Sorry about the delay! We hope to have the book ready to go soon! While you are waiting, perhaps you may enjoy some music of the Season… Mom-Carols! Can you guess what they are? “God rest you weary mom-women, let nothing you dismay. Remember Santa’s coming soon so get those gifts today!” “Roll out the […]
eBook Maddening and Marvelous Motherhood!!!
Okay all you blog-reading friends!! This is the blog where I try to sell my new Ebook that’s out!!! It is on sale now! And for a low, low, low price of only 2.99!! Can you believe it? I have compiled and “tweaked” my stories for a great book that reads like warm, cozy flannel […]
Dear God…
We have been stuck in sickness for two weeks now. Awful. With my daughter’s asthma out of control, and my son’s asthma stirring wild…sleep has been but a dream. That unwanted, uninvited obnoxious guest has stayed in our home 14 days longer than planned. My daughter’s ear and adenoid surgery was cancelled during pre-op due […]