I am thankful I am not living in a war torn country, fearing for my life and that of my family.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I am not suffocating in sadness, barely breathing and grasping for the love I lost.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I am not facing a Holiday with a broken heart, shattered dreams and a marriage ended.
Pray for them.
I am thankful I am not in an abusive relationship, where I live in fear for my life and my children’s lives.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I live in a home filled with gifts to open and the luxury of heat and food and goods without fear of losing them.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I am not suffering the loss of my child, agonizing over memories and moments that are gone forever.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I don’t suffer from any disability, disease or face a horrific diagnosis.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I am not alone during this beautiful season where hearts should be full and voices heard.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I am not agonizing with an empty womb, facing the unbearable heartbreak of never having children.
Pray for them.
I am thankful I am not bound by an addiction that leaves me utterly desperate and captive in a prison all my own.
Pray for them.
I am thankful that I don’t want to surrender my life because I have given up hope… twisting my emotions as they drag me into the abyss of darkness.
Pray for them.
With a heavy heart I ask you to pause…. And pray.
There are far too many broken hearts and weary souls to count. They tightly wrap around my thoughts and guide my prayers often. Each time I am still and quiet, they flood into my mind and penetrate my heart, igniting a passionate prayer for every last one who is suffering…
So I ask you to join me.
Pray for them, would you?
Each year I want to share this post… with hopes that more prayers are lifted and more hearts are too.
Just beautiful! Such a sweet reminder that there is so much pain in the world. None of us are immune to it, we have to find a way to give it to Him and love each other through it.
Oh Marcia! I am up late praying for you and crying for you and talking to God and John! That line about loss… I pictured you and precious Caitlin. Oh sweet, precious, love- Can you feel me? Can you taste my tears? I keep begging God to give me just a bit of your burden.
I will keep talking to God and John and praying for your heart, Caitlin’s heart, this life- here on earth. I just picture John walking so boldy into Heaven… Gorgeous stature, young and brisk, noble and naughty. Alive and well. Oh, so alive and well my dear friend!
He is dancing with the angels. I just know it!
Chris, you said a mouthful here and will totally pray for all those you listed and more. Thank you always my friend 😉
Thanks Janine… so many need our prayers. Thank you for joining me. <3
beautifully written by a faithful prayer warrior and a loving soul. Love u
Oh Lynn!! Your encouragement soothes my soul and lifts my heart always, dear friend. Truly!!
I shall pray for them….
I shall pray for all of us.
One thing (Again) : I am thrilled that “THIS” is not our home.
xxxx LOVE Kiss Hugs from MN.
Oh love… thank GOD THIS IS NOT our home!!! It awaits… but for now, we do His Work. <3
What a beautiful post and something that we all need to take the time to do this holiday season.
Thanks so much Rena! Yes- realizing and praying for those suffering is so very important and we all know many in our own lives who especially need our prayers too. <3
Beautiful Chris. We are certainly at a time of the year when recognizing our blessings and thinking of others hurting is so important.-Ashley
Thanks so much my friend. Yes- these holidays are especially dark for many… lets pray for the broken-hearted and suffering souls together and count our blessings always. <3
I don’t have any words today, but I want you to know that I read this, and that your good heart and your kindness matter.
I always worry when you ‘don’t have words’ my love. Praying for your words to come back in FULL FORCE and your heart to remain soaked in peace. LOVE you. <3
It was bad. Stuff happened. Husby looked after me, and Hasty and Beth pulled me out of an Abyss. I’m okay now. Promise.
The energy and love you have for others is always astounding to me. You give and give. How is poor Cassie?
AW!! Your words lit my heart UP, and as I re-read your precious encouragement, I am lifted once again. Thank you my precious friend- you’re ‘notice’ means the world to me. Soaking it in… <3
Cass better!! 🙂 One blessing to be grateful for indeed!
Hi Chris! This is the first time I am reading this wonderful list of prayers, and it’s very humbling. I have felt burdened lately, but compared to these ones who truly need prayers? It’s nothing. Just nothing.
May I always appreciate what God has given me in his great love and kindness. And may I never forget to pray for those who do not have their peace, or feel love.
