When was the last time you went on errands and saw someone who was struggling in any way…and just passed them by? When did you last see a mom with a crying baby in the grocery store, trying to check out with multiple bags and a whiny toddler at hand? When was the last time you were out at a ballgame, a school event or anywhere really, and you saw someone overwhelmed or needing help and you looked the other way? Oh my friends, haven’t we all done that? I know I have.
There are days when I am frazzled or tired or I am solely focused on an urgent ‘something’ that I rush by a person in need. There are also days where I not only turn away but, instead pass a glaring judgmental stare in the direction of that person who distracts my attention and makes me *God forbid* late. I moan or sigh or mentally criticize their plight…as I begrudgingly walk away. For that, I am ashamed and convicted.
There are also times when I feel a deep sense of compassion and take the time to offer help or encouragement to a poor soul in need. Those are the times I love. Especially when my kids are with me. They too, need to learn the art of humanity. The biblical truth:
Love Thy Neighbor.
I have been the recipient of both…and the giver of both. I have also been the giver and recipient of NOT Loving Thy Neighbor…
The looks and judgment when I had a baby screaming in my stroller and a toddler stripped down naked in a full-throttle tantrum at Target. Ah…the memories of that lovely desperate excursion. Not one helping hand, but many passing glares and appalling stares.
I remember my sweet girl knocking over a lava lamp at a lovely uptown boutique, while all the shoppers stared in disbelief as the gooey insides of glitter spewed all over the other merchandise and I frantically tried to clean it up. The owner was gracious to us both and helped clean it up while I started to cry realizing it was EVERYWHERE and more people started to crowd and stare. Not one person in the crowd helped me.
You all know how it feels when you are struggling in any way, and a person comes in to help, acknowledge, affirm, encourage, sacrifice and serve… those moments always find there way forever embedded in my heart.
~The store owner who stated in front of a crowd of horrified people that it was asthmatic and not contagious when my three-year-old was in a severe asthmatic flare, throwing up from coughing so violently.
~The man who came over and took my cart at the grocery store, when I had a screaming baby to wrestle into the car seat.
~The kind words of a stranger telling me what a great job I did, helping out at the recital.
~ An amazing encouraging message from another blogger given at just the right time.
Oh how there are so many more times when I felt loved, cared for, and noticed. How about you? I’m sure you have those unexpected amazingly beautiful moments where someone loved you as well. It’s a powerful and wondrous thing to receive that “neighborly love”.
There are also those times when I choose to “Go And Do”. Those times are such a valuable lesson to us all.
When our family was out to eat and a family in a booth near ours had a mishap. The little boy spilled his drink all over the table and onto the floor and himself and his food. He started to cry. It was quite a debacle. The conversation with my daughter went something like this:
“Oh, that poor boy is crying now! It reminds me of when you knocked that lava lamp over Cassidy.”
“Oh, that was awful…”
“Why don’t you go tell the boy about how you did that to make him feel better!”
“I am embarrassed mom!”
“Well, I understand that honey. But wouldn’t that be a kind thing to do?”
“Yeah.” As she looked in the boy’s direction with her compassionate eyes and hesitating anticipation.
“Go on… you can do it, sweetie!”
“Okay. I am so embarrassed…”
And she slowly meandered with an awkward stance, over to the table surprising the family with her tale. She looked uncomfortable and shy, but she did it. Quickly shuffling back to our table as her face showed great relief and joy for accomplishing her mission.
I then went over and added my “mom story” to encourage the family and explain more to the event of the broken lava lamp. And to that, we like to think that boy was noticed, encouraged, and comforted by our attention and the family might have been too.
Then there was the time when we were doing last minute grocery shopping on New Year’s Eve day along with about four million others. We were at the check out line and after we left, I noticed a struggling mom with a crying baby and a young girl trying to get through the check out line with all kinds of groceries. To that, I stopped our cart amidst the flowing shoppers and told my kids about her.
