I have been blessed with an amazing amount of true and unconditional friendships throughout my life. So many dear souls who have embraced, loved and cared for me during times of suffering. So many women who have loved me just as I am, where I am. They have accepted all my quirks and goofball antics […]
Devotional Diairy: “Well Done, My Good And Faithful Servant” Mathew 25:21
Juggling….balance…priorities…decisions…motherhood… life. Every day brings new opportunities to make a slew of decisions. And as I live, each day continues to bring unpredictable moments where I am faced with a choice. Do I say yes or no? The past few weeks, my priorities had to shift and change immediately. It happened when I received this […]
My next February Friend is Michell, from Prowess and Pearls!! She always has convicting and inspiring messages over at her place! Her heart is beautiful and God’s Love truly shines, when she shares her words of encouragement with her readers. Friends…how many of us have them? I have certain standards, as should you, I […]