Today I decided to share what I am most thankful for, as I reflect and reclaim my truths. My truths. Although they are not always beautiful or good or perfect in any way, they are mine. I will embrace them with a new-found passion and purpose, so that I can once again find my footing and settle my ground. Sometimes when life whirls the winds breaking apart your pieces, you need to pull them all back together. So with intention and acceptance, I will once again, define who I am through my truths.
1. I am a good mother. I care for, protect and nurture the needs of my children. I attend to them in every way possible to ensure they are able to grow into the beautiful creations God formed them to be. I work endlessly to keep a clean organized home and to offer the provisions necessary for my family to thrive.
2. I am a good wife. I am a loving and serving woman, who meets the needs of my husband and finds joy in doing so. I place him as my priority on a daily basis, and he feels fulfilled and satisfied with our marriage.
3. I am super sensitive. I have always had a fragile heart. I am affected by every word and action that is directed at me. It penetrates me deeply, to my core.
4. I struggle constantly with anxiety. There is no way around it, only through it. And when I am overwhelmed by circumstances that surround me, I will retreat. When I feel threatened or vulnerable, I will coil up and crumble in my hiding place. I cannot function properly when I am in turmoil or under pressure, so I rarely can be fully present or engage.
5. My history hurts. I have lived a life of brokenness and pain that only I can claim as my truth. Through twisted turns of circumstances and choices that paved my path, I realize my story as my own. I will honor it always.
6. I never intend to offend. There is nothing that hurts me more, than discovering I have offended someone through my words or actions. There are times when I do without even realizing it, and I spiral down into self-hatred and regret. I never ever set out to offend. Never.
7. I spend my days reaching out and loving as many people as I can, because I have an intense concern and calling for people God puts in my path. I have lived this truth all my life, and I am passionate about it. This will never change.
8. I have never been a morning person- I thrive at night. I can’t get up and go like so many people, I need time to wake up and drink coffee and adjust to the day. I can function quite brilliantly for my kids every day, to get them fed and lunches packed and safely and soundly off to school. But any chance I am given to sleep in, I will take it. Somehow I have managed to have a successful life despite this truth.
9. I am a good person. I have never claimed to be great, and I never will. And although I make mistakes every single day of my life, I believe in my heart and soul and mind… that I am good.
10. God is in me. I cannot talk about who I am, what I am reading, what I am doing, what my goals and dreams and passions are without sharing God’s place in it all. Christ is my refuge, my mercy, my hope, my healer, my power, my joy, my comfort, and my greatest truth that defines who I am. I never ever force this truth on anyone, yet His Glow still abounds.
I am mostly thankful that although these truths are solely mine, I have so many beautiful people who honor them and still love me for who I am.
It took me a while to be able to finally say “I am a good wife”. I compared myself to so many other women when all I needed to really know was what my husband thought of me.
It took a while for me to feel okay and believe all my truths, really. Other people’s voices can have a huge impact and I am learning that they don’t define me, I do.
Thanks for stopping by Jhanis. So thankful for YOU. <3
I think we’ve all struggled with comparison at points. I’ve found that the practice always a disaster for me, regardless of whether I come ahead or fall behind others in my estimation to others.
What a good reminder to not use this measure to gauge of worth!
AMEN to THAT Robin! I think it will always be a disaster if we compare… it’s this beast that we must fight to keep at bay every day.
WE define who we are. No one else. And our place in the world is solely unique and worthy of our love.
Your list makes me so happy to read; in spite of the few gnarly, twisty up bits, there is so much GOOD in there, so much wonderful TRUTH about you, my lovely.
Can I add a few? (just my opinion – they don’t have to define you…)
11. You are KIND
12. You are SMART
13. You are IMPORTANT
14. You are WONDERFUL
16. You are an INSPIRATION
17. You are AMAZING
18. You are a TIGGER
19. You are AWESOME
*checks list*
You know what? I got these going up to eleventyhundredbajillion and they all say kind of the same thing… 😉
Soaks it in with deep warmth and teared eyes…
Thanks love.
So much.
(pssst! Iseeya bo – you’re getting through them. In your own time, Lovely…no rush)
OH you are SUCH A SPARKLYGLITTERYLOVE!!!! I am barely scraping by today… managing four balls at once flying in the air! How on EARTH did you do those GORGEOUS heart-lines??? OH you are such a God- Send. I needed that. Perfect timing…
PS: Just saw your little glowingperfect heart on the floor again… about a dozen times so far today. (I pee alot) AND every single time, I smile.) I hope I never wash that floor again… 😉
*HUGE MASSIVE WRAP-AROUND HUGS* I wrote them for you from my brain
I cannot in good conscience or with straight face offer to in any way support you with the handling of your balls.
*wicked grin*
But I am glad I glittered your house (yes, even your bathroom floor) and that the little hearts bring you happiness and a moment of GOOD in amongst all the rush and things pulling you this way and that.