“Are we going to help her mommy?” Yes, indeed we were. As others rushed by with their mission, we waited and watched. Finally the mom with the baby was on her way, but of course, she had to stop to put the baby back in the car seat and the nice patient young girl needed her coat on.
I approached her and as I often like to do (on a good day). I told her how awesome she was to manage the kids and do the grocery shopping. She smiled and we offered her our assistance getting her groceries to the car. She politely declined, but I do believe her spirit was a little lighter having been noticed and encouraged.
And then there’s the in between… neglecting the call, and the remorse and redemption in a second chance. How many of you have had a second chance at loving a neighbor? A third? A fourth?
I was on a quick errand to the grocery to pick up one forgotten item. I was in hurry and staring down my goal with that focused “get out of my way” intention. I raced into my parking space and flew into the store. But on my way, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a mom pushing her handicapped son in an enormous wheelchair and a cart full of groceries.
It nudged at my heart and I felt my soul open into tiny little pieces of compassion. I immediately pulled myself away from that heart piercing pull, telling myself I don’t have time to help her. As I ran through the store my soul still ached deeply by ignoring my heart’s cry. But I stuck with my mission. On my way out to my car, I immediately saw her still attempting to get her groceries in the car now that her son was finally realigned in his car seat.
I threw my bag in the car and walked straight over to her and blurted out:
“Can I hug you?”
To that, she opened her arms and started to say it’s been a difficult day. Her voice was light and her spirit was calm. Her strength was inspiring and her perseverance amazing. I told her that. She thanked me.
It wasn’t enough.
But it was something.
I was so relieved and grateful she was still in the parking lot when I came out. Never again will I dismiss my heart’s leading. I will keep reminding myself that compassion is so much better than dismissing the of others.
I tend to be one of those people to readily observe others in my whereabouts. I can tune in and tune out just as easily. And each time I have a choice: To turn toward or turn away. Not only to those in need but to those who appear before me and give me an opportunity to attend to them, acknowledge them, notice them. What if we all made an intentional choice to love thy neighbor?
In our own little worlds around us, our own corner of the world…
What if we all tried harder? Just a little bit harder?
A polite compliment. A gentle smile. A passing hello. A helping hand. A hug. A listening ear. Perhaps simply an acknowledgment and a compliment.
It really doesn’t take much time. Or energy. And although we may still choose to ignore, dismiss, judge, or neglect those who cross our paths… we always have a new chance, we always a new opportunity every single day…
To love our neighbor.
The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other commands there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Romans 13:9 NIV
This is something I think about a lot, and do try to help when I can, though like everyone else there are times for sure when I’ve passed by or just noticed someone who could do with support. Sometimes helping out can be as little as holding the door open for a woman struggling to through with a pushchair – or helping her take it down steps.
Sometimes it’s also nice to encourage others when they are doing really well. Just before Christmas I was on a bus and a (very) young woman had a baby of maybe around a year old or so. She chatted to the baby, telling her they were going to see the lights and the baby clapped her hands. The mother said, “You like the lights.” The whole time this young woman did this, mirroring and really treating the baby with deep respect. Sadly, more often when I see young mothers of her age and social standing on buses they either ignore their children or spend the journey giving instructions or scolding. It was a joy to see and hear this young woman, and when I got up to leave the bus I told her how lovely it had been to hear her talk to her baby. It was actually quite daunting to do so, but I am so glad I did.
Oh that is SUCH a great point Yvonne!!! YES! It is so lovely to not only notice the good in people, but LET THEM KNOW you see it! I love your story… We need so much more of THAT in our world. Didn’t it feel amazing to take that step out of your comfort zone and shine a little light on another soul? Oh, how I bet it did!
Oh, Chris. I love that you hugged that woman in the parking lot. You just made me cry again! We do our best to go out of our way to help, even if it’s just returning someone’s shopping cart back to the storage area. But it’s easy to look away or just concentrate on the task at hand. We’ve all been in those completely powerless moments as moms, where you just feel like you’ve lost total control. All it takes is an understanding smile (or hug!) to make it go away. We all have our bad moments. Why not help someone see the light to get them out of theirs? Kindness is contagious!
