I will be turning 48, before my yogurt expires. I suppose I can now say that inevitable phrase, “late forties”… Sigh. So in thinking about my upcoming birthday, I often reflect and ponder the years past and where I stand today. I’ve had some shaky steps this year, but the ground I walk on seems quite solid. I think my once quick, nonstop speed has diminished in its vitality and vigor. I suppose with time, many things change and shift to some degree…
Last year I celebrated my birthday by taking a closer look at my body and all the gifts it truly holds. You can read that post here. So in light of celebrating my next step on the timeline, I recently wrote an “Ode” to aging and slowing down. This one’s for those who need inspiration or possibly affirmation- as that clock ticks on.
They say that as you age, you slow down.
Your metabolism burns those calories with less zeal, your stamina exhausts much quicker, and your muscles can’t handle the weight they once could.
Getting older may mean that your stride isn’t as quick as it once was, or perhaps the pace with which you calculate your day has slowly transformed to include interludes of rest.
Maybe growing older weakens muscles, depletes energy, and triggers new pains that once weren’t there. But there are far better reasons for this so-called lagging that those claims declare.
Surely our fast-paced rhythm has changed through the years because we realize that careless choices have consequences we no longer wish to bear. Our slowing steps are made with intention, so that we may embrace the moment more fully.
We have realized that time is something of value, so we are more liberal with our No’s and selective with our Yes’s. We are aware of our needs, and we’re not afraid to meet them.
We’ve learned that life is to be cherished, as we have felt the tragic sting of loss.
Our timeline has taught us that busy doesn’t deem us worthy, it only satisfies a perpetual desire we no longer have.
Maybe we have learned that some battles aren’t worth our energy or emotional expense. At this stage of the game, we live with resolve in who we are and where we’ve been- and we’ve learned that caring for oneself is mandatory. There’s no need for pushing so hard it hurts, and no desire to defend the very definition of who we are. But we are strong enough to stand up for what we believe in, with the magnificent combination of integrity and humility- both which comes with age.
We have already paced that path of acceptance, landing safely in our place. There is peace in knowing who you are, and when that ground has been established, there simply is no need to tire ourselves in defending it. We have the ability to step back and take in the big picture, so we no longer pick apart the gritty details of another life- but rather take in the view and contemplate a new perspective.
No, we haven’t slowed down because of our weariness or exhaustion from the years. It’s simply quite the opposite.
We have been made aware of moments that we may have missed, and now we are more deliberate in our decisions. We pause to reflect more on those gifts we once recklessly threw to the wind. We discover more depth in our view and understand more fully the meaning of our purpose. There is no need for sprinting, as we have finally figured out that life is a marathon and slow and steady truly does win the race. There is more to fulfillment than speed, we say.
There’s the richness in taking it slow, and delicately handling every morsel of time as though it were hard earned and must be savored.
We are inspired by thoughts that render action. We know where passion thrives and how to nourish it. Through the years, we have discovered that giving is more gratifying than getting. So we invest in others and support their cause. It may be that we ourselves have become leaders in our own mission, with a fierce fire that drives our plan. We have learned to navigate, delegate, and operate under difficult circumstances. We are masters of our domain, and we function more efficiently because we have learned what works and what doesn’t.
With these years, comes wisdom and with wisdom comes insight. Oh, the beauty in seeing beyond facades and focusing our eyes on what matters most. And although we can still run with the best of them, we stop to inhale the sweet life and all its fragrant surroundings.
You see, this is when the years become more about living than counting…
We still have the physical aptitude to experience everything we desire, and we’ve reached a point in our lives where we truly cherish it. We don’t live recklessly, running toward the goal- whatever that may be. We live miraculously; stretching toward the greatness of a life well lived.
There are dreams we have chased and perhaps caught. There are others we have let go. But we have slowly discovered that grace is more powerful than glory. And empowerment comes from within. So we dare to take risks as we carefully plan our course, and know deep down that the steps we take are to be celebrated, not hurried.
Failure and mistakes have become stepping stones rather than a harbor for self- hate. We have finally concluded that growth happens in the hardest places, so for that- we are grateful.
There are hidden truths we uncover that come with time. And when we find them, we can appreciate our strength and stamina and speed in completely different ways.
Actually, come to think of it…
It’s these years we are in the best shape of our lives.
I am slowing down in many ways… and I am completely okay with it!!
even though I am more dedicated to be in better physical shape… that’s a twofold ambition because of course, 1/ it’s healthy and I want to be around for quite some time yet, and 2/ and perhaps more urgent: my kids never stop!! like ever. why is there no “off” button God? LOL
so since I am in the 4os but with young kids, who still very much rush and jump and soar into life (and yeah, a little jealous some days), I just have to keep up. If you can’t beat them, join them, right?
sure, right after my nap. LOL
You are fortunate to have those children around you at this middler age in life. They will keep you young, if not younger than your peers. I just wrote about How to Stay Young, and my experience says Children and Young People are the key. Good luck mom
Love that Letty! I think you are so right… my kids absolutely keep me young. It’s a bit of a dichotomy too, though… because often, I will say that THEY are the ones giving me grey hair!!
