Please stand by for more blog updates just as soon as the storm that hurled me up into the sky (and is currently swooshing me around,) spits me out and I can land again on the soft fertile wildflower cemetery of my homeland. Oh how I long to sit and look out my window while I share all the gifts and treasures of being a mom! 🙂
The forecast is that come Mid-June, the storm seems to settle therefore allowing me to have a moment to sit and replenish my hungry need for quiet and writing… PLEASE stay tuned all you loyal readers!! Boy do I have some good stories to share!
And if you are swept up in the end of the year May hurricane as well, I wish you the best of luck in enduring the performances, graduations, ceremonies, school activities, picnics, and all the year end events! May we meet again, having survived the storm….and may we be ready to bask in the sun and chase our little ones through the long days of summer!!
Hang in there sweetie! Love you!! =)