Years ago, I read a book by Gary Chapman titled, “The Five Love Languages”. Have you read it? Well, you should. Although it’s been a very long time since I have taken in its powerful lessons on love, the insights linger still in my relationships and in my marriage. I have shared this book and […]
Divorce Is Devastating…
Divorce Is Devastating… I took your hand and prayed. Shoving the anguish deep behind the shadow of strength… I needed to have for you. This path you did not plan. This journey you did not intend. The moment has come to end… It all. I walked away as you entered the room. I could only […]
This I Promise You, My Love…
Every year I reflect on Valentine’s Day and the promises I made to my husband, 13 years ago. And every year I realize how blessed I am to be on this journey filled with years of joy and suffering, challenges and celebrations, failures and successes, sickness and health, endurance and acceptance, and fulfillment and commitment. […]