EXACTLY LESLIE!!! Exactly. 🙂 I just LOVE your comment… it’s me!! It’s ME.
Happy Birthday (early?) Christine! I love this, and it’s exactly what I needed to read at this time. Some much wisdom in this piece. And I love this: “There’s the richness in taking it slow, and delicately handling every morsel of time as though it were hard earned and must be savored.”
I really enjoyed writing this one… it was empowering, and reminded me that there is SO much ‘richness’ in our lives at this stage of the game. I’m cool with that. It’s a beautiful thing, really. 🙂
Lovely post! Such a positive way to look at life’s changes and so true – we all must slow down and enjoy the moments we are in. The young are always in a hurry to grow up, but at some point we realize we want time to just stay still for a moment so we can look around at all the wonders the world has.
Exactly Julie!! I don’t know when exactly that perspective starts to turn, but I’m so glad it does… 🙂
I love that the years become more about living than counting. Also, I laughed out loud that you’ll be having a birthday before your yogurt expires. Me, too! Thanks so much for linking up Chris! <3
HAPPY AUGUST BIRTHDAY KRISTI!!! Isn’t getting older FUN?!! lol No seriously, it really is… despite the aches and pains and needs for naps. (I think I long for a nap every single day… maybe once the kids are grown and out of the house, that can be a lovely reality!)
I love your ode Chris! You are so right about taking life in slow and steady strides now…I am doing that without really realizing it – I like it much better than the crazy fast pace of my “youth.” Happy Birthday to you and to your yogurt! 🙂
I love this slow and steady stride too, Emily!! Happy BIG BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! You look absolutely beautiful. <3
Well said, and I think I need to heed your words or I fear I am going to wake up one day and wonder what I was chasing. There is always a lesson in your posts, and I appreciate that.
Michelle, I am just so glad you read this one… I think some people simply thrive on the GO GO GO and DO DO DO… Maybe THAT is who you are, and perhaps you find fulfillment in that drive. I know people like you! It’s all about how you truly feel, and what you need to be happy and content. I’m guessing you need that momentum. And there’s great joy to find in that!
Be WELL, my friend. That’s what counts. 🙂
So perfectly said. As always.
Thanks, Jill. SO much. 🙂
Oh, Chris, there is so much wisdom here in these words that I’m certain I’ll have to reread this to absorb it all. One of my favourite sentences is about realizing how being busy doesn’t seem us more worthy. This is a realization that is fairly new to me and which I’ve spent some time pondering recently. This is such a wonderful post and I almost feel like this is you encapsulated in X words… Thank you so much for writing and sharing this. Also – best opening sentence ever!
Oh Katia, I just love your comment. THANK YOU for really taking in my words and the almost TOO many deep messages in them! (lol) I definitely had some strong ideas to offer here, and I’m so glad you were able to soak them in… 🙂
Happy Early Birthday, Sweets.
I believe every single thing you said.
E V E R Y T H I N G.
But I still lie about my age!
You DO?! Be PROUD about your age, girl!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL and BRAVE and BOLD… and most importantly TRUE to who you are. Age is just numbers… you know that! Be proud of yours!! 🙂
I love everything about this post. You nailed it, Chris! It’s such a great place to be in, where you know who you are and what fuels your soul. I can honestly say I’m in the best shape of my life – both literally and figuratively!
I honestly thought about you when I wrote this, Jennifer!! I thought “She will totally be nodding along with these words… and she is in the BEST physical shape of her LIFE, so she hasn’t really slowed down a bit- more like RAMPED IT UP!!!” And I couldn’t be more happy for you, my dear friend. You are truly on fire, on every level of your life.
ROCK ON!!! 🙂
You are most truly enlightened for being so young. I never thought of the 40’s as young and when people made those comments I sometimes grimaced, I didn’t understand. Once I hit 50, the learning curve rose, and I graciously accepted those moments, memories, naps, and time to wonder and relax. I even learned to say no. It is as you say , “It’s these years we are in the best shape of our lives.” You have a great ability to write and share your insights. So glad I found your blog through OK Women Bloggers.
Ironically, I just posted a blog about How to Stay Young. So many approaches to life, and each so unique.
“Once I hit 50, the learning curve rose, and I graciously accepted those moments, memories, naps, and time to wonder and relax. I even learned to say no.” <--- I love that, Letty!! And there truly are so many varying approaches to life- each so unique. Beautifully said, my new friend. 🙂
Oh…I LOVED this post Chris! I am 48 too:) Thanks for sharing the beauty of slowing down!
Janelle!!! Here’s to 48!!! 🙂 Thanks so much for your kind words and coming by to read this, my friend!
