It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so they say. But for many, it can be the most grueling season of all. The holidays can trigger debilitating mental anguish and traumatic emotions in some people for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s the stress of family gatherings, the flooding grief of loved ones lost, or even the overwhelm of the season’s hype of good cheer and the ongoing madness that ensues- many people feel vulnerable this time of year. Although the weeks leading up to the New Year can be fun and festive for the masses, there are people in your life who are secretly suffering with despair and angst.
Do you know someone who struggles emotionally with the holidays?
I’m guessing you do.
There are also many people who have scheduled surgeries and medical procedures for the month of December. It’s the busiest time of the year for surgeons, because insurance deductibles have often been met and vacation/sick days have been building to allow time off from work to recover. Parents often use this time to plan surgeries when their kids are off of school, making things a little less complicated in managing the needs of rides, homework, and extra activities while they recover. Family members may use the extra time off during the holidays to assist with responsibilities making this season ideal for tending to the medical needs of their loved one having the surgery.
Do you know someone who has recently had surgery or is planning to have one soon?
Perhaps you do.
Then there are the precious people who suffer all year round with chronic illness, and this season can be most challenging for them because they cannot participate in much of the holiday festivities due to their limitations and pain. As other people in their life attend fun parties and dinner gatherings, go on shopping excursions and family outings, they are stuck home tending to their illness. This season is a painful reminder of all they cannot do, and they may feel isolated and forgotten. Their illness limits their ability to engage in many celebrations and they secretly suffer as the world around them continues its flurry of activity without their presence. This time of year can be a lonely existence for those who are chronically ill, more so than usual because of all the opportunities they miss to do fun things and be around people they love.
Do you know someone in your life who is chronically ill?
I’m betting you do.
Oh there are many who are suffering, trying to make it through this time. These beloved people are in all of our lives. If you can’t identify anyone in your life who is suffering for these reasons, then perhaps you know of an elderly or disabled person who is restricted and perhaps in pain? Maybe someone you know has suddenly fallen ill?
All of these people need you.
In the hustle and bustle of the Holidays, it’s so easy to forget about them. We may be distracted with our own to do lists, or what’s going on in our own hectic lives to really stop and think about people we know who are in this place. It happens. Life is crazy and then in the midst of our usual busy lives, the holidays come and ramp up the speed and strain of it all even more.
This is why I am writing this particular post, because I think we all need an important reminder to think of these people in our lives and take the time and the effort to serve them.
But how, you ask?
With a little bit of consideration and sacrifice, you can make a difference.
Here are five steps you can take, to care for the suffering this season:
1. Identify who in your life may need your attention.
Take the time to think through all the people in your life. Make a mental list of your friends, your family, your coworkers, your neighbors, your social circles, and anyone else in your life who might be hurting and need your help and attention.
2. Reach out to them.
Call them, write to them, email them, text them, stop by their home, visit their hospital bed- get a hold of them any way you can. This connection means more to them than you will ever know.
3. Ask them how they are doing and what you can do for them.
If they claim they are fine, and don’t need anything from you- encourage them to continue the conversation. Inquire some more about how they are feeling, what they have been up to lately, and ask about their holiday plans. As the conversation naturally progresses, you are bound to notice a need if you listen carefully.
They may not feel comfortable asking for anything, so it may take thoughtful intention on your part to identify something that you can do to make a difference in their life. There are countless ways to help people. You may sense they are alone and isolating because of their depression. Perhaps they complain that their kids are antsy to get out of the house while they are recovering from surgery. They might talk about their need to shop for gifts but haven’t felt well enough to leave the house. Maybe they are frustrated with the progress of their healing and sound discouraged and defeated. The conversation will open up a wealth of opportunity for you to offer them assistance in their lives. Promise.
4. Then follow through.
Seriously. Do it. Did you offer to take the kids out to see the lights over the break? Did you say you were going to spend time with that person? Did you offer to bring a meal, grocery shop, get them out of the house and go somewhere? Maybe you secretly planned to surprise them with cleaning their house, or thought it would be wonderful to write them an encouraging card. It seems ridiculous to think anyone wouldn’t follow through, but this season’s hurried and frantic pace allows room for mishaps and memory loss. It’s both human and common to forget important things despite our best intentions. Make this a priority. Schedule it, write it down, rearrange your calendar and make sure you are prepared. This might be the greatest gift you will give this year.
