My sister has experience. She also writes. She also has kids. Older ones. Here’s a snippet from her perspective… As parents, it should be a top priority to always show our children love – perhaps even at the most difficult and trying times. Perhaps even at times where we want to jump ship, slap […]
Oh Motherhood…
A celebration of Motherhood on Mother’s Day… Oh Motherhood, Oh Motherhood, You shine so big and bright. We feel you in the morning and you wake us through the night. Oh Motherhood, Oh Motherhood, These days, they do pass by. They scurry in a hurry as you leave a […]
In DUE time…
I have a friend who is bursting at the seams of pregnancy. She’s my “pea” and I am hers. We are two “peas in a pod” because we both have similar issues and personality traits that make us often go, “NO WAY!! ME TOO!!!” (She even bought us necklaces with two peas in a […]