Where’s my book, teach me how!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“I’m so bored, take me THERE!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“He pushed me! That’s not FAIR!!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“I’m hungry! Feed me please!!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Get your coat! You will FREEZE!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Off we go! Go go go!”
Oh,mama needs some rest…
“Where’s the meet? Don’t you know?”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Earned my belt! Aren’t you proud?”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Keep it down! You’re TOO LOUD!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Stay up late? It’s not DARK!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Sleepover please? Where’s the park?”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Workbooks NOW! Or no fun!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Now slow DOWN!! Walk DON’T run!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Could you please, wash my shirt?”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Lets go play in the DIRT!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Come on MOM! Play with us!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Don’t you DARE make a fuss!”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Love on me, MOMMEEEEE….”
Oh, mama needs some rest…
“Tomorrow, pretty please can we???”
Yes. But go to bed, pretty please? Mama needs some rest…
First of all, this is adorable. Second of all, I could really use some rest too! What do you say the 2 of us rent a hotel room and get under the covers with our laptops? I promise I won’t get fresh 🙂
I want that NOW!!!!! Right NOW!!! Oh Ilene… would that be the BEST or what??? With pizza and drinks by our bedside… perhaps a break for a movie and a snuggle too!!! LOL Seriously. Must. Do. This. 🙂
You had me at pizza. And drinks. And snuggling. I am so there!
Okay- so here’s the plan: Jennifer, Alexa, you and I are going to PARTAY in a room with two queen beds so we can all fit nicely on both! Laptops are now optional as we will never probably get to them because of all the chatting and laughing and eating and drinking and snuggling and movie watching….
Oh, it’s gonna be SO FUN!!!!! Now, nobody’s decided on a movie. Did I mention Jen wants bacon on the pizza? I’m too tired to remember five minutes ago… 🙂
Can I come???
Heck yes! There is definitely room for 3!
I’m so crashing the party! Can we get bacon on the pizza?
Crashing? More like you are TOTALLY INVITED!! Bacon? PAHLEEEEEEEZE!!! Make that EXTRA bacon!!! I think we should get a room with two queen beds so you, Alexa, Ilene and I could have our little slumber party together!!! Bring your laptop! Oh, who am I kidding! We’ll talk all night…and probably giggle a lot too. Snuggling definitely will be involved as well. 😉
Jen, you know I love you – but I don’t know bacon. Can we get a second pizza or put your bacon on the side? Or, bring me a bottle of Grey goose for martinis and I will probably forget the bacon is even on there.
Okay- so how about ONE extra cheese and bacon pizza for Jen, Alexa (assuming here) and me… and ONE organic veggie flaxseed pita pizza for YOU, Ilene! HAhahahahahaha!!! I am CRACKIN’ myself up this morn!
Our favorite pizza toppings are bacon and spinach. Maybe the Grey goose and spinach will change your mind about the bacon? We don’t have to add a lot. 🙂
Make that FOUR!!! Jennifer is totally coming too!! She wants bacon on the pizza… FYI. I told her to bring her laptop too…but seriously- you know we will talk and laugh and snuggle all night long!!! 😉
Can YOU COME??? Oh girl… YOU CAN SOOOOOO COME!!!!! I decided we could get a room with two queen beds. That way You and Jennifer and Ilene and I can have a BLAST of a slumber party together!!! Jen wants bacon on the pizza… you okay with that? I told her to bring her laptop- but really, you KNOW we won’t touch them!!! It’s all going to be about talking and laughing and snuggling!!! WOOHOO!!! (Can you imagine? Oh how cool that would be….)
Before I even opened my eyes this morning I was trying to plan a nap..which would never be possible in my life 🙂
Very cute.
Oh have I done that TOO MANY TIMES TO COUNT!!!! I actually would lie in bed the night BEFORE and think “how can I sleep tomorrow”? Actually, truth be told… I am doing that RIGHT NOW. LOL 😉
Story of my life! Funny to see it written like that! We really do juggle a lot in our lives!
