Do you have a tween or teen living in your home? If not, maybe you are parenting little ones who will soon become one…
I am sharing an incredible resource with you that will be an enormous help in caring for, guiding, and ultimately raising your child through the long and winding journey into adulthood.
My two dear friends, Lori Wildenberg and Becky Danielson, have written two books that encompass the enormity of all this entails, as they share their Godly wisdom and experience to help us all through the course of parenting our kids. In reading “Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love”, I felt like I opened a treasure trove of ideas, Biblical truths, and real experience through their words. I have read a slew of books regarding parenting, and have yet to find a better book that addresses everything I have either experienced myself or anticipate in years to come with my children.
The foundation in which they outline their parenting strategies is based on the well known Bible verses from 1 Corinthians 13. If you are not familiar God’s words about love, specifically verses 4-8, take a look:
Love is patient
Love is kind.
It does not envy.
It does not boast.
It is not proud.
It is not rude.
It is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil
But rejoices with truth.
It always protects.
Always trusts.
Always hopes.
Always perseveres.
Love never fails.
Ah… Such a powerful testimony to love, yes?
Becky and Lori examine each one of these poignant truths through parenting a child, and in so doing, they take a close look at our parenting in love around some tough issues that will present themselves through the years. This book dives deeply into specific examples around common behaviors and difficulties that will arise as our kids grow. They cover EVERYTHING, from attitudes to anger, family priorities to family rules, and a variety of parenting styles that best communicate LOVE to our children through it all. That’s truly what we want to do as parents, and yet there are so many stumbling blocks along the way.
As I read through the book, I was enlightened and educated on various approaches we can take to allow our kids to become responsible, loved, cared for, and heard as we navigate through their growing years acting as their coach, their mentor, and ultimately their trusted and respected parent. I love the parenting ‘types’ they identify, as the Controller, the Coach, the Chum, and the Consultant. They bring awareness to our personal traits and how we in fact parent using them, and the possibility of tweaking our parenting styles to better meet the needs of our children. They are sure to claim that there is no right parenting formula, only the ability to tend to our children’s needs through a combination of many approaches depending on the circumstance.
They tackle every area vulnerable to a child, such as those temptations that lurk in the world- from sex to drugs to apathy and greed. The list of various difficulties that may occur through these parenting years is endless, and yet after reading their book, I can’t think of one area they missed. I was able to understand their wisdom through the layout of the book, as they would address the actual verse through sharing some of the pitfalls of parenting in that particular area that pertain to that topic.
For example, in the verse, “Love does not delight in evil”, they address the seven deadly sins and have a Replacement Technique and prayer for each in which they identify the opposite of these sins portrayed in Godly characteristics noted in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Does your child struggle with “greed”? They point out the opposite of that particular sin is Kindness/Generosity. (I love this insight!)
Prayer: “Lord replace my child’s greed with generosity and kindness.”
Training: “Seek out opportunities to care for ‘the least of these’. Find a charity to donate to, shovel an elderly neighbor’s driveway for free, give up a seat for a pregnant woman.” (Etc.)
*Found on page 157*
Throughout the book, at the end of each chapter, Lori and Becky share their own voice in honestly telling the reader their own struggles and perspectives. I just love how real they are, when it comes to such difficult topics to address. This book has a personal tone to it, threaded with clear direction and comforting grace at the same time. As a parent, we all need both don’t we? After they both share their own testimonies about the subject, they ask the reader detailed questions that help us focus in on our own lives and experiences. They then offer specific and helpful tips to carry out the ideas they presented, wrapping up each chapter in prayer and sealing it off with a beautiful Biblical truth.
There is SO much in this book, it truly is the ONLY one you will need to help parent your kids through the roller-coaster ride of these later years. I will continue to refer to it over and over again, as needed because there is a wealth of information and wisdom to help guide me in not only understanding the perspective of my children but learning how to both manage and coach my kids through this exhausting and unpredictable season.