YES!!! You got it Jennifer!!! Some of my best memories I have are of those strangers that went out of their way to help or encourage me… oh it takes so little time and energy to make someone’s day. Just think if everyone tried a little harder…
One of my favorites Chris, soooo well written. That’s 2 zinger blogs for me this morning, I must be PMS’ing because I just have tears rolling. Geez. Thank you for sharing. I can just picture you walking up to that woman and asking if you can give her a hug. On a lighter note, I totally remember the lava lamp story!!! That’s a classic. 😉
I forgot to share in the story that she was begging to HAVE IT and I told her to put it away and then she dropped it right BY the register…where the line was forming. So no one could make a purchase because of all the glass and goo and glitter everywhere-it was a nasty mess!! They all just stood there waiting and staring… simply amazing. Yep. Definite classic!! I love that you teared up and I love love love that you liked this one. SO grateful. 🙂
I just love this post. It is just truth.
I have been the person to go on with my day (or even be irritated at someone causing a ruckus) and I have been the person to stop and give aid. Giving aid/support/acknowledgment to someone in distress always feels so good. It’s not just the right thing to do (it obviously is), and it not only helps someone who needs it, but you know what…it feels good to be helpful! I always feel happy when I let someone in the line of traffic, or let someone go ahead of me at the grocery who has kids with them when I don’t. It’s a win-win.
We all know that feeling of gratitude and thankfulness when we are on the receiving end of getting help, and when you know you can provide that to someone else, the feeling is overwhelming happiness.
I love that you are also making sure your kids know this. I *think* I have, but I’m not sure. I’m going to make more of an effort in that department. They
I’ll be thinking of this post for a long time to come. I’m so glad I read it thins morning!! –Lisa
Oh how I love LOVE this comment Lisa!!! You totally GET. IT. And I have a good feeling you choose to give more often than turn away… 🙂
You nailed it on the best part of loving our ‘neighbors’… it feels AMAZING!!!! That kind of fulfilling joy can’t be matched.
Here’s to more reaching out and sharing light and love to many more people in our path!!!
Yes! What if we all tried harder – just a little bit harder to love each other? YES. It does not take much. It takes so little to make this world a kinder, more loving place. I am going to try a little harder today, thanks to your wonderful reminder.
It really does take so little from us to shine light on our neighbors. Why in the world don’t we all do it more? I am gonna try harder- just a little bit harder.
This post is a wonderful reminder.:) I need some work in this area! I’m introverted and (like your little girl who was nervous about talking to the people at the other table) I feel embarrassed. So I ignore the tugs at my heart too often.
OH Amy, I understand how it is so much harder for introverts like yourself to step out of your comfort zone to give… That is quite a challenge! Perhaps you can just do the more passive things like smile, taking a cart back, allowing another in line, cleaning up after a mom’s kid knocks merchandise over(ahem)(Hint hint to anyone the next time you see lava and glass and glitter sprayed everywhere!)… things like that, that are less intimidating for you? Gosh, some of the nicest things that were done for me were the precious acts that were done in a quiet whisper…
{Melinda} I adore this post, Chris. I can get that “get it done” vision and not see the need around me. And it usually takes just a short amount of time to make a big difference in someone’s day. And it makes such an impression on our kids. We’ve had a few of those “stops” and it always inspires me to want to have more “others-centered” vision as I go about my day.
I loved your story about the restaurant. What a powerful experience for your daughter. The grocery store experience was so inspiring, too. As usual, I leave here feeling encouraged and inspired.
Oh thanks so much Melinda!!! “Others-centered”…. YES!!!!!! We get soooo wound up in our own agenda and our own needs, that we often miss the fulfilling piece of life and love and light that’s truly about OTHERS!!
