Balance. If there’s one word I struggle with the most, it’s “Balance”. I have come to the conclusion, after years of searching through sweaty palms and skyrocketing pulse rates, that there is absolutely, undeniably, no such thing. As balance. Do you know ANY mom who has her days perfectly planned and executed with predictable pursuits? […]
Don’t Miss Your Moments…
It’s amazing how we remember certain moments in our lives with such clarity and seem to carelessly forget so many more. I reflect on this post I wrote around this time four years ago, and I remember this day like it was yesterday. As I relive this glorious afternoon once again through my reflection- I’m […]
On Making an Intentional To Do List…
I need a rhythm to my life. One that has a natural predictable progression of steady beats and breaks that flow effortlessly and intentionally. It simply needs to create a nice fine-tuned balance of GO and STAY… RUN and REST… WORK and RELAX… HURRY and SLOW DOWN… FUN and RESPONSIBILITY and of QUIET and […]