Dear teacher,
Another year is beginning, and every day I will relinquish my precious children into your care. Do you know how important you are to me? To them? From this day forward, you are a valuable force in what defines them. You will encourage or discourage, inspire or disappoint, empower or belittle, engage or neglect, instruct or demand, fill or deplete…
These young lives I have placed in your hands.
Your role is significant as it will either propel my kids forward, or pull them back. Much of their life will revolve around you. Your character will resonate in them, and your values will slowly slip into their hearts as they watch you and learn from you each day. Your words, your manners, your voice and your message will constantly affect their existence. You will be at the center of their lives, during a time of critical development and growth. Oh, how fragile a child’s spirit is…
You hold that spirit in the palm of your hands.
As you concentrate on test scores and skill levels, may I remind you of your greatest calling with children?
To grace them with potential and promise.
For one statement to a child can change the course of a child’s life.
How many times I have heard how a teacher’s word compelled someone to follow a dream. How many times I have heard a person battle one negative message from a teacher throughout a life of questioning their worth?
Your role will make a difference. Your purpose will prevail and you will be an integral part of their future. You will also hold a piece of their history. You will leave a lasting imprint on their hearts and in their minds. Every student you teach will be greatly influenced by your daily decisions, your reactions, and your intentions.
And with that truth, may you hold onto your calling with a fierce grip for the sake of our kids.
Every day that you go to work, I hope you can remind yourself that you are not teaching a “class”, but rather a group of unique individuals with different needs and dreams and fears and faults. May you stretch hard and reach far to touch each child’s life with a loving hand and a tender heart. May you realize the power you hold, and may God use you in a mighty way…
You hold their potential and promise.
It will be up to you to give your students these gifts.
I know your job is exhausting. You are human, and parents often expect too much from you. I understand the pressure to perform. I know you can’t do it all. But I also know that you have chosen to lead and educate kids and the passion that inspired that choice still lives in you. Don’t let anything or anyone put that fire out. Your students are depending on the light it exudes.
I will be praying for it to keep burning within you every day.
Most Sincerely and ever passionately,
The heart of a mother.
Laurie says
What a great post. I never had to experience the entrusting of my children to a teacher since we home school, but you gave me a glimpse of the faith it takes to do so; and I flashed back to a few good and not so good teachers I had while growing up. You are so right. They hold precious place in the lives of children. May your kids be blessed with teachers who get it.
momcafe says
There have been many times where I have struggled with making that decision to home school. I am so grateful for the teachers that have really stepped up to have an amazing influence in my kids’ lives!!
I love that you home schooled. It takes such an incredible woman to follow through on that calling. I am friends with so many, and I am always in awe of all they do.
Considerer says
Very awesome. I hope the teacher lives up to your hopes (or reads your blog – that’d be cool but weird!)
A lovely way of thinking about it, and very similar to some of the wonderful ways a teacher made a difference to Kenya over at Our Land today ( which I really like.
I wish I’d had good teachers like you want for your kids.
Great post. And if you need it, breathe deep and enjoy the following line, just for you 🙂
momcafe says
I went over and read Kenya’s post- WOW! Just so powerful.
I am taking you up on your line today, my friend!!! Hubs and I are having a date-day! First date without kids since our anniversary in Feb. Yeah. We suck. 😉
Considerer says
GOOD! I hope you enjoyed every second 😀 x
The Dose of Reality says
Great scott, girl! You have me in a puddle of tears here!! You have touched me to my core. You are so right. SO VERY RIGHT. Their teachers just mean so much to them. They can lift them up or make them feel pushed down. I’m going to go read this again, but I’ve got to get some Kleenex first. I only have a scratchy napkin right here and it’s making my face red. This was beautiful, Chris! –Lisa
momcafe says
Oh Lisa- you and I are SO one and the same!!!!! Lets hope and pray our kids are blessed with some good ones this year!!! It’s just that important, isn’t it?