Golly. this is a rich, rich post. Happy Birthday! I think you’ve given yourself a lovely gift. Well, several lovely gifts. I’m still working on the learning to say no. Recently said yes to something and I’m rethinking that. Will ponder it a bit more and if that yes needs to become a no, I’ll make the change. Thank you for the nudge.
I hope you were able to say “no” and let GO, Kelly!! I know it can be hard sometimes…
Thank you for reading this one, and for your beautiful words of encouragement, my friend. It felt really good to write this one… 🙂
Happy early Birthday to you! It’s Alison’s birthday today so it’s a lot of amazing birthdays.
You make aging sound like a graceful gift. I struggled with my birthday last month at 35. I imagine one day 35 will seem painfully young to me.
It will, my friend. It will. 🙂 BUT, aging truly becomes exactly what you said- a graceful gift. I think birthdays get easier the more you have them…
Like Tamara above, I too struggled with turning 35 (and 30) a bit. I think when you live in the moment so much as I tend to do, it is so easy to miss time speeding by around you. I feel like I suddenly look up and there’s so much evidence of time marching on when I was busy doing this, that, or the other thing. Every. Single. Day. But I also have suspected that some day 35 will seem super young to me too – haha!
Happy early birthday Chris! Hope it is a wonderful day for you!
Sybil, I feel that way too! It’s all a blur to me, really. No matter how much I try to be intentional with my time, it seems to fly by and I look back and wonder how it can go so fast, and long to remember every moment. I can’t! It’s just too much life to store in my memory, I suppose.
Thanks for coming by to read this, my friend! And thank you for your sweet wishes! 🙂
I’m going to give myself the gift of your words, Chris – what a great way to think about getting older. I think of it more in terms of my kids’ ages than my own, although I admit that the actual number gives me pause sometimes.
Oh gosh, Dana… what a beautiful thing to say about my post! Thank you, my friend! I get it, the actual number ‘gives me pause sometimes’… me too. Every year, actually- I pause so much before the actual day, and reflect on my life and all that is in it- and in me.
What a wonderful post! I approach my early mid 40’s, and definitely feel the slowing pace. I think that mellowing of mind and melding of body have contributed to that greatly. Have a great weekend!
It sounds like you know what I’m talking about, Stacey! It’s not a bad place to be, this stage of the game. 🙂 Thanks for coming by to read this. Here’s to enjoying our pace!
So many beautiful truths here for me to take with me. I love this “But we are strong enough to stand up for what we believe in, with the magnificent combination of integrity and humility- both which comes with age.” We’re close to the same age, Christine. There is still so much I do not have peace about, but if nothing else, I hope to at least be living my life with integrity and humility.
“There is still so much I do not have peace about, but if nothing else, I hope to at least be living my life with integrity and humility.” <---AMEN, my friend. Amen. Me too. Thank you, for your beautiful response to this Julie. I sense both your integrity and humility oozing from your words and your heart. I think that is why I was 'hooked' the first time I read your blog. 🙂
I believe that wisdom comes with age, thanks for sharing your great wisdom with us, such positive approach to life’s changes and slowing down does more good than harm. Great Read
Thank you so much for coming by to read this, Sherill. I really appreciate your beautiful response!
I LOVE this!
Thank you Michelle!! 🙂
Happy belated birthday. I hope to be as smart as you in four years! Love this post!
Aw… Thank you Kenya!!! And I’m not smart… far from it. But feeling wiser every day. Life does that to ya, I think. 🙂
Oh, wow. THIS… “You see, this is when the years become more about living than counting…” Yes. A thousand times YES. I turn 52 in a couple of months. That doesn’t even seem real as I type it. lol
It’s funny. I was just thinking about this the other day. As young people. we live in a constant state of hurry, as if we are the ones running out of time, but as we get older, we slow down and just want to enjoy it and live in the moment. Life is funny. And I’m well aware of the fact that I am now one of the people I used to think was slow. Ha ha.
Happy belated birthday, sweet friend. xo
LOVE it Topaz!! (I can’t say that now without thinking about your real name! lol) But seriously- isn’t life wonderful in the ‘slow’? I mean, I surely have my aches and pains and all that jazz- but there’s less ‘urgency’ and ‘angst’ as we allow that beautiful word “ACCEPTANCE” to soak in… Some days are harder than others. But I think the inner peace far outweighs the outer appearance and the push and haste of life. I’ll TAKE it! lol
You look incredible. You are beautiful.
What a lovely introspective piece! I found myself nodding at each and every line! After a certain age, you just stop worrying and fussing so much, right?!
So excited to know how you’re going to spend your birthday! Expect a lot of photos on THE day!! <3
Aw thanks SO MUCH Roshni! This was written a few years ago, so this year I had my 50th!! Hubs through a huge surprise party for me… omg it was incredible. 🙂 And would you believe, hardly any pictures!! It was just too busy with too many people IN the moment. That’s how it should be, but man I wish I had pics of everyone who was there!