This post is for the mom who feels hopeless and helpless. There is something important I want to tell you… There are times when motherhood can be an agonizing mission, full of disappointment, discouragement, and despair. It happens to the best moms doing all they can to raise their kids to be healthy, responsible, loving individuals. […]
Important Advice For Moms Facing Surgery…
I have important advice for moms facing surgery. If you are planning an upcoming surgery and you are a mom, I’m sure you are fretting over how you will be able to manage your kids during post-op recovery. Healing from any surgery can be difficult and painful, but add kids into the mix and it […]
Five Things You Need To Know When You Are Recovering From An Injury, Surgery, Or Illness
One year ago today, I released my book, “Help and Hope While You’re Healing: A woman’s guide toward wellness while recovering from injury, surgery, or illness”. I didn’t dream it to be a wild ride of success- landing on The New York Time’s Best Seller list. I rather dreamed it to be a source […]