I know whenever I pull myself out of ME and focus on others, I am always fulfilled. And our kids need to learn the art of humiliation and others-centered giving. It is a biblical commandment and principle and an important part of our faith, and should be a huge part of our lives.
Oh wow Chris!! I am so inspired by your words today. I love that you are aware of your surroundings like that. So often we put a bubble around us and keep so distant. But clearly the bible tells us to live differently. Clearly we are to risk and reach out. Great post. Seriously!
YES Kari!!! I see so many Christians who look closed up and angry when out in the world… and that breaks my heart. God wants us to shine His Light even on hurried frantic crazy crappy days! It’s hard for me when I am tired and overwhelmed… but every time I tune in and extend kindness, I am always uplifted. Always.
I think, with the lightning speed of today’s society, we’ve forgotten the lesson “I am my brother’s keeper.” We need to step back from our busy lives and realize, our neighbors are not islands and need our love, compassion and help.
Great message and a fantastic post!
Thank you SO much Terrye for your beautiful response! YES yes yes!!! “I think, with the lightning speed of today’s society, we’ve forgotten the lesson “I am my brother’s keeper.””
You. Get. It. 🙂
Chris, I love you! I love this post! You are amazing!
I can’t count how many times I have been in a place of struggle with my children – the stares, the mumbled conversations, the glances where all I wanted to do is cry and someone has come to help or just say that I’m doing a good job. I always start crying at those moments because it means so much. Just a smile is worth more.
We need to be kinder and considerate of those around us because even if we might be having a hard day, someone might be having an even worse one and helping them out may as well be the boost they need to get their day going in the right direction and in turn help us.
Oh Krystal, you TOTALLY made my day!!! You are such a love… 🙂
Any kind of struggling out in public is devastating and totally traumatic and humiliating. I think that’s why it means SO much when a person steps in and makes us feel like we are not alone, when we are “in it” out there for all to see and judge.
I have often simply complimented strangers on various things – especially women, and I can’t ever match the surprise and light that flickers in their eyes when they are noticed and recognized. It’s truly a beautiful thing. 🙂
After reading your post the other day, I thought about it all week. I thought about your comment about this world being a scary place but that there are smaller instances where we can help and I vowed the next time I saw someone struggling, I would stop and help. I got the chance last night. There was a mom in the bathroom with a baby and a not yet potty-trained toddler. The toddler decided to potty-train right then. The mom strapped the baby to the changing table and went to assist her other son. The baby was screaming. She looked like she wanted to cry. I went and stood next to the baby and started talking to him and he immediately calmed down. She thanked me and I went about my way. Before I walked out, she was struggling again with holding her baby and trying to wash the toddler’s hands. I said, “Why don’t you let me help you” and I helped the toddler wash his hands. She looked exhausted and I told her I knew what that was like. I had four kids and then we chatted a little. I think I made her laugh a little and I hope I made her feel less frazzled. I want you to know this was a direct result from your post. I need to do more things like this and I am going to seriously make the effort. The look on that lady’s face was worth it.
YES YES YES!!!!!! YIPEE!!!!! YAHOO!!!!! Now THAT’S how it’s DONE!!!!!
Oh AnnMarie… I am so SO proud of you!!! Like you said to me privately, this is CLEARLY God’s handiwork. 🙂
To all reading her comment, AnnMarie emailed me with her beautiful experience the very morning I posted this, and she hadn’t a clue that I was sharing this topic!
Oh my friend, God is doing some beautiful work in YOU!!!!
beautiful post!!
You are the awesomest person I have come across!
Thank you SO much Ruchira!! You are a dear to stop by and encourage me… 🙂
This is something I struggle with- not because I don’t care, but because I’m usually so focused on the goal, I forget to pay attention!
Yes- I totally get that Julie! I have been guilty of this very thing more times than I can count. It truly takes effort and a bit of sacrifice to open our eyes to not only see the needs of others, but act on them.
