A Prayer for every day- Wherever I am
Lord, Meet Me There…
When my mind is convoluted with thoughts and overflowing with lists of what needs to be done…
Lord, meet me there.
When I run through my day at top speed, scurrying to fulfill my agenda…
Lord, meet me there.
When I am overwhelmed and crushed by the weight of it all…
Lord, meet me there.
When I’m tired and doubting all that I do…
Lord, meet me there.
When I desperately need rest and spiritual nourishment…
Lord, meet me there.
When I fall into darkness and dismay and despair……
Lord, meet me there.
When I’m doubting your plan and confused and conflicted…
Lord, meet me there.
When I’m tired of serving and giving and doing…
Lord, meet me there.
When I am shining Your light and sharing Your love…
Lord, meet me there.
When I’m angry and foul and resentful and selfish…
Lord, meet me there.
When I’m stuck in a rut and feel empty inside…
Lord, meet me there.
When I open my heart and my mind to Your leading…
Lord, meet me there.
When I search for your strength and your grace, so forgiving…
Lord, meet me there.
When I reach for you, turn from you, look for you, question you…
Lord, meet me there.
When I need you to love me and pull me toward you…
Lord, meet me there.
When I celebrate the Glory in all that you do…
Lord, meet me there.
Oh Lord,
May Your promise and presence fill all of my days
Forever I’m grateful that You will always…
Meet me there.
You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways. Psalm 139: 2-3 NIV
AMEN! He WILL meet us ALL there! We have to remember and take the first step! Beautifully written!
Yes Marcia!!! I think so many people think they need to be a “certain way” in order to enter into His Loving Arms… but He will embrace us, broken and all. Oh, how I wish more people understood His Loving Grace.
Oh boy. . .I needed that today. I am still amazed how beautifully you pray through poetry!!!!!
Oh how deeply touched I am that this post was meaningful to you!!! Your sweet words were just what I needed today, mom. 🙂
Isn’t it wonderful to know a God who absolutely will always meet us where we are – no matter how messy it gets!
SO wonderful!! And truly amazing that the Creator of the universe would accept us just as we are… His broken beloved children.
I needed to read this today. Thank you!
Oh I am so so happy you stopped by to take it in, Kimberly! It’s so wonderful to know He will always meet us exactly where we are at, isn’t it? His Loving Arms are always open… and waiting… and longing… for us.
If only we could all learn to stop and take a breath in the middle of our “crazy” to remember a power greater than ourselves. How comforting.
And He will meet us exactly where we are at- no need to be in a certain place- emotionally, physically or spiritually. That’s the beauty of God’s Grace. And yes, Ilene…it is so comforting to know this truth!!! (Still praying for you, my friend. Thinking about you all the time…)
Amen! This was a nice post to read after 4 long days at a business conference that filled me with information and exhaustion.
Oh Jennifer, you must be so exhausted!! And overstimulated with so much good information… I’m sure lots to process. He will meet you right there! Praying you have a quiet day of catch up work and peace. Anxious to hear all about it all!
Oooh, this is a good one. I needed this prayer today. The next time I am feeling that “yuck” I am going to just keep saying, “Okay…meet me there, meet me there.” I know it will instantly make me feel better.
So funny AnnMarie!! I was JUST in your post reading yours and I am having trouble commenting!! OH. MY. GOSH. REALLY???? I am trying again…
Okay- got it. Whew!!! Crisis diverted- this time anyway!! lol! 🙂
Okay- now for a response to your actual response to this post! HA! DO IT AnnMarie! Yes! He will meet you exactly where you are… and there will be peace in His Loving Grace each time you do. xoxo
Amen Chris!! That’s the sweetness of COMPLETELY resting in Him, knowing that He is more than enough! Thanks for the reminder my friend…may you have an absolutely awesome week! 😀
YES Michell! I love how you put that- “the sweetness of COMPLETELY resting in Him”. Simply beautiful! God bless you, sweet friend! 🙂
Beautiful Chris! It is very hard in the midst of stress and chaos to stop and breathe and take a moment to remember there is something bigger than us. Great reminder.-The Dose Girls
It really is so hard to open our hearts to God in the midst of life’s craziness and stress and hurried days… but He wants us to come to Him so badly during it all…Not just on Sundays- but every day, every moment, in joy and sadness and all those precious times in between.
Please publish these somewhere for the world to see, like on a billboard next to a freeway! Your blog is fantastic and inspirational and hopeful–we need more of this in our world!