So beautiful Chris.
Thanks sweet friend. This list is sobering and yet, it’s the world and the countless precious souls that live in it. May we always be reminded of our provisions and blessings and constantly pray for those who have less and are suffering in more. <3
You said it all. Love you, Chris. Still on my mind…
Thanks so much dear friend. <3
So beautiful, Chris!
Thank you sweet friend!! XOXO
Yes, I will pray for them. And I cried a little too, because I want to do more than pray – I want to make it better.
So do I Dana… so do I. <3
I agree with Dana – I wish there was a way to ease at least some of the pain and suffering. But, you are right – we can pray!!!
Prayer and action go hand in hand!! But when we are stuck in our own lives, the least we can do it honor them in prayer. <3
beautiful and so inspiring. definitely a good reminder to all of us.
Thanks Leslie… I know you get this. <3
For sure. Beautiful reminder that I needed.
I can’t stand the news at all. When it’s on, I want to scream. Cassidy needs to watch it, though.
It’s always on my mind.
The news is a wake up call to those living in their own protected world. I watch the news with my kids every day… I believe they are growing hearts of compassion and insight in a very real way by doing that. It’s something we have always done… lots of conversation happens about things in and of this this world that need to be addressed. So many lives outside of our haven that we pray for continually.
One of the ways to appreciate all the good in our lives is to recognize the pain and suffering of others. Thank you for this reminder of how wonderful some of us have it, and to pray for those going through a terrible situation.
True Jen! There are countless in our world both far and near that are suffering in some way… those precious souls need our prayers.
My work day yesterday was a somber reminder of how much pain exists in just my little corner–let alone the whole world. You have found a like mind in me. I have been praying fervently.
I love that you and I have like minds… and like hearts. Let us both pray fervently, May! <3
Great list of thankfuls!
Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by to take them in. <3
Amen! And I pray right along with you.
It never escapes my notice how much blessing we have and how little others have. That is magnified at this time of year when there is so much festivity and excess. It’s a terrible sadness that lurks under the surface beneath all the joy.
What happened to Cassie?? (Sarah’s comment)
It never escapes me either, my friend. It IS magnified during this time of year. I have many friends suffering and I know there are countless more…
Cass was really sick, but doing better now!! Thanks for asking sweetie!
What Lisa said; she did it so well. Lovely list, dear.
Thanks Dyanne!! <3
This is so beautiful Chris and is such a lovely reminder of how many people are in need and even if it “feels” like there’s absolutely nothing we can do… we can ALWAYS pray for them.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Blessings to you and yours.
The power of prayer is amazing really. It’s ‘something’ can mean everything… And action WITH prayer is even better! Lets tend to those in need during this harsh season for many. I pray they find His Peace in the Holy Night of Hope.
Prayer is a powerful force for good.
AGREED!! Thanks babe. <3
I will definitely pray for those people. Thank you for reminding me I have so much to be thankful for!
Thanks so much Allie. It’s just a painful yet sobering reminder of those precious lives we must embrace in prayer and lift up especially during this time of year! God be with YOU, my friend. Praying for you to embrace peace and grace always. XOXO
Christine YOUR LIST is the list that should be everyone’s Thankfuls! It is everything.
I’ve been in some of those situations, and family and friends, and holiday time makes all of that and so much, even MORE heavy.
This is so perfect. I don’t say prayers in the way that most people do, but I do in my own way and I will definitely put good vibes into the universe for everyone going through these and similar struggles. Sharing this beautiful post.
Thanks so much for coming by to read it!! These precious souls are everywhere… in our own lives and in our own hearts as well. Peace to YOU this season, my friend! XO
So so so so SO wish there was more to DO but yeah, praying is something at least. Beautiful words as always Love.
I find that when we can’t do a damn thing, we CAN pray at least. BUT I also find that as I pray for people I realize and discover ideas of what I can actually DO for them. God moves people. 🙂
There’s so much to be thankful for in our lives, isn’t it? Thank you for the reminder to think of those who need our prayers and help.
Indeed Tarana! I think about so many hurting during this time and my heart is always heavy for the countless people who suffer.