A good post. A good reminder. As I read I remembered a few times when my family and or I were helped but I truthfully struggled to think of a recent random act of kindness. Not acceptable in my book, so off I go with open eyes to see those in need.
Good for YOU laurie!! It is so convicting to think of all those times/days we missed the true art of brotherly love. It doesn’t take much… but open eyes and a moment of light and the impact is tremendous! Now “Go and do”!!! 🙂
My dear friend, you have a heart of gold! So glad that you shared this beautifully touching piece! Imagine the work we could do to further His kingdom if we all did just one act of kindness! Love you!
YES!!! Just one act… just ONE! We can all push ourselves a bit more…try a little harder to love our neighbors and allow His Light to shine on those who need Him. He wants to work through us every day… if we just let Him!
Seriously, this is longest it’s ever taken me to read a post. With each scenario or story you mentioned, I found myself staring off and thinking about similar circumstances and how I dealt with it. I’ve been on both ends as the giver and receiver of both the neighborly and the not so neighborly. This post was extremely moving and brought tears to my eyes. Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind and your NEIGHBOR as yourself. We know how good encouragement and a helping hand feels, we’re commanded to extend that to our neighbor. Great post Chris.
Oh how I love LOVE how you really take in my words and His Message!! That’s what I love most about you Hope!! Thank you… thank you so so much for truly understanding His Love and letting it all soak in your precious beautiful heart.
Once again you inspire me with your verse and His Commandment: Love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind and your NEIGHBOR as yourself.
Thank you dear friend!! 🙂
“Noticed and encouraged” – isn’t that what we all want? What a beautiful post with such an important message. I love the story about your daughter – the world is blessed to have another you in the making. Thank you for sharing this!
And you YOU sweet dear love, are one that always “Notices and encourages” ME… do you know how much that means to me? Your precious words always make a difference… I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know! 🙂
Oh Chris, how true is this! The Spirit nudges us at every opportunity…sometimes we get it and sometimes we don’t. Our only hope is that He’ll give us a second chance to make up for the times we get it wrong. As with yourself, as a parent, the greatest joy that absolutely warms my heart is when I see my children being considerate, lending a hand and having compassion! It shows they really are paying attention Chris and our actions speak louder than words! May we all never again miss those opportunities to show others the Christ that lives in us! Thanks again my friend for yet another soul searching post! May you and your family have a blessed holiday weekend!xoxo 🙂
I always love love love your beautiful and wise insight Michell!!! BEST take away EVER:
“May we all never again miss those opportunities to show others the Christ that lives in us!”
You bless me… and so many as you always show others the “Christ that lives in YOU” 🙂
Yes. Beautifully said. I am so focused sometimes that I don’t see what is going on around me. If I would take the time to look, I would see all the hurt. This reminds me of Matthew West’s song, My Own Little World. When your world goes from population “one” to letting others in, your realize how much we need each other, and how the simplest thing can mean the world to someone who needs it. Thanks.
Oh thank you so much Kelly! That song is just PERFECT!! I love that you shared it here…
The simplest thing… that’s really all it takes. Now we all need to have the eyes to see and the nudging to do.
Thank you so much for stopping by Kelly, and for sharing such a great insight!
Beautifully said. I wish I could say I stop and help every time. I do often but not every time. Sometimes it’s because I’m in a rush. Usually it’s because I’m embarrassed. I’m going to work on that. This line: “To turn toward or turn away.” Love it!
Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Thank you SO much for stopping by Robin!! Oh how we all have personal stumbling blocks to push through… but even the smallest ways of acknowledging another person can make a difference. How amazing does it feel when someone just gently and respectfully smiles at you for no reason? Ahh…. I soak that love in. I think anyone would… we all need and want more neighborly love! I know your heart is deep and beautiful, oh friend- please share it with the world around you more!! They will be blessed… 🙂
This post is such a great reminder. I’ve been on the receiving end of “Loving Thy Neighbor” so many times, but am reluctant to approach people that I don’t know. I must admit when I have stepped out of my comfort zone and showed love and kindness, it has been received well.
