I am a little excited today… why you ask? IT’S MY SITS DAY!!! I finally get my SITS day!!! WooHOO! I remember many moons ago, when I was following Ashley from the Dose Of Reality (Before the two came to be the perfect pair!) and I saw her get her SITS day. I had never heard of SITS and was curious to click over and see what it was all about. Oh. My. Gosh. I found the most incredible community of beautiful bloggers/writers/authors and I have been blessed ever since by all that this amazing organization has to offer. I have met countless gifted bloggers, and I have learned more from SITS on everything there is to know about blogging! Their network of over 40,000 women comes with one powerful punch of support and connections. I am truly blessed to be a part of this outstanding SITSterhood! If you want to learn more about it, go here!
AND, if you wanna come cheer me on… GO HERE!!! (I’ll be doing flips and cartwheels and surely be pulling tendons, ligaments and muscles all day long, while doing so.)
AND, if you’re new to my place, oh welcome welcome welcome!! Come in! Stay for as long as you’d like. I would LOVE to get to know you!
It’s a happy Monday Y’all. 🙂
No FREAKING way! That’s HUGE!!!! HUGE!!!! I am running over right now for roll call! have a great one honey! Enjoy every minute of it!! xxxooo
I am SO close to just getting a flight down to see you and showing up at your door. Seriously. Might. Do. It. (Ding dong!!)
Couldn’t be more excited if it was our own SITS day again!! SO SO SO happy to see you featured! Literally squealed with delight when I saw you as the featured person this morning! FUN, FUN, FUN! 🙂 We pink puffy heart you so hard!-The Dose Girls
SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!! I pink puffy fluffy smoochie slobbery heart YOU so FREAKING hard!!! LOL 😉
Happy SITS Day to you!
Thanks SO much for coming by to celebrate it with me, Amber!! SO grateful. 🙂
I love when good things happen to good people. HAPPY SITS DAY!!! 🙂
AW!!!! You’re the BEST honey! Thanks so much for coming by to celebrate with me!!! XOXO
So Very Excited for you!!!
Thanks SO much Hope!! XOXOXO
Happy Monday to you and congrats on your SITS Day! 🙂
It’s definitely been a great week and who could ask for a better Monday??!! Thanks for stopping by to celebrate it with me Suzanne!! 🙂
I was so happy to see you were being featured today. Congratulations! I hope today is a wonderful day for you that brings you many new readers and opportunities. Enjoy your day!
And thank you for all the times you’ve touched my heart.
OH Robin- you are such a gift. I am so grateful we have such a lovely and deep connection through the internet waves!! Always have you on my heart, my friend. XO
Congratulations on having your SITS day! Enjoy it!
Thanks so much Sarah!! Your support means the WORLD to me!! 🙂
YAY!!!!!! Happy SITS day!!! Love it, love it!
Thanks SO much Alexa!! WOOHOO!!! You are a DEAR to come by and celebrate it with me!! XO
Thanks so much for stopping by Ronnie!! I appreciate it! 🙂
Yay! Your post came up on my Bloglovin’ before the SITS girls did, so I haven’t even been over there yet. I love when one of my faves is featured! Hope your special day is fabulous, Chris!
Thank you SO much Dana!! You are a DEAR to come over and celebrate it with me!! 🙂
Happy SITS day, my dear, dear friend!!!!!! How exciting that so many other people are going to have the benefit of your words. Heading there now.
Thanks SO much sweetie!!! I LOVE you!!! xoxoxo
Woo Hoo! Happy SITS Day
Thank you SO much for stopping by to celebrate with me!! 🙂
Congratulations on your SITS Day!! I am excited to check out your blog 🙂
Thanks SO MUCH Margarita!!! I appreciate you coming by SO much!! 🙂
So excited for you! Chris, I have to say I am so glad I met you on this blogging journey of mine…you are one of the most genuine, nicest people I know! I wish you an amazing day! Many hugs!
Oh Michelle!! It means THE WORLD to me to read this comment. You are a gem. Pure gold. SO loyal, kind and giving… always. And I am so grateful for you and our friendship. TRULY. 🙂
I love an ispirational blog! Happy SITS day! I will be back!
Oh I hope you do come back and I pray you find some inspiration in my writing and my message Carla!! 🙂
Heard of SITS…will go on over and check it out. Congrats on your post – seems like a big deal 😀 Well done.
It is really an awesome network and organization for bloggers. You can get SO much out of it!! Lots of great stuff to look into, and you will find so many new and old friends there!! 🙂
Oh, you are so sweet–and I love your enthusiasm 🙂 Hope it’s the best day ever and you love ever minute in the spotlight! You have a wonderful blog and a beautiful family.
Enjoy the week!
Oh YOU are so sweet Charlotte!! Your words are so precious to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! 🙂
Yay! Happy SITS Day! I already commented on the posts listed on SITS so I’ll comment here instead. 🙂 Enjoy your day!
You ROCK Jen!!! You are so sweet to come along beside me every day. You don’t know how much that means to me. Seriously, SO grateful for you. XOXOXO (Smooches too! lol)
Happy SITS Day, Chris! 🙂 Enjoy every moment of it!! So excited for you! 🙂
AW!! Thanks so much for stopping by to celebrate it with me Julie!! SO grateful!! 🙂
Well looky-looky!!! HAPPY SITs DAY Chris!!! Girl they just keep rolling in don’t they? All the accolades and all! 😉 Congrats and ENJOY your special day!! Whoop whoop!! 😀
You are a DEAR to come along with me for this short-lived but AWESOME ride, sweet friend!!! Seriously- ya just can’t plan this stuff!! Thanks ALWAYS for your precious support. It means THE WORLD to me Michell. 🙂
Congratulations Chris! Happy SITS day!
