I write a lot about motherhood on this blog because being a mom is a huge part of my life and my identity. Any mom can attest to this truth, for there are so many challenges and joys and mishaps along this all-consuming parenting path. No matter what stage your kids are in, or what age your children might be, motherhood can submerge you in the ongoing work and worries of caring for your kids.
Today I want to share a book about motherhood, written by Meredith Ethington of Perfection Pending, titled “MOM LIFE: Perfection Pending.” I have followed Meredith’s blog for years because everything she writes is worth taking the time to read. She pretty much nails it when it comes to describing all the challenges and maddening experiences moms face when raising our children. She recently added contributing writers to her site, which makes it all the better.
“MOM LIFE: Perfection Pending” is all that I hoped it would be- An entire book filled with hilarious and relatable chapters on every topic about motherhood that also brings an extra dose of encouragement that all moms need.
In the book, Meredith dives into the TRUE reality of being a mom, what the expectations are, and what really happens instead. She gives us an honest take on everything moms go through when attempting to keep a household running and raise our growing kids. Each chapter details one area of motherhood every woman will experience, whether it’s the piles of laundry, the organization of allthethings, the cleaning, or the ongoing day to day tasks required to keep our kids fed, bathed, and happy. She spends much of the book delighting in the crazy unending challenges every mom will face along the parenting path- and here’s the unique and beautiful thing about her writing:
“MOMLIFE” reveals the truth about how hard it can really be, but most importantly, Meredith encourages moms to understand and embrace the value in all we do.
What I love most about her message is the encouraging sentiment that no mom has it all together and certainly, no mom has this whole motherhood thing perfect. There’s simply no such thing as mastering this endless, exhausting, extraordinary job, no matter how hard we try.
When I was reading this book, I laughed and nodded and sighed that mama sigh through every page. Everything she shares is so relatable and there’s nothing more encouraging than to know you are not the only one who has experienced the exact same things. I earmarked so many pages that really resonated with me, and I love how Meredith weaves in such tender encouragement and wisdom for us all within the chapters. Here’s a sample of her golden nuggets of inspiration:
“Motherhood is the hardest job in the world- and the most thankless. But I believe it’s also the most important. The secret to feeling happy as a mom is to stop expecting the reward and praise to come from the outside. Expect it to come from within.” (Page 34)
She also adds a helpful “Takeaway Tip” at the end of every chapter, which is brilliant, especially for new moms. Sometimes they are more serious, and other times they make me LOL. Like this gem, from the same chapter:
“Chapter 7 Takeaway Tip: Lower your standards. No, lower. LOWER. There. Now you can relax a little bit.” (Page 36)
“MOMLIFE” encapsulates everything about motherhood, from the loneliness a mom can feel and how to reach out and make friends, to the struggles with overcoming our own personal issues that come into play as we keep taking hard steps through this sacrificial journey. It’s the perfect blend of humor and honesty and encouragement and wisdom.
This book would be a PERFECT gift for either a new mom, a mom in the trenches with little ones, or even moms with older kids who can relate to everything Meredith writes and be both entertained and inspired to keep on keepin’ on.
Although I’ve read many parenting books, and especially books about motherhood, I’d choose THIS book to give to a mom, because of Meredith’s hilarious honesty, her ability to offer us the much needed compassionate connection, and the book’s overall empowering and encouraging message. It’s got it all, friends. It’s got it all.
Go get a mom you know this book. It’s the PERFECT gift. Or better yet, get it for yourself. You can purchase it from AMAZON, HERE.
I love receiving copies of books to review, as I did this one. My reviews are always my own honest opinion. Lucky me, I have read some really good books.
Here are just a few more of my favorite book reviews for you to check out:
“Lose The Cape: Realities for Busy Modern Moms and Strategies To Survive”
“The Busy Mom’s Guide to Creativity.”
“Raising Big Kids With Supernatural Love”
“Sunshine After The Storm: A Survival Guide For The Grieving Mother”
I am definitely getting that! I’ve been following Meredith on Facebook for ages, and now I follow her blog. This is perfect for those two new(ish) moms in my life – my sisters! And for me too.
YES, Tamara, your sisters would love it! Perfect Mother’s Day gift for them both! 🙂
Wow – I am thrilled to read that Meredith has gotten her book written and published. So great. It sounds fantastic but we knew it would be, right? I love her blog.
YES, she did! And it’s as good as her blog, Kelly! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by to read this review, friend.
Thanks for sharing this review, Chris! This book sounds like a true gem. I’m sharing and hopefully I will get a chance to read it. I’m sure it will bring back memories of the real struggle that is motherhood. I think my kitchen floor had cheerios all over it for five years LOL.
Ha! Girl, I remember those days too. Thanks for sharing this review. Your support is SO appreciated, Lisa! XO
“Mom Life” sounds like a breath of fresh air loaded with encouragement. Where was this book when I was a young Mama? I will be passing this along to all of my Mama f riends for sure!
I feel the same way, Missy! I would have LOVED to read a book like this when I was in the throes of those early years of motherhood. This is such a great read.
I’m not a physical mom but I definitely know some moms that could use this! I love any writer that can bring a message that communicates, me too!
YES. This is such a great book for any mom, really. I so appreciate you passing it along, Dewi! 🙂
This one’s for me Chris!
I bought a couple of the ones you shared on the blog. And each one was a great read. We all need some fresh air and all need to know that we are not alone on the road.
Take care
Marie, I just LOVE that you have bought some of the books I’ve shared here! This one is soooo good. You’ll laugh and be encouraged at the same time! 🙂
I always appreciate your book recommendations, Chris. This one certainly doesn’t disappoint! We must have the same taste in books :). This looks awesome. I love the lower your standards quote. I really wish I understood that more over the years! So much truth! Thanks for sharing, my friend.
I SO wish Meredith’s book was out back in the day when I really really needed that affirmation and encouragement. But I’m thrilled it’s out now, for not only us ‘seasoned’ mamas, but those new to the gig too. It’s a breath of fresh air and SO needed for us moms!