We never know who needs us and when, reaching out to someone when your instinct tells you to, can change someone’s circumstances (I know that for myself) I’ll remind myself of that next time I’m scared/embarrassed to Love My Neighbors!
YES Mariann!! Oh you said it all so well… “We never know who needs us and when, reaching out to someone when your instinct tells you to, can change someone’s circumstances (I know that for myself)”
There really is no greater feeling when you turn toward a person in need, and love them any way you are comfortable with doing. Sometimes the simple tasks, smiles, helpful gestures or kind words will not only change the circumstance, but illuminate a dark heart.
It’s always good to be wise about who we help and stay safe, but there are so many other opportunities out there to “go and do” that truly, we could be loving our neighbors every single day, with no risk at all.
Thank you SO much for stopping by… So grateful! 🙂
What a beautiful reminder of really taking to heart what that verse means and applying it. Loving thy neighbor requires that self-focus go out the window and Christ-focus comes in. Thank you for articulating in such a lovely way what it truly means to love a neighbor now matter what the proximity.
Thank you so much Linda! Applying this truth, is the true challenge and I pray He opens my heart and my eyes to those critical opportunities to share His Love. I pray we all can shine His Light on all the souls who need it!
This post is a great reminder of how we should all live our lives. I try my best to always help others out if I see it, but sometimes I think I’m so sidetracked by the million things in my head and/or the fact I’m glued to my cell phone, that I may overlook these things.
A few months ago I was in a gas station getting a Diet Coke, as I was driving out of town for work. I was having a horrible day and the lid on my Big Gulp came off as I took it away from the fountain soda station, and it went everywhere.
I immediately started to cry. It was the last straw (no pun intended) on a horrible day.
There was a woman there with 2 girls, who were probably 6 and 8. She stopped and helped me clean up, and had her girls help. (The cashier did nothing to help.)
Her act of kindness made my day, and I told her so, and told her what a great example she was setting for her two girls. I was so humbled by her thoughtfulness as she didn’t have to help me at all, and certainly didn’t have to make her girls help.
It chokes me up now just thinking about it.
I also offered to pay for their snacks but she wouldn’t let me because she was buying gas as well. She was such a kind soul and I’m happy to know she’s raising two children to be the same way.
Excellent post.
Ya see there Lisa???!! How COOL is that? You shared the PERFECT example of this message!!! And this sweet mom and her kids had an impact on you and your day that was powerful. How much time and energy did it really take them? About five minutes? Oh if we all could do those simple acts of love for a person in need…
There really is no greater feeling- both on the receiving end and the giving end. Thanks SO much for sharing this!! SO cool.
I hope everyone who reads this is as inspired as I am to be more aware of those around me in need of a helping hand, an encouraging word or simply a smile, and follow through when your heart tells you it’s the “right” thing to do.
You summed it up perfectly Ang!!! I just love LOVE this comment!!!! Thank you so so much for reading and sharing such a beautiful response to this message. I love you and miss you!!! 🙂
What great words of encouragement! I totally agree that it feels so much worse to not listen to your heart in those moments than to be late. Recently I drove past a woman crossing the street in a wheelchair and she seemed to be stuck and struggling over the curb. I rationalized continuing on my way, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her all day. Definitely not what Jesus would do…. Your blog is a great thought for all of us.
Oh yes- that is EXACTLY what I mean!! I can imagine you thinking about her all day. I do the very same thing!! Lets both try to invest ourselves in this mission more, it’s so much better to stop and serve!!!
Thanks so much for sharing your experience!! It completely relates and I love your honesty!!
What a beautiful and positive post! I love how your kids are learning to think of others, through your modeling. And I love how you remember all those times that strangers have been so kind to you–most people remember the cranky ones and focus on those experiences. When we become more conscious of our reactions, we have more opportunities to do good in the world. I’m glad you put in your post the example of the woman who didn’t accept your help–I wonder if she hasn’t learned that it’s okay to accept it–that’s a lesson, too.