Thanks SO much Wanda!!! So glad you stopped by to celebrate it with me!! 🙂
What a great way to start the week! Love the devotionals!
Oh thank you so much Stacey!!! I love my devotionals too!! But even more grateful that you DO!! 🙂 Take them all in… because I truly believe they are relatable to everyone in some way.
Happy SITS Day! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and enjoy all the comment love!
Thanks so much Kristen!! I am still enjoying it and probably will for the rest of the week!! lol SO much fun!!
I’m so glad that it’s your SITS Day because I might never have found your blog otherwise – I love it – all of your shared posts are incredible.
Enjoy every second of your day!!!
Oh Kim, you are so sweet!!! Thank you for this comment. It totally MADE my SITS day!!!! 🙂
Yay! Isn’t SITS day the best day?! I’m off to check out the rest of your blog.
It really IS Angela!!! Thanks SO much for stopping by and sharing in it with me!! 🙂
You know how happy I am to see your SITS Day. I think I’ve told you a few different ways. Next.. twitter! Enjoy your day, Chris!
Oh you are simply the BEST my friend!!! I am just SO grateful we have connected Tamara!! YOU are a gift. 🙂
Happy Happy SITS Day! Congratulations 🙂
Thanks so much Stacey!! Definitely a great day for me!! 🙂
It’s been a long time comin’…. SO glad it’s finally HERE!! 🙂
Hooray!! I hope you are having a spectacular SITS Day!
It was awesome!! And I am so grateful you came to spend it with me, my friend!!! Truly. 🙂
Hope you are having an awesome SITS Day! Going to enjoy the rest of your blog. 🙂
Thanks SO much Roberta!! I appreciate you coming by and checking it out!! 🙂
I agree, SITS is the best community of bloggers I have found. I learn so much AND have met the best people!
It is a GOLDMINE of knowledge and information that continually helps so many bloggers!! I am so glad I found SITS and I appreciate YOU coming by Angela! 🙂
I am such a dork. I don’t even know about SITS day and only recently found out about the awesome Dose Girls due to their review of Mother of All Meltdowns! Yikes.
Going to educate myself now.
You’re not a DORK!! We all are meandering through this blogosphere together and LORD knows I didn’t know all your ‘peeps’ and still don’t… that’s the beauty of connecting! I have been wanting to check your blog out and even subscribed a while ago, but gosh it’s just so hard to keep up!! Isn’t it amazing how there are so many pockets of blog friends just waiting to be found? Love that! LOVE YOU!!! 🙂 Mwuah!
Happy belated SITS day! Hope it was truly wonderful 🙂
Thanks SO much Raina!!! I appreciate you stopping by to celebrate it! 🙂
I’m behind in my reading – but I wish you a wonderful belated SITS day! I love your blog and hope many others will fall in love with it too!
Oh you are SO sweet to come by Leah!! I am always ALWAYS behind on my reading!! Just can’t- KEEP UP. 🙂 BTW- could you subscribe me to your blog? I tried but am having trouble. It has happened on some other blogs and it is so frustrating!! Not sure what the glitch is on my end, but use my email and I can’t WAIT to have you in my inbox!! (Chris@TheMomCafe.com)
Happy Belated SITS Day! I just joined them today. Looking forward to it.
Thank you so much Kishea!! You will LOVE SITS. I have met so many amazing bloggers through it, and I have learned SO much! Welcome SITS-ter!! 😉
{Melinda} Hi, friend!! So sorry I didn’t get here yesterday, but I wanted to just say WooHOO! Glad you are getting your much deserved day in the sun! It was so GREAT to talk to you on the phone the other day. 🙂 We could have talked for hours! You are just as awesome “in person” as you are on your blog. Can’t wait for our next chat! <3
Oh you are just SO sweet to stop by when you are CRAZY busy Melinda!! I have wanted to text you so badly to tell you how much I LOVED LOVED LOVED talking to you!!! (And Kathy!) It was just so FANTASTIC to finally connect in ‘person’ and I would LOVE hours more to chat!! More more MORE!!! I wish I was over at Kathy’s place hanging at your table with you both!!
I feel awful we really didn’t probably get enough material for you- so please let me know what else I can do!! Just love you SO much, Melinda. SO grateful for our friendship!!! XOXOXO
Eeeeee!!!!! & I missed it, Doggone, PLEASE forgive me, I am SO sorry. I am an awful friend… It has been an interesting week… I still LOVE you. XOXO.
Oh honey!!! Don’t you EVER worry about timing!! I am ALWAYS late… how in the world can we keep up with all this blogging and ahem, life?? It’s nearly impossible for me. I still LOVE you too!!! XXOO 😉
I do have to point out that we are the NIGHT OWL blogging girls, all we were missing was @Tamara Bowman and that would make up my close blog friends late night talks…lol. XOXO. 🙂
SITS day is like blogging Christmas! Have fun w/ all your new comments.
It TOTALLY is Stephanie!! I am still playing with all the gifts I received!!! 😉
I’m so excited for you!
I’ve been crazy busy this week and just hopped over to check out your part of the world and saw this post — made me smile!
Hope it was a wonderful SITS day!
Oh I’m SO glad you came by Christina!! I am always incredibly grateful when you do. 🙂