5. Check in again.
So you feel really good about taking the time out of your busy schedule to serve this precious person in your life and you can now cross that off your list! I’m sorry to say, you cannot. Your love and support and thoughtful intention of serving this person is beautiful, but it must continue. You see, they are probably still hurting, still healing, still needing someone to notice, to show up, to care. Write a note to yourself to check in with that person. Schedule a time to give them another call. Make room in your calendar to visit again. Buy enough groceries to make an extra meal. Purchase a stack of cards to send regularly.
These people need you.
And although we all lead busy active lives, full of a variety of needs bombarding us every day, let’s not forget those who are hidden from our view.
*If you also want to buy a gift for that person in your life who is suffering, I recommend purchasing my book HERE.*
When you’re not with that person, I can step in. <3
Emily says
It’s so true that the holidays can trigger emotions…my mom has been gone over three years, but I feel her absence so strongly around the holidays and for some reason this year, it felt worse. Not sure why…it’s almost as if the more that time passes, the harder it is…anyway, I love this post Chris, because it’s important, but also so caring and wise. Thank you. xo
momcafe says
I’m so sorry this year was more difficult for you, Emily. Sigh… Grief does that sometimes, doesn’t it? It can be so unpredictable and predictable too. I hope you managed to enjoy what you could without her and found unexpected blessings of joy with your family.
Kathy says
Christine this is such an important message.. we do get so caught up with the season’s greetings we forget about those most in need. There’s so many suffering quietly and your post helps us open our eyes, ears and hearts to the needs around us..shifting our focus to the selflessness that Christmas is really all to the least of those. Thank you for your heart and continued message of caring for those in need! Happiest Holidays, may Christ shine in your heart!
momcafe says
Thank YOU for always taking everything I write to heart, my dear friend. <3
Lizzi says
I love your caring heart <3
momcafe says
And I love YOURS. <3
Janine Huldie says
Absolutely beautiful and perfect advice. You are right we all do know someone who is chronically ill and suffer. So, very much appreciate the help and advice on how to help them better, especially this time of the year. So, can’t thank you enough for your message here today. Hugs and Happy Holidays to you, too!!
momcafe says
Thank you so much for taking it to heart, Janine. <3
Liv says
Sometimes those are the people who get left in the dust because they’re the least likely to ask for anything, let alone help. These are some great tips Christine. Thanks for the reminder.
momcafe says
Exactly that, Liv. They rarely ask for help- and we are all so busy with our own lives, we seldom think to go out of our way to check in and see if they NEED our help. I’m so grateful you shared this on Reality moms, my friend. You’re such a generous soul. <3
Tamara says
While I do love number five and think it’s important, number four is the most important. Sometimes our intentions and our words are wonderful, but the actions don’t follow through for various reasons.
My uncle is chronically ill and he will be spending Christmas with us this year. I intend to be there for him
momcafe says
I hope your Christmas went well with your uncle, Tamara. Oh it’s so hard for so many people- all year round. I am SO with you on number four- I think about people ALL the time, but then never ACT on it. That’s key.
Rorybore says
The holidays are such an emotional and painful time for so many — it makes me so sad because it is just Joy Joy Joy for me and I wish I could just spray that like a fountain over everyone. You’re so right though, it can be very hard to know how, or where to reach out to others. That’s why I love my volunteer work at our local community centre where you can find many people like this. The unfriended I call them sometimes — but when we are all there, it’s like a family. Just the other day we prayed with a woman haunted by an abusive past and she said that she did not want to drag those memories into her holidays one year more!! And she was in her late 60s so she’d been dragging them for awhile. What a privilege to hear her story over a cup of tea and then pray with her!! What a difference I hope it made for her this season.
momcafe says
AMAZING LESLIE!! Oh this story just MELTED my heart! What an incredible blessing you were to this woman- I love your heart so much.
Brickhousechick says
You’re always thinking of others, thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️
momcafe says
YOU inspire ME.
I mean it.
You’re amazing.