Oh, the mighty ant. I am in awe of its power to carry a load that far exceeds its weight. It’s fascinating to think of how they appear to effortlessly pick up huge loads and travel with such ease. Can you imagine?
We humans do the same, actually. Our burdens aren’t sticks or leaves or dead insects though. Our weight is heavy with life circumstances, crisis, sickness, abuse, neglect, death, divorce, and everything in between.
Think about it…
I bet you could name ten beloved people in your life that carry weight far beyond what any human can bear.
Did you name them?
I can name twenty with ease.
You are one of them.
I often wonder how so many people manage to do it. How the heartbroken get up every day to the mess, the madness, or the misery. How they face their overwhelming fears, or grief, or catastrophic turn in their lives. How they so boldly walk with the weight that no human should bear. How they survive without allowing that massive load to crush them.
So much mightier than an ant, we can be.
Will has a way.
The human spirit can withstand the greatest of burdens, and yet?
Desperation can seep in…
Anger can take its turn…
Endurance can take its toll…
Strength can dissipate…
And the will that has a way somehow becomes fragile and frail.
How could it not?
We aren’t ants after all.
We need help.
Those ten beloved people in your life? Or twenty…
Pick up a part of their load.
Bear a bit of their burden.
That’s the beauty of us people versus the ants.
We have love.
Love cares. Love helps. Love lifts…
GO now.
Care. Help. Lift.
A loved one who carries far too much weight.
Galatians 6:2
New International Version
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.
This is what Dyanne (my lovely Dyanne – ahh she’s so good) sends me when I’m sad. It’s PERFECT – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWZ-pLUb9L8
Love this analogy! So true. If we seek out the people to be grateful to, there are so many. I think if we feel we are alone, it’s likely because WE have not reached out to share another’s burden. The more we give, the more we receive.
Seriously, now you got me signing Frank Sinatra’ High Hopes this morning! Ok, I admit still love that song anyways, but still couldn’t agree more about the ant and definitely does give us hope for all that we are capable of 🙂
My boys and I one time followed an ant all around the yard as it was carrying a crumb of food. It eventually met its ant friends at an ant hill. It was amazing to observe. I love the analogy because ants do work together and have amazing strength. This is such a beautiful post, Chris. One of my favorites! xo
Wow–this really made me stop to see some people differently that I know are burdened. Thank you for this! I could certainly stand to be far more compassionate.
Sweet, Chris,
Since I’ve been a very young girl, I’ve searched for the meaning of life. Continually searching, looking, asking questions, trying to put this mysterious puzzle together.
And all the while, the meaning was directly in front of me.
To Serve.
That’s it!
To Serve.
I can’t think of any other reason we would be on earth.
Here’s what I want GOD to say when I arrive: “Hello, Kim, You are my faithful servant. Kay is waiting for you over there!”
Thank you for a most beautiful post. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
What a wonderful metaphor. You’re right that I can name MANY people who this very day are carrying a burden far too heavy. And you’re also right that I am called to show them love and compassion by bearing even just a bit of it on their behalf. Off to brainstorm some ways to make it happen.
Oh, Chris, this post hits home. I love it … that IS our calling: to help each other … to lift each other up … and as “My Inner Chick” says, to serve. Once we realize that the frantic search for purpose can come to an end and joy ensues.
This is a great reminder for us to reach out to those around us who have a burden! Thanks for linking up at Wake Me Up Wednesday 🙂
I need this today! I do wonder sometimes how we all get up and face adversity and crisis. It’s luckily not a daily thing, not for me, but I’ve been fairly lucky.
I do like to watch ants with Scarlet. They fascinate me!
This quote by Lena Horne comes to mind “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” None of us is meant to do things all by ourselves.
So beautiful and an amazing inspiration as always! Yes, we all must help one another. None of us can or should do this alone.
I had no idea where you were going with that ant opening, but I love the analogy. Just beautiful!
Such a beautiful analogy!
Hmm…great thoughts indeed. We just never know who among us is carrying a heavy burden that is really too much to bear. Not that we should assume everyone around us is suffering…but the truth is that so many of us are, in our own quiet and private ways. So a little kindness goes a very long way.
I love this because it is what my husband and I are currently trying to do for one of our friends who will become a single dad by the end of summer due to one of those 1 in a million diseases. It is a hard thing and I have been amazed at how much it has affected my husband.
I’ve always been fascinated by ants – such hard workers. It is nice to think that we humans might be equally fascinating in our ability to cope with all life throws at us. I’ll think of that too (as I’m trying to kill the ones in my kitchen) how the ants are a symbol of a community all helping each other!
the world would surely be a happier and more hopeful place if we could all do this.
and yet, the world blames God.
Sorry world — He wasn’t the one who dropped the ball.
Oh girlfriend… I just love you!!! Slap that stick sister! 😉 (I just made that phrase up. I think I like it!)
Someday- the world will know.
Exactly the point of it–it we can just help lighten someone else’s load–even a little for a little bit…I just feel like that’s why God put us here, you know?