Oh yes YES we do Michelle!!! I believe it’s the story of pretty much EVERY mama!! (And here I am at 1:30am doing comments… I KNOW you can relate to that!!) 😉
Very cute…and TRUE! I can so relate.
Thanks Andrea! You see- I was soooo tired when I replied to your last comment that I didn’t even REALIZE I DID write “Andrea” and didn’t even write “Adrienne”! HA! Now, that’s bad.
Sigh… Mama needs some rest!! And I am betting you do TOO. 🙂
Relating and loving it!! So very true!
Thanks Mary!! I’m SURE you are totally relating to this… 😉
I am not sure why, but there is something so comforting in seeing these painfully familiar dynamics repeated elsewhere. Maybe it makes me feel less guilty for allowing myself to actually say this to my son this morning? “Mommy’s sick, remember how you were sick last week? This week mommy’s sick and why is that when everyone else is sick they get to rest, but mommy gets yelled at?” THANK YOU for that, Chris! 🙂
Oh YES Katia!!! It is SUCH a comfort to know other moms are so stinkin’ tired! The WORST is when we are sick. We don’t get to rest our aching bodies… ever. Kids don’t understand. I remember having the flu BAD this past year and passing out on the couch after I drove my daughter to school in a total zombie state- I totally should NOT have been driving- yeah, that bad.
I was fevering really badly and completely out of it- so I let me son just roam the house all DAMN DAY! I stumbled into the living room to find candy wrappers ALL OVER the floor and him playing the wii. For hours the kid just sat there playing and eating crap all day. Nice.
I vaguely remember him coming over to me and patting my head a few times though. So precious! Oh, and I think I bribed him by telling him he could eat anything he wanted. Yep. I was delirious for sure!! LOL
I do hope you are feeling better my friend! Hang in there mama!!!
Oh, yes! I get it. I have so much sleep debt that I could sleep for two months and not make it up.
I think I have aged about twenty five years since I had my first kid ten years ago. Lets face it- we will NEVER make up the sleep. Ever. Sigh… Here’s to survival of the fittest!!! And some serious coffee! 😉
Oh this is too cute!! I don’t think there’s any amount of coffee in the world that would match up with the “mama needs some rest” moments 😉
I can TOTALLY vouch for THAT Krystal!! I drink the stuff as thick as I can possibly make it- and it barely keeps me alive. I suppose it at least helps me keep my eyes open to drive to swim team and camp and try to make meals and clean and and and… I kinda feel like a zombie with fast flowing caffeine percolating in me. 😉
Mommeeee, momeeeee, mommeeee! I totally know and understand. Oh my, do I know and understand. Is it time for wine yet??? Oh darn, it’s only 2pm! Summer is no break for mommies.
HA!!!! Sipping some lovely coconut Bacardi and diet coke now… decompressing after a LONG day…night…week….summer. Oh wait. It’s only June. 😉 In T-five hours, the crazy starts up again. Oh we mamas need some REST!!!!
So stinkin cute! I read all the comments; all the moms who can relate, but I can’t. Don’t get me wrong, you took me to a place I’ve not forgotten. I had my time, but it is G O N E…gone. That’s, life, however. Looking forward to being a grandma, hopefully in the not to distant future.
You summed up the constant demands of mommyhood in such a creative way. It is always a treat to read what you write. 🙂
Oh how sweet and encouraging you are, Laurie!!! I cannot BELIEVE you are looking straight into the next “season” of mommyhood- GRAND mommyhood!!!! Oh my… 🙂 SO exciting!!
Isn’t this truth. I’m so feeling you right now. Mama definitely needs some rest! Love it Chris. Wish I could go take a nap 🙂
Can I take one with you, Hope? OH please let me!! Maybe our kids could play together or we can set up a movie and you and I can crash in the next room. Sound good? Ahhh…. dreaming! 😉
lol. Of course Chris!
So now you need to get this illustrated and publish it. So cute!