Oh that is such a GREAT point Nicole!!! I just love that… now I will think about writing about that very issue…
I love your insight and your beautiful comment all around!!
Absolutely beautiful. What’s even better is that you model this behavior for your children and then encourage them in it. Bless your family. Found you through SITS.
Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement!! I do try to be the best role model I can be for my kids. This area is pretty good- others not so much!!! lol 😉
My daughters are all grown. I remember the things I did to make shopping easier. I brought cash to the store since it was easier than writing a check and at that time buying groceries with a credit card wasn’t possible. Debit cards didn’t exist. I’m not sure I would accept a stranger’s help when I was with my three girls because of fears surrounding stranger danger.
I have helped by giving money when a young mother needed ten more dollars for groceries. I didn’t let her put anything back.
Praying is something we can do. A compliment is also great.
Thanks for the ideas. Gonna have to think a bit.
I love your generous spirit!! How sweet of you to give money when needed…
The stranger danger thing is the fine line we walk on all the time- how to respect people but not trust them. It’s such a tricky life lesson to really learn. We all tend to need help with discerning what is safe and who is safe… myself included.
We tried out a new restaurant in our town last night. It was the end of a long day full of birthday party and cake and presents and a weekend with no naps. When we walked in and saw cloth napkins on the table, I panicked a little bit. The kids were a little wild, but not too bad. As a couple left, the woman leaned down and said, “your family is just adorable.” and walked off. I didn’t even get to thank her, but her comment just brightened my evening!
And… THERE it is. THAT is the good stuff I am talking about!! How much effort and energy did it take her to do that? But it made your night. Such a lovely example Rabia!! XO
Thank you so much for posting. I didn’t know wen I woke up this morning, that God would speak to me through a blog post 🙂 It’s hard to remember sometimes to STOP focusing on ourselves and what WE need to do, and START paying attention to the needs of those around us. Happy SITS Day!
Oh this comment melts my heart Sarah!! I am SO glad you stopped by and this message spoke to your heart. God always has such perfect timing, doesn’t He? May He bless your heart with new-found insight and inspiration, my friend. 🙂
I needed to read this exact post today – this is really what life should be about – helping those in need at every opportunity. Lately I’ve been living my life in a constant rush and I know I’ve missed 100s of opportunities like the ones you described. It is time for me to slow down and love all those around me – thank you!!!
Oh Kim, I am just so glad this post touched your heart and inspired you to reach out more. I just absolutely love that it hit home for you. So wonderful to know that… truly. 🙂
I love this! Kindness, shown in big or small ways, is about the very best trait we can exhibit and the best one we can model for our kids.
Happy Sits Day!
I always say that if my kids grow up with a good heart, then I have done my job successfully. I don’t care as much about money, education, career etc. It’s all about their hearts. 🙂
You’re right, so many people just walk away or stare or rush along on their busy days. What this reminded me of was passing it forward. A little kindness for someone today may mean they’ll be kinder to someone later, and this kindness will go on and on.
AMEN to that Anna!! Spread the love… it’s really so powerful. Something as simple as a smile or kind gesture makes a WORLD of difference in our lives. And kindness is truly contagious!! 🙂
This was a great link for your SITS day. Surely most operate on both sides of this fence from day to day. I appreciate the post with the many inspiring examples of selflessness. I will think twice the next time I pass someone (particularly a stranger) in need. I’m pretty good about ppl I know. It’s the strangers that I am more apt to turn my head to.
I think it is so important to keep our eyes and ears and heart out there… it’s easier to reach our friends and loved ones, but often there are people in our path that need us most, and we may not know them at all. To me, those are sometimes the most profound gifts of generosity. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by JOI!!
This was so sweet! Thanks for sharing! I got a little teary when you wrote about your daughter encouraging the little boy who spilled his drink.
Stopping by from SITS!
Thanks SO much for taking the time to stop by Bethany!! I am so grateful! 🙂