Gosh that is just SO sweet of you to say, Stephanie! Thank you thank you thank you thank you… Your words are such an encouragement to me. 🙂
Gorgeous as always, Chris. I want to trust that God will meet me anywhere and loves and accepts me in any/all of my daily machinations. Praying for a breath before I respond to my loved ones today.
Oh that is the sweetness that is God… He does meet us exactly where we are at- and even LOVES us there too!!! Oh, I am so grateful for His Grace!
Praying for that breath before we speak to loved ones is such a need for us all… oh yes. Praying for your breath and mine, sweet friend!
Isn’t it just a wonderful feeling to know that whatever the circumstance, if we ask God to meet us there…He will? Sometimes we have to look to find him, but he promises to meet us there. He’ll never leave us nor forsake us.
I’ve read ALL of your Sunday devotions on Sunday, but is never able to comment until Monday or Tuesday. So I end up reading them twice and I always take away something more. Double dose for me 🙂
Oh Hope- that just means so so much to me that you not only read my devotional once but twice!!! And what an encouragement to know you take away something more each time. SO love your “double dose”!!! 🙂
{Melinda} Oh, how I am grateful that He meets me there! 🙂 I keep saying it, but I just adore your writing. Such a gift.
OH Melinda- I am also so grateful He meets us there! Your sweet encouragement NEVER gets old. You are such a blessing to me! 🙂
When you get to Heaven, God is going to say, “by the way … love your blog.”
I wish we would pray like this in church, with these lively and life-ready lines, rather than mumble our way through Pslams.
Beautifully captured, both the struggle and the triumph.
Oh, how I love that Eli!!!! Ya think God will say that? Oh, how I hope so!!! Yes- I wish there were more church services that offered these real and genuine prayers… ya know, the ones that actually tend to our precious needs that we can all relate to. I hardly understand David’s language… but I believe God understands mine. 🙂
What a beautiful post! Sometimes I think we need to step back and take a deep breath and remember that someone is watching over us and it will all be fine. Let the stress go!
Someone IS watching over us, and wants us to share every piece of our hearts and our lives with Him. I just love that God meets us exactly where we are- not perfect, not holy, not anything really worthy of His love. But He wants us anyway. 🙂
I love this devotion. I’m working through a devotional for dating couples with my boyfriend and this week’s chapter is on Grace. Knowing you can never be perfect enough nor too imperfect to receive God’s grace… he will always, “meet you there.”
OH that sounds so wonderful! What an awesome thing to do with your boyfriend! Grace is the most important piece in our faith, I believe. I love that this post goes hand in hand with your devotion this week! So cool that you came by to read this… I just love how God speaks to us!
Beautiful. Perfect and exactly the prayer I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing, sweet Chris.
Oh I am so so glad this prayer was encouraging to you, Meredith! I know…I know…right?! Thank God He meets us there.
Such a beautiful prayer!
Thanks so much Shell, and thanks for taking the TIME to stop by and read and share. I know you have so many posts to see. I am grateful. 🙂
Well said.
I have a feeling you get it, Andrea. Thank GOD He will meet us where we are and love us anyway… 🙂
This brought me to tears! So beautiful and so true. Thank you for sharing this. Just what my heart needed to read today.
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading Maureen! I am so glad it blessed your heart today… He WILL meet you there.
Hi Chris, wow, I absolutely love this post. I am so glad I came over to read it. It is so encouraging and uplifting and shows true relationship with the Father. I am adding this post to my list of “favourites” on my blog so others can find it too.
God bless
Oh thank you SO much Tracy!! So grateful you came by and that you will share this on your lovely site! I think it’s so important for all to know that our Loving Father will meet us and love us exactly as we are.
Love this! It is such a great reminder that God truly will meet us whenever, wherever, however. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much Jamie!! It’s such a comfort to know that He really will meet us… anywhere we are. I love that- “whenever, wherever, however”.. YES!
Beautiful. Thank you for this post.
Thanks so much Tomekha! I appreciate you stopping by… 🙂
A beautiful post, Chris.
Thank you so much, Allison. So grateful to have you stop by. 🙂
What a great prayer. Needed that today. Thank you! Have a blessed day!
Thanks so much for stopping by Stephanie!! I just love that God will be with us and wants us to reach out to him, no matter what state of mind we are in. What a sweet gift He gives us in His Grace. 🙂
Every time I stop by, I am refreshed. Thank you!
Oh thank you so so much Rebecca for your sweet words, and for taking the time to read my post! SO grateful! 🙂