Out TODAY! A new book about raising teens, “Lose the Cape: Ain’t Nothing But A Teen Thang” is out on Amazon TODAY!
This new book about raising teens is the third book in the Lose The Cape series, edited by Alexa Bigwarfe and Kerry Rivera, called “Ain’t Nothing But A Teen Thang” and it is filled with personal stories and helpful advice written by many moms who understand what it’s like to raise a teenager. This new anthology is packed with a wealth of wisdom and perspective from 30 amazing writers who have the experience to help you endure enjoy these adolescent years.
I am honored and thrilled to be a contributor in this book!
My chapter focuses on a topic I am passionate about because I have worked with teens for over 30 years and have written a ton of articles focused on raising teens. I have a teenage daughter and another soon to be teenage son. In my chapter of the book, I wrote about how to equip your teen to live a Godly life, and my gosh, there’s nothing more challenging than that, right?
I’m blessed to know many women who have grown children now, who have done just that. These women have been my most valuable teachers in how I can raise my teens to live a Godly life. In witnessing them launch their kids into adulthood with Christian values and gracious love, they have paved the path for me to follow in what is most important during these formative adolescent years with our growing kids. I continue to do my best to apply what they have taught me through their own example in raising Godly kids.
This book is so special because there are various voices and personal stories to make it a well-rounded guide that will hit on a variety of issues and experiences all moms will face while raising their kids through adolescence. If you or someone you know has kids nearing the teen years, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!
“Lose the Cape: Ain’t Nothing But A Teen Thang” would be a perfect gift for any mom with tweens nearing those teen years. It is also a wonderful book for any mom who has teens who would appreciate the stories and enjoy the added insights and views on how other moms have experienced this season with their own kids.
Go check out this amazing and helpful book about raising teens over on Amazon today! Buy a copy for yourself and one for a friend, because we all could use some support during these tumultuous teen years!
To enter the giveaway, go to Lose the Cape Facebook page (HERE) and like their page AND share the Amazon link (HERE) to our book on social media! Let me know in the comments if you did these two steps to enter and I will verify and add you to the giveaway! (If you are not on social media, then let me know and we can work out another way for you to enter!)
Aw, huge congrats and so happy that you, my friend are included in this wonderful book!! 🙂
Thanks so much for your support, Janine! XO
Congratulations, Chris! This sounds like a book that will save many parents of teens! 😀
It is SUPER helpful and full of great insights and awesome stories, Lisa. Thanks so much for your support, my friend!
Got you shared and liked the FB Page. I pray success over you.
Aw, I appreciate the support and the prayers, Shawniece!
Wonderful cover and looks really good. I think it would be a great read for grandma’s of teens too. 🙂 Sent off some love of it on Social Media.
YES! That is such a great point, Lynn! Thanks so much for your support of this book, my friend!
I remember reading one book of the Lose The Cape series – just loved it Chris!
So happy that you are part of this book, I’m sure the writers wisdom and advice can help many moms out there. Congrats!
Thanks so much, sweet friend. It’s really such a useful and encouraging and even entertaining read! 🙂
OMG you’re such a rockstar!! Congratulations, my dear friend. I’m super happy for you and must get my copy!
THANK YOU, honey!! I’m thrilled to be in it along with other amazing parents and writers!