Your poor red face!!! Hope you got some of those good “lotion” tissues to soften the scratches from the napkin!! 😉 XOXO
Cynthia says
Wonderful post! for the most part, I had great teachers. Of course, there were a few that were not do great, but now that I look back, these few were, most likely, unhappy people. Life will and does take its toll, but we must fight for our joy. As a teacher for and assistant principal for 22 years, I know that most teachers love their job and want your child to learn and be happy. Blessings to you and yours! Cynthia
momcafe says
I love your input Cynthia! I am truly in awe of so many amazing teachers that I have come across. I thank God for them every single day. Seriously- we do! In the car on the way to school. Every single day.
And those unhappy people are everywhere. I still have no tolerance for a person to project that on my children. But unfortunately it happens. And there are many life lessons that come from it.
Hope says
Powerful Chris. Sometimes we don’t stop to realize the awesome responsibility that these teachers have and the faith that parent’s are placing in them. I pray that God guides your children’s teachers that their actions and words and uplifting, not down tearing.
momcafe says
Every year I pray a similar prayer, and I am so so grateful that my kids have been SO blessed by the amazing teachers that have been in their lives.
I have good confidence this year will be the same!
Shell says
What a beautiful prayer!
When I was teaching, I didn’t have kids yet and I didn’t fully understand all that I was taking into my hands.
momcafe says
ME TOO Shell!!!!! I was a therapist and a teacher when I didn’t have kids yet!! What a difference, eh?
Wow. I am so so amazed that so many moms trusted me with their precious children. Oh, how I pray I served them well!
michelle says
Well said!
momcafe says
Thanks Michelle!! 🙂
Michell says
As always…awesome my friend! Parents don’t realize, we must pray for those who we entrust to care for our children! This is why our homes must always remain a haven! We must be there to build up…for those times when some adults “just don’t get it right”. My husband and I were blessed to have had great teachers in our kids’ lives who inspired and and encouraged them. We had a few bad apples, but thankfully they were few and far between AND dealt with! A beautiful prayer from a parent who’s obviously a wonderful steward! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing it… I hope all parents will take it on as their own! Thanks for linking up my sweet friend! Love ya! xoxoxo
momcafe says
Thanks so much Michell!!! It’s truly amazing how critical a teacher’s role is in a child’s life, isn’t it?
I love how you said that our homes must always remain a haven. Our children need to always have a safe place where they belong and feel loved- always!
Twingle Mommy says
What a great post! I’m sending all three of my kids to school for the first time this year and I’m a little nervous about my oldest being out of my care all day 5 days a week with a teacher I don’t know. But as a former teacher, I know how much I loved my students and how they still hold a special place in my heart. I hope for the same thing for my kids’ teacher this year.
momcafe says
First time is always the hardest! But I love how you are using your own perspective as a teacher to realize that most teachers are truly loving and divine souls!!
Thanks so much for stopping by! And good luck with your new year! (Freedom!! lol)
another jennifer says
So beautiful, Chris. Teachers are so important in children’s lives. I think they could most definitely use some extra prayers from us moms!
momcafe says
Absolutely Jen!! Sometimes I think it is so easy to lose sight of their significant role in our kids’ lives…
Seriously- just one statement can change a child’s life or perspective. They are just that important.
Kelly says
printed this & gave it to my director. 🙂
momcafe says
Oh I am SO deeply honored you read this and gave it to your director!!!! YAY! I do hope it inspires all the wonderful people that have such a significant role in those children’s lives!!!
Thanks SO much for commenting Kelly!! 🙂
Leah says
This is truly such a beautiful, heartfelt letter. I would love to print it and hand it to everyone one of my children’s teachers. We have experienced teachers who have inspired, and sadly, teachers who have destroyed. We had such a bad teacher for one of my sons, and it has been FIVE years and I feel like we are finally getting though all the damage that was done. I thank the teachers who take my children’s lives seriously and become the inspiring leaders that they can be.
momcafe says
Oh Leah- your comment is the very reason I posted this letter. Your poor son!! Oh, how I just don’t think some teachers realize the significant role they have in their children’s lives!
I do pray your son has many many more teachers who impart nothing but positive and encouraging messages on his precious heart.