And just to check, for my peace of mind – is this ‘normal for you’? No increase in need to go? Not thirsty all the time? Very tired lately? Flu-like symptoms? Blurred vision?…
It is final. We MUST meet now because I love you even more after reading this. But I need to tell you, I am a morning person and completely lose my pep at night. Ha! We would’ve made interesting college roommates! 🙂
Oh just LOVE that!!!!! It IS official!! Lets plan something this summer!! Meet in the MIDDLE of the day. LOL LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Beautiful thankful things for an even more beautiful person. Your list is perfect and totally reflects you. On a side note not a morning person as you already know here and can relate to that one and so much more. Happy Weekend now, Chris!! 🙂 xoxo!!
Janine. I love you. Thank you. XOXO
Late night is WHERE it’s at. LOL
Welcome to the TToT!
this is a bloghop that is, well, it is seriously good…and fun…and odd, at times.
I read your items and the phrase, ‘the proper place to stand’ came to mind. I believe I know what you mean (in many, if not all on your list).
Thank you Clark for stopping by to read my list. “The proper place to stand” sounds like a good phrase. Perhaps more appropriate reflection… “I stand boldly in my proper place.”
Aw, sweet friend, you are the most amazing soul. Is it possible that I feel your warmth like a ray of sunshine right through cyberspace to my heart? I have such genuine affection for you, and I admire you so much.
Yes to anxiety. that will always be a truth of mine as well. *hugs* sorry it is for you, too.
Yes to it collapsing my heart into a tiny raisin if I find out I’ve inadvertently hurt or offended someone.
I’m sensitive too, although I wear a giant shield and fake that I’m hard-shelled. If people only knew how easy it is to break me.
Great post, Chris. Loving you hard today.
OH how I love your words…your heart… your place in this world. Oh, how honored I am to have your love and you honoring who I am. I honor ALL that you are from the BOTTOM of my very deep, wounded, sensitive, anxious heart.
My heart to yours love.
My heart to yours…
I think it’s hard to own our truths. But when we do own them, as you have, I think we become happier people. We are who we are. Great post, Chris. You have me thinking of my own truths!
You are SO right about the Jen. Sometimes I am frayed and worn and under attack… which pulls and taints and judges the things that truly define who I am. Re-claiming them is imperative to inner peace. They aren’t pretty- but they are mine. So I will honor them, as I should.
As we ALL should.
Beautiful. I so relate to number 8. Any chance I get to sleep in, I am taking it. Perfect! And I definitely understand number 6. Although, I simply cannot imagine you ever offending anyone, even on accident. You are kind and good and truly what is right with the world! :)-Ashley
Thanks girl. That means the WORLD to me…
So when we have our girls’ hangout (it’s gonna happen) lets you and me share a room so we can SLEEP IN!!!
Oh, Chris, thank you so much for this. I needed to read something like this today when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and burnt out on life. There is always good within us, always good truths about us.
Thank you so much Tricia. I’m glad this spoke to you, and I pray your are feeling less of the overwhelming burden and burnout now. I get that. I so get that. XOXO
Chris, this was beautiful to read. They are your truths and yet so many of them resonated clearly with me. I laughed at #8 because that is exactly me and my early-bird husband just does not get it. And that’s okay, as long as I do.
Thanks so much Stephanie! I appreciate your precious words. My hubs is an early bird too- and I am SO glad he is, because he can watch the kids on Saturday mornings while I sleep in!! LOVE that. 🙂
Chris, I have seen so many of your truths just in the short time I’ve known you online. Your writing and comments reflect your amazing character. 🙂
Thank you so much Jennifer. I have never been one to ‘mask’ who I am… it’s a vulnerable place to be- but a beautiful and liberating way to live. 🙂
Hello! I found you through a very thoughtful comment you made on my blog, and I really appreciated that! I was really drawn to this post and find it beautifully honest. I love that you can write about your anxiety and painful past in such an accepting way. I’m still struggling with that. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh Lauren, thank you so much for coming by to meet me! I am thrilled to find your precious place and connect with you. Here’s to our new-found friendship! XOXO
I feel like we’re twins here, girl. Especially #3, #4 and #5. And I have NEVER been a morning person and I can’t seem to force it. When Des wakes up before 8:00am, I think it’s barbaric. When it’s not a preschool day, I have a lot of trouble making plans with friends. I usually can’t get it together until after 11:00am..
Cade used to wake up at SIX every morning when he was three and four… it was our ongoing joke that he can make his own eggs and bacon and play video games for two hours before I even open my eyes. LOL
I would wake to find him downstairs playing his games quietly, knowing full well he was on his OWN during those wee hours of the morning! Yikes. Thank GOD he made it somehow! He’s very independent because of it… so yeah that. 🙂
Chris, I could have almost written this post. They are almost all of my truths, except I am a morning person, and being Jewish we part ways about Jesus (I know he was a good man). But I honor all religions ( I went to a Jesuit college!)
I want to add two more truths for you:
1. You are a good writer.
2. You are your authentic self.
Oh Cathy… thank you for your precious comment! It means the world to me. I too, honor all religions, as we should. And I am thrilled to know we share so many truths- 🙂
You are more than a good person – I think that you touch people daily and the caring and compassion that oozes out of you makes you a great person!!!
