Friends, I have a treasure to share with you today. This precious soul is a cherished friend and she has a light that will illuminate your world with her story, her beautiful words and powerful message. I am anxiously waiting to read her book, “Raised By Strangers” while I am recovering from my surgery in just a short week. I urge you to go and buy it, and take in her wisdom, her strength, and her insight into God’s restoration and grace. I know you will be blessed by this faithful heart…and find an abundance of hope.
“The Gift of Peace and Quiet”
A lot of things we need to do are easier said than done; like focusing our time and energy on things right in front of us that truly matter for today. We have work, goals and people screaming for our attention. We are busy, over-loaded, and pulled in many directions. We must intentionally recognize and choose the better things of life. “But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)
Too many families slowly drift apart or lose intimacy because they don’t prioritize responsibilities. This isn’t anything to feel guilty or ashamed about. It’s something to be mindful of, something to address if necessary and to keep in prayer. Spouses secretly cry out for love and attention. Children act out or withdraw because they need our notice and loving responses. Our biggest and most urgent responsibilities are right before our eyes, but sometimes these can be the ones we tell to “wait”, “sit down”, and, “be quiet”,” not today,” or “when I get time.” Sacrifice is one of the greatest ways we can show love. When we prioritize our time and energy, seek God in prayer and ask Him to refocus our responsibilities, He will align our hearts with His and direct us.
Right now, push aside your worries, stressors and any negative thinking for a few moments. Your “to-do” list can wait. Allow yourself to enter a place of peace, calm and freedom where you are secure. This place allows more room in your soul to feel and recognize God’s presence, peace and love. Here you can experience His approval, acceptance, and affirmation. The voices of others are unable to influence you. You can talk to Jesus without being interrupted; you can share your pain and failures without being judged. You can express your concerns, talk openly and tell Him your needs. You can hear God more clearly, understanding His word and instructions. This is a time of prayer.
In your stillness, distractions decrease, you are able to seek Jesus and you can calmly be led by the Spirit of God. You can stay here for as long as you want. You can return whenever you need. Being still with God will change your heart and life forever. Your time in His presence is priceless and worth every second of your day. Remember this place when the world around you is crazy and you can’t take it anymore. Remember this place when all is well and you want to praise God or just spend time with Him. Remember to carve out daily time being still, in the quietness where you can know Him better and deeper in supernatural ways. When you intentionally journey into His presence, you will reap benefits for your soul. “Be Still and Know I am God” (Psalm 46:10) Choose the better things in life!
We hold the power of choice! We either fight for something bigger and better than our current circumstances, or we cower in fear and let the world and evil overcome us. I encourage you to read my newly released book called, “Raised by Strangers”. I have learned the hard way, the necessity of being still before God. When I was just five years old, I was kidnapped and forced to live a life burdened with cruel and bizarre physical and emotional abuse. My will to survive, inspired by an invisible hope, helped me fight the demons and stay alive as I endured haunting experiences. This book chronicles my true life story full of forbidden secrets driven by darkness and deception. First birthed into a marriage of teenage parents and their destructive relationship, I was later kidnapped, given away, and ultimately raised by strangers who tortured me. In a desperate attempt to escape my abuse and evil caretaker, I tried to murder her. Through this gripping story, I share ways I have learned to overcome my horrendous past and rise above the ugliness of humanity with faith and forgiveness.
Learn the power of hope. Find the courage and strength for healing, how to face your fears, forgive offenses, and live a life of freedom. You will learn your past doesn’t have to define you or forecast your future. There are no empty words and it’s not just a hand full of paper, there is a powerful message waiting for you.
“Raised by Strangers” is available on and Barnes and
Please visit my website at:
Brooke Lynn is a writer, nurse, and a health and wellness enthusiast. She transparently reveals her life experiences, struggles and triumphs with abuse, poverty, marital demise, parenting, and eating disorders helping others find the courage and strength for healing. Brooke educates and creates awareness about eating disorders sharing her 26 year battle and recovery. She was an invited speaker for Cherished, a girls youth conference, and in December 2012 was the key note speaker for the IAEDP Foundation, promoting professionalism among practitioners treating those suffering from eating disorders. She has served as a children’s praise and worship leader, worked with middle and high school students, and also served on church prayer teams with a heart for intercessory prayer. She passionately motivates others into a deeper level of faith while encouraging them to love and accept themselves. She resides in the Washington D.C. area, has been married for eighteen years and is raising two teenage children.