Thank you for sharing your experience, it is so worthy of this post.
AnnMarie says
I miss being a teacher. This is how I felt. I was there to further their love of learning. I wish every one of my kids’ teachers would read this. Beautiful!
momcafe says
I bet you were an amazing AMAZING teacher, AnnMarie!! Oh, how I wish for all teachers to have an awareness of how truly important their words and actions influence our children. I want to give this letter to every last one of them as a reminder…
Michelle says
Such a great letter! Teachers have so much power…a good teacher can make a world of difference to our kids! My kids have had some really wonderful teachers…and we’ve had a handful that just weren’t. Part of the reason my oldest son wanted to go to private school was because he had teachers that didn’t know his name. But my daughter has consistently had great teachers more often than not. Last year was an amazing year for her. To those amazing ones out there…I know we are all so grateful!
momcafe says
Didn’t know his name?? Wow. That blows my mind. Just wow. On so many levels that is wrong. Bless your son’s heart!!! He truly deserves better.
I am glad your daughter has had more good teachers than not, and that last year was a great one!
I feel so passionately about this. Every teacher has so much power in our kids’ lives… I pray they realize that.
Mo at Mocadeaux says
Teachers truly are the unsung heroes in our kids lives. We were fortunate through the years to have a few really outstanding teachers, many excellent teachers and only a couple of clunkers. Wishing you and your children a great school year and awesome, positive teachers!
momcafe says
They truly are the “unsung heroes in our kids’ lives” aren’t they? So many teachers have been an inspiration for my children!! I applaud the many amazing people who take their jobs seriously, and realize their powerful role.
Tammy says
Oh my Chris, this post has to be my fave (though I have many) as it touches me to my very soul. Thank you for your words that not only remind us how precious our children are but also how precious those who give their lives to teaching, forming, guiding and loving them each year are.
momcafe says
Oh Tammy!!! I love how you get this. I feel the SAME way!! I am just so passionate about teachers and how their role in our kids’ lives is so amazingly significant!!
Truly. Lets pray that this year, our kiddos are touched and gifted by more great people who realize this powerful role in their lives.
Tammy says
Oh I’m prayin sister!
Then there’s you…the “not-technically-a-teacher” who impacts so many with the way you live your life for others and toward others.
Truly amazing.
momcafe says
Do you know how special you make me feel??!! I am just so blown away by your love…
And you know that you have that SAME impact toward so so many. Oh yes you DO! (Don’t even TRY to argue this one with me!!)
Tamara says
I remember each and every teacher’s name, and how they made me feel and how they made me learn. I think about that SO MUCH this time of year. And they do need our prayers – so much.
momcafe says
I can too, Tamara! Way back in third grade, I remember Mrs, Oswald scolding me for something that wasn’t my fault. I remember the shame and embarrassment… of an awkward third grade girl.
They are powerful figures, indeed.
I remember most in my college English Creative Writing course, my professor taking me aside to tell me he thought I had a gift. That resonates in me every single day still.
I only pray my kids are gifted with people that believe in the potential and beauty of who they are, and realize their own profound role in their lives…
Tammy says
Btw, I would LOVE to share this with the teachers and principal at our school!
momcafe says
Oh I would be SO HONORED if you do that, Tammy!!! I pray it inspires them in the days to come…
And blesses them with empowerment in how significant they truly are in every child’s life.
Ilene says
This gave me chills my friend and yes…I can remember every teacher who compelled me to follow a dream as well as every teacher whose negative messages I had to dispute for years. I want every teacher to read this. Every last one.
momcafe says
Amen to THAT Ilene!!!! I just love this comment. You are a perfect example of the impact teachers can have on one’s life. I wish every last one of them could read your comment!!
I too, remember each and every teacher who inspired me or let me down.
