I have been blessed with an amazing amount of true friends throughout my life. There are so many women who have loved me just as I am, where I am. They have accepted all my quirks and goofball antics, and they laugh with me as much as they cry with me. Oh, I am grateful for […]
Friendship At Its Finest: TToT
For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you surely witnessed the greatest highlight of my week- Meeting my dearest most beloved blog friend of all time! Lizzi from Considerings, has made her way across the pond to set out on the adventure of her lifetime, meeting many loves she has connected with over […]
On Friendships That Stick…
One of the greatest gifts in my life, is the gift of friends. I reflect on my history, and define each season on my timeline with both the experiences that created who I am and the friends who held my hand. All the epic fails, catastrophic traumas, and celebratory successes that emerged- we have […]