This one is for all the women who need to say goodbye to a certain size. For all you gals currently digging out your summer wardrobe from your storage bins, backs of closets and crawl spaces, while trying on your cute shorts, adorable sundresses, and fun tank tops…
And you are facing the realization that it’s time to say goodbye to those smaller sizes you have been keeping around because they kind of still fit.
You sigh heavily while folding them and placing them in the growing “donate” pile and think, “Wow. All hope is gone.”
Let me tell you something…
I just did this grueling task recently, and it was, well, appalling and sad. I spent the better part of two hours facing the reality that it is- Discarding some of my favorite shorts I can’t for the life of me get above my hips and how do tank tops even get tight? Well, they do. So do those loose-fitting sundresses, for crying out loud. Next, it will be something ridiculous like my underwear. I can’t even.
It seems winter has done its job. Nature has taken its course. Who knew when you turn 50, your body begins to grow again? Specifically, in the hips and apparently the arms too. I’ve had an amazing growth spurt this year. It’s fascinating, really. Huh.
On the bright side- I bought some new clothes! Yay! Sigh.
Can we agree on something, sisters?
For the love of all that is holy and beautiful, let’s just own it, okay? Let’s simply embrace our size and delight in this storage space that houses our hearts, shall we? We may promise ourselves we will fit back into that size after we get our workouts back in gear with the nicer weather finally emerging and soon we’ll start eating those delicious summer salads and less hearty rich food for the soul, but really? We need to approach this in an entirely new way. If we can’t be happy in the size we are in NOW, we miss out on celebrating who we are, right here, right now. We’ll allow our critical judgment to impede our joy, our security, and our worth. What a waste of energy. How depleting. (been there). How defeating (yep, there too). And it’s SO discouraging (right?).
Why withstand such an emotional drain on ourselves, when we can fully embrace who we are in the skin we’re in- at any size. My gosh, is anyone’s God-given purpose to be THIN?
Enough of that jazz.
We are beautiful. We are healthy. We are loved. And there is a great purpose for our lives– and none of that has to do with our weight. None. Of. It.
Join me in saying goodbye to whatever size you have outgrown in the little letter below. I hope it makes you laugh, nod, and whisper, “Amen.”
Dear Size *fill in the blank*,
It’s hard to tell you this, but it’s time we part ways. I’m both relieved and ready to finally let you go. I’m sure you saw this coming, didn’t you? It’s just…
Things change. People change. I’ve changed.
I’ve grown through the years, and well, you haven’t. Oh, we had our fun together, didn’t we?
You and I fit perfectly. I felt spunky and full of life when I was with you, doing all the things we did and feeling like we were meant to be. Oh, the memories of our glory days…
We were so good together. We really were.
But then things started to get tense, uncomfortable, suffocating at times. I tried to make it work—oh how I did! Sometimes, it got ugly between us. You seemed stuck in your ways, and no matter how much I tried to stretch you, encourage you to change with me, grow alongside me, you just wouldn’t budge! It became too painful, frustrating, and too confining for me. For us, both, really.
It was wrong of me to hold on to you for so long when we grew so far apart. I’m sorry I neglected you, even ignored you the past few years. Keeping a safe distance from you helped me to have peace in knowing it’s okay to grow and change, despite your unwillingness to do so. I got tired of fighting because you always won the battle with your narrow-minded ways.
You can be so stubborn sometimes.
Rigid, too.
So, I’ve moved on. I had to. I found another size that immediately accepted me, empowered me, inspired me to be the woman I am now. I don’t feel pressured or limited with this new size like I did with you. There’s no need to try to be someone I’m not. I actually feel liberated! Even a little bit sexy. This new size helps me feel free to grow, expand all that I am in any way I please.
It’s quite wonderful, really.
Sure, I miss our time together and sometimes I even miss the old me.
But that’s how life is. We move forward and find new ways to appreciate who we are now, while reflecting on who we once were, at times, too.
I know you are quite content being the size that you are and you don’t feel the need to change. And that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll find someone else who will be a perfect fit for you.
This will be the best for both of us.
I am happier now and I’m sure you will be too.
Goodbye, size *fill in the blank*
It was great while it lasted.
The original letter was proudly published on Her View From Home.
Such an original and healthy, healthy post. Here’s to you, Chris and your liberation! May it continue to bring you much joy and happiness and positive growth!!!
THANK YOU, Kelly! 🙂
I LOVE this letter so much, Chris! It’s perfect 🙂 I agree that we’re better to embrace the size we are now, in order to feel truly sexy, and well—ourselves! I can completely relate to getting out my spring/summer clothes and things being ‘ a little tighter’ *lies*.
Thanks for this reminder, Chris. It’s always necessary to accept ourselves as we are. So long as we feel healthy.
Lisa, I’m so glad you can appreciate this! It’s incredible how our bodies ‘grow’ as we get older, isn’t it? Or at last, mine sure has… 😉
It’s really interesting because it isn’t a current thing for me but it has been. I still had my pre-pregnancy jeans which were really low rise. My hips have changed forever and I’ll never fit into them again, even if I lost 25 pounds! It’s a hips thing!
It was quite freeing to finally donate them and get new, expandable waistband jeans. Love them.
Feeling healthy and confident is way more important than a number..
YES!! HIPS!! And since I’ve gotten older, my hips have widened even MORE. How can THAT be? Ah, it is what it is and I’m cool with it. It’s fascinating how our bodies change. 🙂
Oh Chris, this is great! You brought humor and truth to something we ALL will deal with as women at some time in our lives! I just threw out those little bikinis from that trip to Mexico a few years back. lol! Not only do they not fit, but I also am embracing my new sophisticated style that does not include baring quite so much in certain places.
I SO appreciate you getting this Lynn! You’re cracking me up with those little bikinis! I’m all for the FULL piece swimsuits that not only cover everything, they squeeze all the ‘extra’ in nice and tightly to secure nothing falls out. LOL Then I add some swim shorts, to be sure to cover up the parts it didn’t. 😀
Chris, you made me chuckle at: “Is anyone’s God-given purpose to be thin?” Society would have us believe that it is. Such alternative facts! Lol
RIGHT? I say this often- to others and to myself! 🙂
This is really awesome! I needed to read this! Very creative and inspiring! Thank you!
I’m glad you enjoyed it and I hope it encouraged and empowered you, Marcie! 🙂
Such an empowering piece, dear.
It seems I’ve been evolving for many years & perhaps,
well, maybe, I’m ready to say…
You. Are. ENOUGH.
just as you are.
GOSh, that felt good.
Luv u.
YES. It’s a mantra we need to repeat every single day to ourselves… lest we forget. It’s quite liberating, isn’t it? Ah… 🙂