For those of you who have younger kids, these ladies wrote a similar book for you too, addressing the same Biblical wisdom of 1Corinthians 13, and applying their experience and God’s wisdom in those formative years as well. Had they written these books sooner, I would be engrossed in their other book too!
If you are at a place in your parenting, where you are seeking guidance and wisdom that is both nourishing and educational if you feel unequipped to manage those tumultuous teen years or you simply want to grow as a parent with hopes to learn more constructive and productive ways to communicate with your child… This resource is the one for you.
I for one always want to learn and grow more as a parent. And heading into those difficult years myself, I find this book to be a true gift of insight, knowledge, truth, guidance, and encouragement in helping me both prepare and manage my precious ‘loves’ along the way.
As Lori and Becky say, “Love is heart work.” Raising little kids is heart work, and raising big kids is heart work.
Can I hear an Amen?
If you are interested in this extraordinary resource to help you parent your tween/teens, you can buy “Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love here”.
For the younger kids’ edition, you can buy “Raising Little Kids with Big Love here”.
I was given a copy of “Raising Big Kids with Supernatural Love” for this review- all opinions are my own!)
I am currently reading their younger kids version and loving it. So,just hope that others do take your advice and buy either of these books, because they are wonderful resources for parents of both little and big kids, too 😉
Oh Janine!! I’m SO EXCITED you are reading that book!!! I just love that!! I bet it is filling you with some amazing knowledge and the guidance you can truly take through those early years! YAY for YOU! 🙂
I need to check out that book – life has been a bit rough lately with one of my boys and I’m flailing in a big way!!!
Kim, this book has a WEALTH of information and guidance for any and all things related to raising our growing kids! I think you will find it incredibly helpful and encouraging no matter what your struggles may be,my friend!! Well worth the read! Praying for you honey!
Sounds like a book I would love!! Thanks for sharing it!!
Oh Leah- you would TOTALLY love it. It’s one I just know you would appreciate!
I like how there’s one for the little ones too! Although anything with “supernatural love” in its title is worth a read or two. So I’d probably want to have both. The little ones will grow, and sometimes, times are really, really tough.
Oh you would love the book for little ones, Tamara!! It’s just filled with all the principles and values you truly want to raise your kiddos with… promise!
I need this book. We’re getting trained on Good Enough Parenting in our church which is also an amazing resource, but I feel like I need extra help lately!
TOTALLY GET IT Jennie! Best book I’ve read about tweens/teens. I mean it. Worth every penny. 🙂
You share the most interesting books, Chris. I’ll admit I haven’t read a parenting book in a long time, but this sounds worth the read.
I just LOVE the books I have the privilege of sharing, Dana!! I keep saying to myself, “Wow- I’m so glad I have yet to read a book I didn’t LOVE to share…”
I’m not sure what I’d do…
You’re A LOVE to consider this one! <3
I believe in parenting books! If there is anything that can help us become more loving, patient, selfless, effective parents, I think it is very valuable indeed.
The concept behind this book is a super one, and I admire these women for creating a wonderful guide around one of the best passages about love to be found anywhere. I truly wish I exuded love in all those Godly ways, so perhaps I should get this book.
Oh Hillary- this book is amazing. It’s definitely my favorite resource I have found that speaks to ALL of the issues we will be approaching with our kids. (Or are already!)
I am not too into parenting books, though I always enjoy one that comes with a biblical approach to real topics. Since we are about to hit those teen years this may be a good read for me.
KC, seriously- BEST resource ever when it comes to parenting tweens/teens. I mean it. You will love it!
Yes, a million times yes! I need this book. I feel like you are talking directly to me and how wonderful it would be to have this resource as I climb up this big mountain of “teenness” (not a word but you know what I mean). I’ve missed you, my friend. Missed your words on this blog. It’s good to be back.
ANN MARIE!!!! YOU’RE HERE!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!! Oh, how I’ve missed your presence, my dear friend!! You would TOTALLY love this book. Seriously. Perfect in every way for you with your kiddos! (I love you so much, and I’m so happy to see your beautiful face and precious words!!)