The one thing I used to fret over, was the deterioration of my kids’ brains over the summer. I worried that all the academic information that infiltrated their little minds would be long gone by the time school started up again. I would prepare for the summer by going to the store to buy the […]
Honest Parenting, Even If It Hurts.
I Am An Honest Mom… Are You? I recently witnessed a horrible soccer match. All the kids on our team were not on their game, as they carelessly floundered across the field in a haze of confusion and lethargy. My son, who typically lights the field on fire with his dominance and outstanding ability to […]
“Raising Little Kids with Big Love “
Friends, today I am sharing with you two beautiful people with an honorable mission in parenting. Lori and Becky are the creators of 1 Corinthians 13, a site which I have had the joy and the privilege to contribute to regularly. They offer such great information and encouragement with a variety of articles from […]