Half Empty…. I am sooooo tired of winter! It’s always about this time that I start going down…. It seems that these few months drag on like years, doesn’t it? We have no where to go, kids are stir crazy, it’s usually our sick season at it’s best, the weather is horrible, nothing to look […]
Sleepless in Columbus
What’s with moms never getting sleep? I tell ya- since the moment I was prego with my kids, I have yet to get a good solid 8 hours! From being sick with both in my belly, to nursing, reflux, sicknesses, asthmatic flares, nightmares, night terrors, bedwetting, etc. I still suffer from lack of sleep. My […]
Random thoughts from an ADD mom!
First Thought So I cleaned behind my stove yesterday. Holy Guacamole!!! I would have never even looked had my son not rolled his new mini skateboard (bought with his birthday money from grandma) right under it, the minute we got home from buying it! “Really????” I said with total exasperation. (One of my very favorite […]