Alison says
There’s nothing like the heart of a praying mother revealed. May your kids’ teachers be blessed by this prayer and release grace, wisdom, and revelation, as well as information, to your children!
momcafe says
Oh Alison, you always say things SO beautifully my friend!!! I just love your words… perfect in every way. XO
Mary @ A Teachable Mom says
Beautiful, Chris. I will borrow your heartfelt prayer for our family’s own transition back to school in a couple weeks. I hope more people have a chance to read your beautiful work (so I’ll tweet and facebook to do my part!).
momcafe says
AW thank you SO much Mary!!!! It is a passionate place from where it comes from. You are such a DEAR to share it!!!
I hope and pray your kids are blessed and gifted by teachers that realize their worth. XOXO
Melissa Charlton says
Every year I wish I could impart this message to each of my kids teachers. So often I just get disappointed!! Love you!!
momcafe says
And THAT is why I wrote this. I wish every teacher would realize how significant their words and actions are to our children!!!
I would like to paste this on the walls of every staff office in every school, just to wake them up to their calling.
Thanks so much for sharing it, honey pea!!! XO
Keith DuBarry says
You are absolutely right on this! My sister is a science teacher and she treats each student with the respect that they both earn and with what they walk in with to class. Every student is different, so she teaches at a pace that all her students can understand and help them with their individual needs.
Thanks for sharing!
momcafe says
Well Keith, it sounds like your sister is an awesome teacher!!! I love hearing about people who take their job seriously in not only teaching their students, but meeting them where they are at and encouraging their potential.
Every kid is truly unique. 🙂
Ashley says
LOVE this post, thank you for sharing!
momcafe says
Oh thanks SO much Ashley!!! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and reading it too!
Jennifer @ PinkWhen says
I LOVE this! My little one starts day care at her sister’s private school next week and I was just talking about this with my husband! I want her to continue to thrive and keep her blooming personality, I hope it never diminishes. The teachers and caregivers really do wield a powerful wand.
momcafe says
I love how you put that Jennifer!! “Teachers and caregivers really do wield a powerful wand”. LOVE. 🙂
I think every mother is just like us… we are handing our precious parts of us over into their care, trusting and hoping that they truly embrace our children and honor the role that they play in their lives.
I am SO glad you stopped by.
Malissa says
I can only say beautifully written!
hi from PYHO
momcafe says
Thank you so much Malissa!!! I appreciate you stopping by from PYHO!!!
Kristi Campbell says
Yes. This: For only one statement to a child can change the course of a child’s life. My son is in preschool autism class. His teacher has been more wonderful and amazing than I’d ever have dreamed of. The good ones, they’re fabulous and forever. THank you for this amazing look. Thank you.
momcafe says
Oh what great news Kristi!!! Oh, how I am loving that your precious son has been gifted with such an amazing soul to embrace him and care for him!!!
Those are the kind of teachers that truly are the “UNsung heroes” of our lives…
I pray your son continues to be blessed by those precious people that will give him the potential and promise he deserves. I am just so glad you stopped by to read this Kristi!! 🙂
Joi @ Rx Fitness Lady says
So profound and appropriate Chris. I have so much love and respect for educators. All of them should receive this in their inbox to get this year started.
momcafe says
Thank you so much Joi!! I do wish every teacher could read words like this to inspire them to be the very best they can be, and give the very best of themselves to the kids in their care.
If anything, it can serve as a reminder of the significance of their calling. Each one of them can make a huge difference in a child’s life.
Kenya G. Johnson says
I said Amen all the way through this! It is so so true!! Excellent. This is even true for adults to adults. I went back to college at 37 for a degree in Communications. Professors can simply give you As and Bs and that be the end of it. One professor took the time to write me a note about how much she enjoyed my writing and that she was sitting on the edge of her seat to see what happened. It was a paper about organizational structure and I fictionalized mine and made it fun with all the applicable points. I was so excited by her comment that it made me remember that I used to enjoy writing. I really needed that because I had gone many many years without writing and all I needed was that boost of encouragement.
Side note on kids: My son’s Kindergarten teacher was from New York. We live in NC. He still pronounces a few words like she may have taught them in reading. I love to hear him read the work “house”. He’s going to 3rd grade now so the pronunciation stuck.
momcafe says
I love that!! And there’s a literal “imprint” on your son’s life!!! SO cool. 😉
And I am so thrilled that your teacher took the time to write that note- isn’t it amazing what ONE statement can do?
