This is how the magic slowly died in the Carter home… Kid #2. “Mom, do you move the Elf? Are you the one who does that?” /\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\__/\___/\ Kid #1. “MOM! Why aren’t you answering his question? MOM!” Me. “Where on EARTH is this coming from? You guys were SO excited about Little […]
The Delicate and Deliberate Deception Lives On…Elf on the Shelf Part 2.
The Elf is back. The kids have been waiting for him to come since this summer, seriously. Last year, it was consuming their world…and it has continued to devour their minds and hearts ever since. Not one day passed in ALL of November, where one of them didn’t asked when the Elf would come. Not […]
THE ELF ON THE SHELF…(that damn Elf.)
I made the insidious mistake of going public proclaiming the health and peace of my children and family. The day I posted this bit of glorious news, was the day sickness slammed into the front door of our home like an uninvited, unwanted obnoxious guest. It has continued to dwell here and spray its hideous […]