What Gift Will You Give Him?
In the quiet of the night, I too, traveled to the Holy Christ-Child. I traced the footsteps on the path they laid before me. I walked the fields with the lowly Shepards, surrounded by darkness, afraid of the Angel’s blinding Light. I joined the entourage of Royal Robes, adorned by Kings, crowned with jewels, bearing wealth and majesty. From rags to riches, they went… toward the Manger. To celebrate God’s gift.
A baby. Lying in the hay.
And the Lord my God was near. I felt His Presence surround me.
I heard Him whisper in the quiet of the night…
“My precious child, what will you give Me?”
Once again, My God has led me here.
What will I give Him?
What will you give Him?
The Lord awaits your gift…
Will you give Him more of your time?
Or will you choose to honor His Truth?
Have you been called in a new direction?
Find that courage to take that bold step in faith?
Will you serve another who is in need?
Maybe cut down on this or that?
Perhaps you feel His nudge to sacrifice your riches?
Do you need to devote your deeds to giving?
Possibly transform anger to forgiving?
Promise to read His Promises? Dive deeper into His Word?
Reach out more to share His saving Grace with another?
Do you feel compelled to be His Voice when called?
Maybe it’s time to give that ‘person’ your attention?
Do you feel the need to turn your pain into purpose?
Are you convicted to stop judging and pour on grace?
Is there a weakness that needs redeeming?
Is it time to place more trust in Him?
Are there goals that need changing?
Perhaps you are ready to create a new life mission?
The options are endless…
What lingers in your heart?
His nudges don’t relent.
What changes do you think he is asking you to make?
What gift is He longing to receive from you?
He wants more.
In what way?
Only He can tell you…
The most valuable gift this Christmas,
Is the gift you give to Him.
Ack? My lovely… is that a “I am challenged and I don’t like it” Ack? Or a “I ain’t givin’ Him NOTHING, since He hasn’t given me what I WANTED” Ack?
Either way, I understand. Either way He still loves you.
Hey- I think it’s time you changed your “Ack” to your new pretty shiny resolution!!!
I believe it makes God VERY VERY VERY proud. 🙂 XOXO
Oh Chris. BeauTiful. You are such a blessing. You give Him much.
Thank you so much, my friend. I needed that… your words have perfect timing. XO
Amen, SSSF! XO.
Love you darlin’!!!! XOXO
Wonderful and am truly trying to get a bit more organized and also spend more time with my loved ones away from the internet. Wonder if that counts for him. Happy Sunday Chris 🙂
I think that is a beautiful goal to reach for, Janine! How can spending time with our precious kiddos NOT please Him? 🙂
Mmmm…When was the last time I let God have ME? I think I’m hearing pretty clearly what He wants from me. And I know it’s really a gift to me as I stand to receive so, so much if I heed the call.
AMEN precious friend!!!!!! I am THRILLED that this spoke to you!! Mwuah! XOXO
AMEN to THAT sister!!! he wants ALL of us, doesn’t He? Not just pieces that are safe, and easy… oh if only!
But those broken pieces that are scary and tough… yes those.
Our gifts from Him are awaiting, if we do heed His Call. Oh I bet those will be HUGE AMAZING AND POWERFUL GIFTS!!!!
I have many gifts I could give him! I have a few relationships in my life that cause me a lot of stress, and I need to find a solution that isn’t..terribly rude, but also gives me the space I need.
I’m working on that one.
More time with the kids like Janine says. I’ve been big into that.
You are beautiful with this! And with everything.
Oh you are so sweet Tamara! Oh how you always give ME the encouragement I need. I am so grateful for that… truly!!!
Tricky relationships are the hardest for me. Ugh. Setting boundaries is difficult, and resentment is the most destructive emotion out there. I know- I have suffered my share of BOTH!! I don’t even know if that is what you are feeling, but I immediately assumed it because that is usually how I end up feeling with any conflicted relationship!!
I used to have a much harder time letting go of people that hinder my spirit… I think with age, I am finding a new strength in that. I’m not sure why, perhaps I don’t feel a NEED to please everyone as much anymore. Yes! I think that’s IT!! Oh, but I have a long way to go on that one. A long way to go.