Oh that would be SO fun to do Jen!! I’m sure YOU could use a bit o’ rest too, my friend!! 🙂
Have you been placing hidden cameras around my house again?! 😉 Seriously, could have written this practically word for word!-Ashley
HA! Oh yes my friend… we are SO in the same league together!! Sigh… it’s 1:00am. Two sleepovers tonight after a six hour swim meet. Practice again tomorrow morning at 8:00. That’s in 7 hours. Feed and cloth four children by 7:30. Hmm…. make that in 5 hours!! Oh, we mamas needs some rest!! 😉
Mamas always need rest!! Cute! I am visiting with DYWW.
Oh YES THEY DO, Betty!! Thank you SO much for stopping by! 🙂
You know how much I relate to this, right? You always have a knack for writing exactly what I am feeling or need. I was at the ER with Gia (ear infection and upper respiratory) from 1-3am and boy oh boy, this mama needs some rest! (She’s fine…just a really long night)
Oh you’re so so sweet AnnMarie!! I KNOW you can relate to this more than ANYONE!!! ER from 1-3? Ugh. Sigh. You poor mama! You DEFINITELY need some rest!!!
Have you ever heard retired people say, “I’ve never been so busy!!!!!”. I will only whisper it, because I know it will annoy you if I shout it.
HA!!! And you “retired people” deserve a MUCH FULFILLED busy life!!! 😉 Promise to call you soon… um… yeah. Really soon! LONG swim meet tonight with a double duty sleep over going on now… Oh, how I need some REST!
oooooh I just wanna squeeze you!!!
And I will give you my “Chrissy hug” right back!!!! It’s a FULL BODY legs and arms wrapped around you kinda hug!! SQUEEZE AWAY!!!! 😉
Soooo fun to read! I couldn’t agree more!!!!!
Thanks sis!! I KNOW you can relate!!! 😉
So adorable, so relevant (and so true!) I want to RSVP for the PARTAY!! Thanks for the laugh dear friend! You are the best!
You are definitely coming to the PARTAY!!! I am going to get a SUITE for all of us!!!! Perfect timing eh??? 🙂 Bring the whiskey coffee!!! We will NEED the caffeine!!! LOL
SO cute Mama! Rest? What’s that?!
Seriously, some of these comments made me laugh out loud! You girls are too funny!
You SOOOOOOO should come to the hotel, Tammy!! You would fit RIGHT IN!!! 😉
I’ll get a suite!!!!!! XOXOXOXO….
All the little things can add up and really cause us mamas to be so weary.
Ain’t that the truth Shell! I know YOU know this all too well… 🙂
Haha Chris! I think ALL mothers can attest to this whether their kids are young or old!! Btw…this post would make an AWESOME children’s book Chris!! Can you say “Goodnight Moon”? SERIOUSLY, you should publish it! Just don’t forget me my friend when you make millions from it! Bahahaha! 😀
OMGOSH Michell!!! How did I miss this comment???!!! Oh you are just so so kind!!! You got me thinking of making a little ol’ book with a bunch of little diddies like this one. I need some really cool and fun illustrations though… have any ideas??
Oh, I am just so so glad you let me know about this! I must have lost sight of it and forgot- oh mama needs some REST!!!! 😉
You’re so sweet!!!!! 🙂 Thanks Ang!!
I’m late to the party, but, I’m bringing some wine… & I only have 1 kid but she is a DIVA I mean are y’ll shocked? Look at who her Momma is??? but woooweeee she wears me out on my last nerve & I’ve been financially on my own for her since birth until last year when I married the fab Hubs but I’m tired, I get it… LOL 🙂 you are FABULOUS Chris!!!
BRING THE WINE and we can have our own PARTAY!!!! You are an inspiration Amber. Truly!!! I am SO glad we have connected. 🙂
We can take a nap after we have our little drinkie poo (s)… 😉
Fantastic! Thank you for being the poetic voice of moms everywhere.
HA! So glad I could share the voice of moms- LORD knows we ALL need some rest!!! 🙂
Oh yes!! With about 3-4 hours of sleep everyday, I need a looong rest too! LOL
AMEN sister. AMEN!!!