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life says
I am glad Chris shared you here today, Brooke. Your message is an important one…the to-do list can wait. It’s something I need to be more mindful of. And your story…well it sounds like it is nothing short of amazing. I’d like to sit down and read your book over the holidays.
Brooke Lynn says
Michelle, thank you for reaching out to me and your encouragement. After you read my book, please get back to me with your honest opinion, I would appreciate it. More than anything, I know “Raised by Strangers” will bless you as God speaks to your heart! Have a Merry Christmas. With much love,
Brooke Lynn
Janine Huldie says
Now more then ever I truly needed to be reminded this as not going to lie knee deep in holiday Christmas time stress, so yes I am so going to allow myself a bit of this today and in the upcoming week. So again thank you, Chris 😉
momcafe says
It’s SO hard during this time of year, isn’t it Janine? And then add any other circumstances, and it all gets blown out of the water! Peace be with YOU this season, sweet friend!
Tammy says
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I think it’s all too easy to forget to take the initiative to make our relationships better. I’m praying for you!
momcafe says
Thanks for taking the TIME to read this sweet dear beloved friend!!! May we embrace each other and carry our burdens together. <3
bibi says
came here from intentional blogging
momcafe says
Thanks for stopping by. I do hope this piece spoke to your heart. 🙂
Tamara says
Oh boy – wishing you a lot of thoughts and love for surgery.
I need this reminder now more than ever. Just lately.. everything seems to be exploding a bit.
And I want stillness with my family.
momcafe says
I beg for stillness too, Tamara. Beg and plead, but sometimes the world’s winds don’t give up and their relentless grip has us wavering in the whirlwind of life. I just try to keep clinging to my pillar of peace, in the midst of it all. I pray you can do the same, sweet friend!
Jennifer | The Deliberate Mom says
Thank you for sharing this excerpt with us.
Just yesterday at church our pastor urged us to contemplate that civilizations don’t collapse in a day, marriages don’t break up in a day, relationships don’t dissolve in a day…. If we are mindful to the here and now, if we slow down and listen for and to God, our lives will be better for it.
Thanks again and blessings to both of you.
Chris, I’ll be praying for your surgery and healing.
momcafe says
I love that message Jennifer… one that resonates deeply with me as well. I think you would LOVE Brooke’s powerful story and her testimony in this book. She is a beacon of light in a dark world.
And friend, I cherish your prayers during this time. Thank you!! XOXO
Kristi Campbell says
Chris, first, so many prayers for a smooth surgery and rapid recovery <3
Second, thank you for sharing Brooke here! Brooke, your story is incredible and I very much appreciate the reminder to be still in the moment. To listen, and attend to. It's so easy this time of year to get on the busy train and feel overwhelmed and forget what's truly important – people. Families. Love. I cannot wait to read your book!!
momcafe says
Thanks babe. I really do appreciate your prayers! And yes- Brooke is truly a treasure that I am so very blessed to share with you!!! Her book and story are powerful indeed. There is nothing more beautiful to me than someone who has risen from the rubble with LIGHT. Wow. Her strength amazes me. She is truly a gifted soul!
Rorybore says
I am a firm believer in being still and quiet every single day. Aside from prayer, I also meditate — which for me being Christian is still basically more like being in a waiting to hear from you God mode than obviously seeking Buddha or something — but I get their principle of stop chasing after happiness and peace and joy: be still and let it come to you. grab the moments in front of you– if you can’t be grateful for them; how will you be grateful for any future ones?
Janelle@The Peaceful Haven says
Thanks for the good word Chris! I will be praying for your surgery…Sending many blessings your way!
momcafe says
Thank you so much for your prayers Janelle! I am anxious to get back into blogging – it’s been a rough season, but there is always hope and light amidst it all. I have tried to cling to that as best I can, and grace- oh so much grace. 🙂 I hope you had a beautiful and BLESSED Christmas my dear friend!!