Praying you through those tricky people, honey~~
What a perfect post to end 2013. So many questions. So many options. I only hope I can stop myself and listen….
Thanks so much Jen!! You are such a giver… and such a faithful soul. I’m sure you will take the time to listen… and perhaps discover the gift He wants most from you.
The beauty of giving your own gift to God is that it’s returned to you. I need to give the gift of patience, particularly to those I love the most. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday, Chris!
It IS returned to you!! I love that Dana!! As I grow in my faith, it’s amazing the blessings that come with it. I believe that’s how it was supposed to be…
When goals and aspirations and our hearts are planted in God- how can we go wrong? There is always a beautiful ‘return on our investment’. 🙂
Oh – conviction! This (giving a gift/gifts to God) is something that I’ve gotten away from in the past number of years. So many ways that I could give just from your list – something to really spend some time thinking (and praying) about!!!
Oh Kim!! I am SO glad this maybe lit something in your heart!! The list is really endless, isn’t it? I am a huge believer that even the smallest efforts are honored by God. No need to try to move mountains! Or part seas for that matter… LOL
An awesome perspective for a ‘resolution’ list….beautiful!! I don’t know how this wouldn’t get anyone who reads it to think…..and think on a deeper more meaningful level than the typical ‘lose weight’ resolution. xoxo
Thanks so much sister!!! I hope it truly does just that… makes people’s perspective on the new year more meaningful. Amen to THAT. XO
Is there a weakness that needs redeeming? Was THAT one for ME??? I’d really like to hand over all of my fear and be rid of it. Is that too much to ask to give?
You know what? If you didn’t have that fear… how would you develop the STRENGTH that is within? Here’s an idea!!
How about instead of ‘handing over’ your fear, do what you HAVE been doing so incredibly well:
Pushing yourself RIGHT THROUGH it.
Perhaps your gift could be to Honor the gifts He has already given you, in preparation for the rest of your life. He has equipped you well, my friend. And I believe He knows EXACTLY where you are going, when you walk through that fear. Each time. He knows.
Trust that. Trust Him. Amen? 🙂 XOXOXO
The options are endless…
I love this line. So many times I feel frozen to the spot afraid I’ll not choose the right thing but there are so many right things that it’s better to do something then nothing. Thanks for this post.
The truth is, whatever we choose- He will honor it… because any option for God is good enough. Yes?
Happy 2014, my friend!!!
I need to give. And to listen. I worry that I’m not hearing, and asking the wrong questions, praying the wrong prayers…Thank you for this, my beautiful, amazing friend. So much. Happy New Year to you and your family. Also, you’re in NOVA now, right??? I’m in Oakton/Vienna!!!
I believe I am now in the California!!! Perhaps the tropics as well!!!! LOL
So seriously? You and I both my friend… I pray for discernment ALL the time!! To really have a clear understanding of what He is trying to tell me and the direction He is trying to lead me in. It’s SO hard, isn’t it? I always have one certainty that helps me-
I know if I am prayerful about it? He will honor it, somehow. And make it right.
So really, anywhere we go/ pray/ question/ decide ETC. He’s gonna be there, right along with us.
There’s much comfort in that, isn’t there? 🙂
Always such beautiful posts. Looking forward to reading many more this New Year!
AW! Thanks SO much Christina!! I look forwarding to reading more of YOURS as well!!!! Here’s to 2014!
I really need to listen more to what He is telling me, and I pray that God opens my heart so I can listen. What a perfect devotion to begin the New Year with, Chris!
Thank you so much Ginny!! I love what you said… I too need to listen more and open my heart, so I can really REALLY hear where He wants to lead me. beautifully said, my friend. XO
You are wonderful and preach such a gorgeous truth. Can’t wait to hear you speak at women’s conferences someday…I will be in the back, shouting. “I KNOW HER!!” 🙂
OHMYGOSH you are such a SWEETHEART!!!! I’m not sure I will EVER be speaking at a conference- the anxiety would surely produce panic moments and inappropriate words for SURE!!! LOL
I am so SO honored that you would think that, Meredith. TRULY. 🙂