Oh thank you SO much Kim. You are so encouraging to me.. I love you for that. SO much. XOXO
amazing list. good to reaffirm such things periodically I think it recalibrates our lives and makes us look more closely at what we are doing vs going on auto pilot… I loved this list!
Thanks so much Zoe! Yes- it does JUST that. It’s always good to look deeply into who we are and live authentically. I believe that with my whole heart- no matter how broken it can be. We must embrace who we are… all of it. 🙂
****I spend my days reaching out and loving as many people as I can, because I have an intense concern and calling for people God puts in my path***
this, my dear, is what struck me the most.
I feel your love in Minnesota!! xxxxxxxxx
Thank you love.. it is my truth, my journey and my life’s calling. I honor my deepest desire for loving so many people and caring for them as best I can. I feel your love, and I am so grateful for it!!
Oh Chris! You are all these things and so much more! I know I’ve said it many times but Iust say it again. YOU BLESS ME! You bless me in ways only you can. You bless me in ways I’ve so desperately needed. You, my friend, are a blessing.
Tammy… from the very bottom of my heart and all that is swirling around filling it with intense love and joy…
Right. Back. At. YOU.
You are without a doubt all of these things and so, so, so much more! You are an inspiration to me always. I could have made much of this list myself and that may be why I adore you like I do. It is amazing to me that I had to come to the internet to find people I could truly connect to and you are definitely one of those people 🙂
I have so much love in my heart for you, Chris. You are one of the best people I know!
Soaking in your love Sandy… you are too good to me. I LOVE that we have connected in this virtual world full of REAL people.
SO grateful for you. XOXO
I’m definitely a night person too- although lately I’m not even that. I’m tired all the time!!
You rock- don’t forget that!
I’m tired all the time.. until about ten at night. THEN I become WIDE awake and ready to GO! Ugh. Never fails. 😉
I love how you have claimed who you are. I struggle with this daily. I long to find thins kind of confidence in who I am and need to really devote some time to discerning my own truths. (Although, I can say without doubt hat I am not a morning person either! )
I think it’s so important to do, Lisa. DO IT! It will help you define your worth and honor everything within yourself- warts and all. There is strength in awareness and claiming who you are… and realizing every part of you is valuable. You can then go forward with new-found courage to embark on your journey with insight and growth.
LOVE that you’re not a morning person either, my friend. 🙂
This is a wonderful list! We are so similar Chris. It is really strange, I feel like if I were to write a list of truths, many of them would be identical to this! Thank you for sharing these ten inner truths… the things that make you so beautiful and definitely draw me to you!
Thank you so so much Alexa. I love that we define ourselves in so many of the same ways… it’s what draws me to YOU too. 🙂
What a great post! I love how you embrace the person that you uniquely are. #5 especially speaks to me, your words, oh my, those words: My history hurts. I have lived a life of brokenness and pain that only I can claim as my truth. Through twisted turns of circumstances and choices that paved my path, I realize my story as my own. I will honor it always.
This is so true of us all, and you have the courage to publicly admit it and go forth.
Oh thank you from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART Laurie! Your precious words mean so much to me. XO
It’s great to hear how you’re reflecting Him!
Thank you for your encouragement Regina. SO glad you stopped by to give it. 🙂
I am super sensitive too. I stress over the most ridiculous things! And I am definitely a night person. You are a really great friend too…I like Lizzi’s additions.
OH Michelle- so glad to be in good company with being so sensitive and NOT being a morning person. 🙂
I think that this is a fabulous take on the TTOT. I love that you can find the good in yourself. Not a lot of people can do that.
I too suffer from anxiety on top of bipolar disorder and I know what you mean. It’s hard to explain to people how terrifying it can be and that we need to do that in order to help ourselves.
Oh Kimberly, I am so glad you stopped by! I can only imagine how you must suffer… we really do need to claim who we are- even the not so good and sometimes broken parts as well.
After we can embrace who we are, we can begin to heal some parts that need healing. And grow from that place to a new place… or grow from just defining ourselves at the very least.
Yes…you are all that and more. And I have to say…you do number 7 very well. Love to you dear friend!
Oh Lori! Your encouragement means the WORLD to me, dear friend. I am so grateful God brought us together. XOXO
It takes a lot of courage to be this honest. You can add “courageous” to your list. Thank you for telling your story with your whole heart.
Thank you love. I am so grateful for your friendship and your precious words here.
I have had the privilege to call you friend for some time now and have witnessed most of your truths face to face. I applaud you claiming and stating them out loud for all the world to see. It makes you all the more beautiful, caring, whirlwind daughter-of-the-king that you are! (and I love you for every single one of them)!
Now this. This? I can’t tell you how much your incredible encouragement has blessed me. How much you mean to me. And how grateful I am that you love me for and despite my truths.
You know… it all. All of me. And I am blessed by you endlessly.
Although I am probably the root of much of your anxiety; I also watched the deep caring, loving woman emerge! Through your heart in all you do, Chrissy, you give your all, and then some!
My four thankful four: Cathy, Carol, Chrissy and Candy Easy for me to shorten to the 4 C’s as I age.