I had a similar experience in college, and I swear I still think about what he said to me 25 years later!
I am so glad you came over to read this Kenya! I just knew you would relate!!! I loved your story so much.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom says
So true – teachers are powerful forces in our lives. Their words and encouragement mean so much to young hearts and minds finding their place in the world.
momcafe says
Yes Kim! It really hits me every single time I send my kids back to school, how profound and powerful their roles in my kids’ lives are.
It kills me that my daughter has not liked her music teacher, and therefore is turned off of music because of it. Music has always been a passion of mine, and I was a music therapist and a music teacher…
It just breaks my heart, that this one woman can change my child’s mind and heart.
I don’t think some teachers realize how significant their role really is. But on the other hand, I know MANY who do. 🙂
OneMommy says
Absolutely beautiful!
You wrote exactly what I was thinking last night as we went to my daughter’s open house for kindergarten.
So many hopes and dreams in those children, and such influence their teachers have upon them.
I think this needs printed and handed to teachers at open house!
momcafe says
GO FOR IT Christina!! I think every teacher needs to read or hear words like these- or something similar. It can serve as a reminder and a reality check for them…
They are far more important than they think they are. I want to inspire them to rise to the call!
The Single Chick says
What an amazing letter….as a parent, I am always aware of the responsibility I am entrusting teachers with – to care for, influence and direct my child every day. The influence is monumental and I have seen the carnage left by uncaring, overworked, burnt out and/or disinterested teacher as a child and youth counsellor. This year is the first year that I will be in a teaching role and I am feeling the responsibility myself. Thanks for the reminder to be conscious of the task that lies ahead.
momcafe says
Oh how I hate to read that… but there are some people that I truly wish were made aware of the consequences of their actions. What a shame that children have to pay the price for such people.
I am excited that you get to play a significant part in young lives… I think you are one that didn’t need any reminder! But perhaps it’s always good to inspire!!
Eva Gallant says
What a beautiful post! I was a teacher for 17 years, and I wish your letter had been posted in the teacher’s lounge at my school! It would have been a great reminder and inspiration to teachers. Perhaps you can get it posted and your kids’ school?
I just stopped by from SITS Saturday Sharefest to say hello; hope you find time to do the same.
momcafe says
OH thank you so much Eva!!! I did send it to our Principal… perhaps I will print it out and give it to my kids’ teachers!
17 years… WOW! I love that you would want this up in the lounge. I think all teachers need this reminder and they deserve to be inspired! It’s a significant calling, as YOU know. 🙂
(Will stop by soon! Promise!)
misssrobin says
My oldest is starting her final year in the English Teaching program. She’ll be a wonderful teacher. I will be passing this on to her, as a reminder of what she means to the mothers of the children she will teach. Thank you for opening your heart and sharing what so many of us hope for.
momcafe says
Oh how wonderful to know your oldest will be a teacher!! If she’s anything like her mother, her influence will be incredibly positive with her students. XO Please do pass it on, for those days where she may need the inspiration!
momcafe says
Oh how I love when I learn of a “good egg” going out into this world that needs them!!
I am still praying for you Robin!!! Hoping and praying that my comments made any sense at all!! 🙂
Dani Ryan says
What an amazing letter! I love this!!! I went to the 50-year reunion of my high school (not MY 50-year reunion – ha!) a few years ago, and I saw my 10th and 11th grade English teacher there. I don’t think he remembered me, but I asked him if he still has his students write in their “working papers” (which was like a writing journal) and the look of shock on his face that I remembered that was amazing. He was the best teacher I’ve ever had.
Teachers really do make a difference, don’t they?
Thanks for the warm and fuzzy post. 🙂
momcafe says
AW!!!! I just love your comment Dani!! I think that is just amazing that you remembered an integral teacher in your life and how significant his influence was to who you are now! Oh, how I get that. It’s just incredible the power they have over their students… probably too much. BUT the good ones… ah-yes… they can launch DREAMS!!!
