How To Help Someone Healing From Injury, Surgery, or Illness I want to offer you advice on how to help someone healing from surgery, injury, or illness. There are many ways you can help someone during their recovery. There are some obvious ways you can do this, and there are less obvious things to consider […]
Love Cares, Love Helps, Love Lifts… The Weight We Bear
Oh, the mighty ant. I am in awe of its power to carry a load that far exceeds its weight. It’s fascinating to think of how they appear to effortlessly pick up huge loads and travel with such ease. Can you imagine? We humans do the same, actually. Our burdens aren’t sticks or leaves or […]
Love Thy Neighbor
When was the last time you went on errands and saw someone who was struggling in any way…and just passed them by? When did you last see a mom with a crying baby in the grocery store, trying to check out with multiple bags and a whiny toddler at hand? When was the last time […]