Thanks SO much for stopping by Dani!!!! XOXO
Kim says
As one who struggled mightily with a negative comment from a guidance counselor—What college would possibly want you?—I stand up and cheer your post. Yes, yes! An important perspective that I think gets lost amongst the rules, regulations and paperwork.
momcafe says
Oh my, Kim!!! How HORRIBLE that A GUIDANCE counselor would say those awful ‘life changing’ words to you! That floors me. I want to go find that counselor and shake her/him! Well, I pray you fought hard with that struggle and found some forceful and positive light to win that terrible battle that should never have occurred in the first place.
I am so glad you stopped by, my friend!
WhenCrazyMeetsExhaustion says
I seriously suck up to my kid’s pre-school teachers (i.e. volunteer for everything, serve on the board, etc.) so they’ll look at him like the little prince that he is. Does this make me a psycho mom?! My biggest fear is that teachers don’t like my kids and treat them poorly. As a teacher, I’ve seen it happen!
momcafe says
HA! I ALWAYS get to know my kids’ teachers really really well, so I can work closely with them and they tune in to my kiddos!! I get that! I end up being really close friends with many of their teachers well after the year my kids have them!!
Lucky me…
We have had amazing teachers- and I have made some amazing friends. SO BLESSED!!!
Stephanie @ Mommy, for Real. says
Oh, you captured that so beautifully! The power of a teacher is breathtaking and frightening, too! We have been fortunate in that our daughter’s teachers have all been nurturing and wonderful for her first three years of school. She is very sensitive, and thrives in an environment where she feels safe and supported. I know the string of perfect teachers won’t last forever…
momcafe says
You never know, Stephanie! I have had amazing luck with my two!! Both of them have had nothing but greatness, truly!! I do hope the same for you…
My daughter is also extra sensitive (like her mom!) and I always worry about her spirit somehow being broken by a tough and impersonal teacher. Hasn’t happened, thank God.
I pray it never ever will.
Mothering From Scratch says
{Melinda} I adore this. I don’t think some teachers — or coaches — have any idea the lasting impact, both postive and negative, can have on the kids that are entrusted to them. It is a very important position and one I pray that they don’t take lightly. My kids have had some AMAZING teachers and coaches and a few that have left scars on their souls.
Praying for all of our kids and teachers as school begins this year.
momcafe says
AMEN to that Melinda!!! I love your comment. Every words rings true. I hate that children have to suffer from a teacher that doesn’t know how their actions and words affect their students.
Breaks my heart.
I thank God for the good ones. There are many…
Rick says
Brilliantly stated, my friend! A teacher, when supported and nourished and valued by the community around them, is an awesome force for growth, strength and soul-deep change. I pray for my sons, and their teachers, more than they realize….but God knows. I still recall some supportive words of teachers I had long ago, and (yes), some less than helpful words. You capture this truth wonderfully, my sister in faith. Thanks for sharing your gifts of hope with others!
momcafe says
Oh Rick!!! Thank you thank you thank you…. for taking the time to stop by and read this post. I know how passionate you are about teachers and our educational programs. I wonder if this piece somehow gets lost in the battle and in the blurry line of priorities within the community.
Oh, how I pray it never does!! The value of each teacher is PRICE-LESS.
Liv says
That’s lovely Christine. I’ve been lucky, especially with my son – who has a learning disability. And I recognize just how important a job they have. Thanks for putting it into words.
momcafe says
It’s incredible how much effort and time they invest every single day in our kids! I see their influence in my kids all the time. It’s amazing the impact they really do have on them! Thanks for reading this, and I’m SO glad your son has good teachers too. 🙂
Kristen says
So beautiful! Sending to my daughter’s teacher, it’s so hard handing them over to strangers isn’t it?
momcafe says
Oh, that’s wonderful that you sent it over to your daughter’s teacher! I sent this one to our school principal to send to all the teachers. 🙂 Their role is HUGE in our kids’ lives… HUGE.